Now that the dust has finally settled and we all know that Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a garbage game...

Now that the dust has finally settled and we all know that Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a garbage game, why did we shill it so hard here?
Here's a great article explaining how bad it is.

Other urls found in this thread:

In 26 days, that piece of shit will be extinguished by the rise of the savior. It's almost here.

>sjw garbage
I think i'll pass

You're projecting, Larianigger. Original Sin 2 shoved homosexual pairings everywhere and every character is a bisexual freak.

The first one is pretty fucking awful, those arbitrary teleport stone sections actually brought the game down for me.

Do they rectify this problem in the second one?

>article explaining how bad it is


I didn't even play DOS 2. Try harder,

Haven't played the first one too much, since I think it's crap.
But the second one is the best rpg ever made.

Objectively he is correct in terms of mechanics, of but Codex has a very earned reputation for bitterness that casts a huge shadow over everything they do. Not to mention there's also a clear case of majority voting DOS2 as GOTY 2017 versus vocal individuals who get to write reviews supposedly representing everyone. Like with PoE there should be multiple reviews.

Had a good time with it and it did roleplaying right - you had a lot of choice on how to approach situations or alter the outcome of quests and story events. It's god-tier in that regard, especially in times when all other games are linear. Combat was alright but the armor system could have been better and the power creep was too extreme and trivialized everything once you got your build going and key skills unlocked. If they gave it an expansion I'd probably like it, too.
Has anyone followed the modding scene? Anything worth playing out there?

The game quickly falls apart after you leave the first island. It just stops offering new challenges, instead of that it simply inflates the numbers of stats, for the player and for the enemies.

This isn't all that bad, considering you can spend about 50 hours in the first island alone, the problem is that the remaining 3/4 of the game are a banal slog with atrocious writing, which is a mix of teen mastrubatory literature and a 90s kids movie.

The repeating motif is that this game is not designed for the players' amusement but for the designers' convenience.

No new mechanics and challenges are introduced. Enemies teleport into the battlefield at preset places, which the player doesn't know the first time, but can abuse the knowledge every subsequent time he plays. Dull to play, easy to "design".

Enemies cheat with initiative. Dull to play, easy to "design", "balance".

Armor and HP are continuously inflated instead of the game offering new mechanics to make combat fun. Dull to play, easy to "design".

The fact that the camera is free to zoom and rotate is not used in any way for gameplay purposes by the quest designers. Instead of providing a fixed camera, and designing locations in such a way that can be played with a fixed camera, the designers have delegated to the player to do the work to rotate the camera around, so that they don't have to concern themselves with how to design locations better. Again, designer lazyness comes at a cost to the player.

For a "deep" RPG, you would expect the dialogues amount to more than "click through all the options". But I don't remember a single instance when my choices in dialogue averted combat, gave me more information than they may have otherwise, etc. Dull to play, but easy to throw together and consider your "design" work done.

>shitting on rpg codex

literally the only community that has any idea what they're talking about when it comes to rpgs. casuals tend to dismiss because they A) don't understand what they're saying or B) plain don't like it.

I hate Kiddinity more than anyone else on the board, but NuDex is a shitty meme site populated by retarded Sup Forums and SA rejects. These mongoloids are worse than native Sup Forums posters. The game is dogshit because of a myriad of reasons, but being shit because the 'Dex said so is not one of them.

>didn't like the voice acting
>didn't like the music
what a fag

he probably didn't get more than one quest into the act 2 town or play on tactician

That is an exceptionally poor review even by rpgcodex standards lmao.

I honestly don't get the hostility between DivOS and Pillars. They're RPGs with a completely different focus and style, they're not really competing with eachother. How about you stop being cunts and enjoy the one you like and stop shitposting in eachothers threads.

>literally the only community that has any idea what they're talking about when it comes to rpgs.
They have Baldur's Gate 2 in their top 5 best RPGs ever made and it's above such games as Darklands. Baldur's Gate 2 - a game where there only 3-4 quests total where alternative solutions are based on your player cahracter build choices. A game where a fighter in full plate can complete all rogue quests for MaeVar, because none of them require thievery skills for completion. A game where a lawful good paladin can kill a silver dragon -
the paragon of Good and Lawfulness, drain her blood, give that blood to a mass murderer, receive an armor amde fo human flesh as a reward, part with the said murderer on good terms and suffer no consequences whatsoever. They know less about RPGs than resident Sup Forumstard dumbfucks.

VA for VA's sake is a bad practice they really should've dropped after the original's EE, though. It adds very little to the game if performances are subpar.

RPG Codex has a sub-forum dedicated to supporting Donald Trump with a thread about him with 3272 pages as well as a thread making fun of SJWs with 967 pages
They're based and no amount of crying from you redditors will change this fact

Don't be an asshole with that retroactive categorization bullshit that SJWs try to pull.

>paid shill isn't rea-

Let's say I want to beat this game as quickly as possible and get all achievements by essentially cheesing and save scumming.
What is the ideal build?

how about you keep your politics out of my video games

get back to your containment board

I really didn't liked PoE1 so I'll pass.

Feels like this review was made by my soul spirit. It names everything I hated about this game. I don't think it's BAD, but it's vastly inferior to the first one and other modern RPGs like Pillars of Eternity and Underrail.

>It adds very little to the game if performances are subpar.
of course, but the VA here is actually really fucking good, only a few characters are flat and maybe two total are "bad"

he seems like the type to call a performance boring if it's not pushed to the wall with exaggerated emotion, whereas i'm continually impressed with the subtlety of a lot of characters' delivery and how convincingly normal they are

This is correct in a sense. You won't hear anyone else debate video games into mechanical detail the way they do over there.

Actually it was fantastic, and the sales reflect it. Now lets see how much pillars of eternity and its dogshit combat system sells

pillars has enough rabid fanboys that it will sell well regardless

Ah, yes, the sales argument.
The Transformer movies are the best gift cinema has ever received.

>and the sales reflect it
Except DOS2 has no chance of outselling the first game and has yet to outsell Pillars 1, you fucking retard.

>this butthurt that their autistic waifu-simulator 3000 got lower review scores than divinity


Like all other RTwP games, it's a beyond shit game salvaged by good writing.

> Pillars of Eternity was garbage
> tyranny was garbage
> there's no way Deadfire can be garbage too

what on earth are you even meme'ing about

Larianiggers have no arguments to actually defend their game because it's indefensible.

>Good writing

I only read the first part, the big paragraph before the review, and as much as I liked the game, this person is definitely making some valid points, like the initiative system being fucked.

I liked DOS2, but the game was pretty flawed on several aspects.

>Pillars of Eternity was garbage
Pleb status: Filtered

If you think either of those are garbage you really need to play more video games. Or at least actually bad isometric CRPGs.

>The website that hyped up Grimoire

I think you've made an err in judgment

It's Tolstoy compared to Divinity

Doesn't mean any of it is good.

It was just loads of exposition and descriptions of people's oily hair and feathery vaginas.

it's inherent problem because who wants to play bad games? everyone should so you develop some standards. how do you what's bad and what's good if you've only been supposedly best stuff?

Tranny was garbage, you're literally insane if you believe otherwise.

>just loads of exposition and descriptions of people's oily hair and feathery vaginas
fucking this

You're playing a video game it's easy to render these things on the fucking character model, I don't need an entire wall of text describing how ragged a beggar looks.

Now that the dust has finally settled and we all know that Pillars of Eternity 2 is a garbage game, why did we shill it so hard here?
Here's a great article explaining how bad it is.

>>The website that hyped up Grimoire
History revisionism much or are you just dumb as a rock? The site relentlessly made fun of it for a decade. The """"hype"""" was a meta joke.

*boops your nose*

Holy fucking butthurt. Larianiggers absolutely SEETHING.

But that's the appeal, though. Not to say all CRPGs are the same, but some definitely embrace telling what you can't see due to camera perspective or effort it would take to animate, etc.

>you must either be a larianigger or an obsidiot
>after all it's impossible to enjoy two very different kinds of rpgs
Kindly fuck yourself with a cactus, all of you.

Tyranny is now good with all the DLCs and had the major issue of not being able to stay loyal to Kyros fixed, you're just a memespouting retard spouting memes about games you've never played.

Shut up, Obsidiot. Join us or die. This is a Sawyer-hate board.

the same site that gave DOS2 goty?

Every fat nackbeard that starts an article with "Ah" should be publicly hanged

Every time without fail, the Eder poster is within a Divinity thread seconds after creation. This definitely couldn't be samefag shitposting, no siree.

Popularity polls mean nothing. The review strikes Larianiggers hearts so bad that they need to bring this up.

Yes. Like one user said a Codex review does not really represent Codex as a whole because it's just one person's opinion. Pillars of Eternity received multiple reviews.

But the Eder poster was the one who started this thread user...

even the story is based on convenience

six sourcerers who are skilled in combat all just happen to be on the same boat, you just happen to wash up on the same island everyone sailed to, everyone's personal quests just happen to take place in the same general areas, etc

That's exactly what he implied, retard. Larianiggers are so stupid.

Tyranny is still trash, idiot shill


Your worthless dogshit opinion is trash, idiot who has never played the game.

>Hates Pillars of Diversity
>Hates Divinity: Original Cringe 2
>Hates Underfail
Is he /our guy/?

Nigger you got your shit wrecked yesterday, don't try again.

I've read the review.

I really like the game (Not as much as OS1) but the writer makes some valid points, especially on the combat and character progression.

He still sounds buttblasted though.

More like a contrarian. He's just verbose enough to fool people into thinking he has a point.

>you got your shit wrecked yesterday
Larianiggers are so delusional. The average reader will read the review and then read your butthurt posts failing to counter it and they will decide it's OP who's right.
It's pathetic you refuse to acknowledge the mistakes Div:OS 2 makes. Too busy sucking that cock, I guess.

Kill yourself you autistic retard

You'd like that. Wouldn't have any more people highlighting the flaws of your beloved shit game.

Too bad it doesn't fix the shit story and shit cast. Why the fuck are the NPCs like the Voices of Nerat so much more likeable than your actual party?

balete dis

>Too bad it doesn't fix the shit story and shit cast
You're not wrong. That describes Tyranny almost as well as it describes Divinity: Original Sin 2

Most of those posts didn't get responses and the one or two that did were half assed and pointless. Wonder why that is. Maybe because they're right and there's nothing more to be said?

Very true. Only difference is that DOS2 is turn-based goodness and Tyranny is RTWP shit.

The article is dumb
It says
>Hur dur the writing is bad
But doesn't give any proper indication of why. It could've used some quotes or analysed the writing but they just kept formulating poorly constructed metaphors.

And on the topic of npcs having too much interaction. Really? It's bad because every npc makes you feel special? That's fucking game design bitch. You want the player to feel special, like they are changing the world and actually achieving something.
>Hur dur artificial fun
>Hur dur quit Hur during
I can Hur dur all I want because I'm right.

I'm not Darth Roxor, if you want to get BTFO, go to RPG Codex and make your shit arguments there. Will be enjoyable to see more Larianiggers getting destroyed.
Your butthurt is amusing to read but it gives you no merit whatsoever

>Here's a great article explaining how bad it is
Make up your own fucking opinions you actual retard

>Namely, the introduction of "cursed" and "blessed" surfaces, which are characterised by additional negative or positive properties, such as cursed blood applying rot that turns all healing into damage or cursed poison applying acid that burns through physical armour. This wouldn't be a bad addition, except for two things. First, the cursed ones are much too common, because they are created by having voidborn daemons bleed on normal surfaces, and suffice to say, you'll be facing many daemons. Second, the only thing that differentiates a cursed surface from a normal one are the tentacles that appear over it, and given your standard DOS visual chaos in combat, it's much too easy to step into them without knowing.

I felt like starting after the first island, the whole fucking battlegrounds were always covered in cursed fire all the fucking time.

But I agree 100% with any proper criticism of the game. That review isn't proper criticism, it literally gets details about the game wrong and it treats the game like a combat sim.

Do you think the entire review is invalid? Really, nigger? If that's the case, why don't you start quoting every single sentence and refuting everything in it? His points are valid.

When 3/4 of a review is lies and autism then the entire review might as well be considered invalid.

Never read the original review (and I won't, because fuck the codex), but reading some of these replies makes larianiggers look even more retarded than they actually are. Take the first post for example : all it does is say "this is wrong because I say so". Is this the level of "argumentation" larianiggers are capable of? LMAO.

And yes, I've actually played the game, it's fucking dogshit and I will even post my problems with it if anyone wants me to.

Hyperbole. Your ass is so sore.

Imagine being such a pathetic piece of shit that you spend 249 hours of your life playing a game you don't like, and then spend all your free time shitting up an imageboard with your retarded posts about how you dislike said game.

It could be worse. If I was as brain dead as you, I would probably like this shallow dogshit with no roleplaying depth or challenge as well.

>Durr you didn't even finish the game
>What? You finished the game and think it's shit? THAT'S PATHETIC
Anything to try to deflect criticism. Larianiggers are pathetic.

>all it does is say "this is wrong because I say so"
Just like Roxor does? Except that post is pointing out lies too, like

>gets stats wrong
>sexual content "every second" (there is in fact almost never any sexual content, even if the player is constantly seeking it out)
>"rampant animal abuse" in game (lol)
>fake skill checks in dialogue (when does this happen?)

His comment about the story being generic is also retarded because his simplification of it could be used for basically ALL RPGs ever made. He's autistic and so are you.

>supporting obsidian

Classic Larianigger projection. Obsidian aren't the faggots that have every NPC be bisexual. Disgusting SJW freaks.

>no you
nice argument retard

M8, I don't have a cow in your arguments with codexers, because they're all retards. I'm just saying that when you want to BTFO someone, you go: "you're wrong because of this and that counterexamples", not "you're wrong because I say so".

>Divinity: Original Sin 2 is full of race-breeding and homosexual couple
>T-this is fine, i-it's ok when they do it
>Developer of Pillars of Eternity makes a quick good natured joke on Twitter to a feminist
Larianiggers are SEETHING

This. Larian are the ones who made the game where you can have gay interspecies sex with half the cast, but but it's Obsidian that's "SJW" for some reason...


And? There was little to no gay shit brought up. I shagged the elf girl whilst playing as a girl, that's fine, and some paladin bitch was a lesbo, and nothing was made of it and it was over in like 2 seconds. All fine.
Meanwhile, your game is fucking feathery niggers and uggos everywhere and sawyers shit
No fanks m8, divinity all day

>you just happen to wash up on the same island everyone sailed to
That was divine intervention though. It's even shown in a cutscene.

And yet, they weren't the ones making every character bisexual. But it's ok when Larian does it.
Back to R*ddit, Larianigger, you aren't fooling anyone.