Miyazaki-sama how do we make this boss artificially difficult

>Miyazaki-sama how do we make this boss artificially difficult
>Woah Miyazaki-sama is so smart
>Woah genius Miyazaki-sama!!!
>Miyazaki-sama is the best!!!!
Fuck this boss, fuck this garbage game, and fuck Miyazaki.

>parry bait boss

gid gud user.

cool bait bro

Git gud or git rekt fgt

learn to dodge you soy faggot

The boss' purpose is to weed out people like you.

if you dont back away from him he wont fucking shoot you. And it'd be more bullshit if he didnt have a gun. Like, why wouldn't he have a gun, he's a hunter

I thought cleric beast was the first boss.
Do people have a hard time with this because they're stupid? Is that what this meme is about?

u mad

>hits you through gravestones
Pssssh nothing personal kid.

>he cant beat Gascoigne


>has unlimited ammo and 250% damage buff
Problem fag ? :^)

He can be pretty annoying if you get cornered in between gravestones, but his moveset have big openings for parrying. Also, bring some molotovs for finishing him easily after beast form.

>unsheathes katana
>readies unlimited bloodvials and bullets
>strokes his 5000HPs

Gascoigne himself isn't that bad. However, I do have a problem with the fucking tombstones in the arena. I'm currently on my first playthrough of Bloodborne and when I was fighting Gascoigne I just kept bumping into those tombstones when I tried to dodge him. I feel like the arena doesn't give you enough space to move freely considering how fast-paced the fight is.

Anyway, otherwise it isn't that bad even for new players. I struggled a little bit at first but I ended up beating him on my third or fourth try, can't remember. Basically you just need to learn how to parry him, that's it. Once he turns into a beast you can quickly finish him off with like two molotov cocktails. And this was all before I heard that you can use the music box against him, which apparently makes the fight a lot easier.

>tfw i cant even get to the boss
just died to some legless things in a sewer or well and said fuck its too late for this shit

This is the boss were I made the adjustment from DS to Bloodborne. It took me about 5 tries, each time getting saltier at my own cowardice. It is obvious that you have to dodge towards and pass him over and over, but being a a shieldfag in DS trained me to do the opposite.

I cant wait to go play DS3 and never use a shield again.

Lol you posted that yesterday already. Still didn't beat him ? You suck pretty bad senpai.

>oneshots u :^)

i know people hate it when you say it but litterally just get better at the game.
its based on skill. and if you're good you can go through the game without a death.
no one in the souls comminty did well in their first game. and a good chunk of us have ragequit, or dropped the game at points. but we always come back. so just keep at it lad.

if you're being oneshot by anything but his fully charged r2 then you have to lvl hp

Cleric beast is actually optional. Gascoigne is the first required boss.

gotta get used to having an attack on L2 and dodge on circle but at this point i might as well just start again and not get the axe

>First boss

I was chuckling at how shit you were, but then I knew you just hadn't played the game. Better luck next time.

>unlimited bloodvials
literally only two

So glad I didn’t pay for this masochistic garbage.

axe is a meme, its too slow. and its better to get used to comboing with l1. so id suggest either grabbing the saw spear from the rafters. or restarting with saw cleaver.

My only problem with these guys is that they can actually use their guns. The rest of us have to get exact timing on our shots to get parries, NPC's just have max stats and their guns hit like a brick to the head.

Get the saw spear, it's the best early weapon. You find it in that church that leads to sewers, gotta hack at a body hanging near rafters on the ceiling.

>learn to parry you soy faggot

sux 4 u.
you're missing out on the best game of the past 10 years.
but hey i wont stop you.

>he doesn't know about stairs

>Gascan spams shot.
>It's cheap.
This is new.

>unlimited blood vials
Thanks for making it obvious youve never actually fought him dumbass.

If anyone in this thread is REALLY struggling i can help. i have 1000+ hours and ive done a deathless, so i reckon i could help some newbies.
msg Daroth_Arsona

You have to go out of your way to avoid cleric beast though. I'd think that only on rare occasions would someone accidentally skip him on a first blind playthrough. And if you get to papa G and can't beat him but just keep replaying it over and over again without thinking that maybe you should go back and explore some more then you might be retarded.

>use music box to stun
>do visceral attack
>after a while he turns into his beast form and starts attacking you
>parry and do visercal attack
Wow such a hard boss.

>game shows a hunter, like you
>he is extremely aggressive and uses his gun to bait out mistakes
It's almost like the game is telling you how to play without holding your hand.

The rest of the game is unironically less hard then yharnam.

I don't know why they decided to front load the difficulty like this

I’m not missing out. I played up to this boss and got the jist of what the game is about. I can tell it’s one of those games that doesn’t really offer anything besides it’s gameplay and I don’t enjoy it so that’s that. Does look very pretty though and the soundtrack from what I heard is good.

You're talking to a guy that was killed repeatedly by being shot. Amazing he hasn't broken his neck tying his shoes.

This boss is literally designed and placed this early in the game to send a message to the player; 'Learn to parry and don't fight like a bitch or this game is going to eat you alive.' The tombstones, tight spots and fact that he will blast you with a gun when you're being a pussy are signals that you shouldn't be backing off but fighting the boss head on, parrying his slow and telegraphed attacks for huge riposte damage. Whenever I see people who struggle on bosses like this or BSB I just know they are failing to adapt and/or are too used to hiding behind a shield after having played Dark souls games.

tldr; git gud

To be fair, this could be used to describe Crow and he's fucking bullshit.

user you couldent be more wrong.
if you're going to deprive yourself of a literal 10/10 just out of spite then thats your problem.

Does the OP strike you as someone who is not retarded?

If you don't know what you're doing, the entire game will always be bullshit. They've always designed them with a steep learning curve.

l2gunparry shitter

He is nothing like the player character, his gun actually does decent damage and all his attacks have insane range and damage output and can stun you. And he can transform. The player character is a bitch compared to him.

But ax is a fun starting weapon for strength builds.

When I play a new game I always look at the late game weapons, ask myself which two I want to main, and then I base my build on that.

If I want a strength based weapon I stat with axe, then swap over to the hammer or holy sword, then I finally got my Amy Arm and Pizza Cutter, now the fun really ramps up!

My greatest annoyance is doing a build based on the Chikage or the Bloodletter. Need at least 25 points into the start of skill or strength respectively just so I can survive the early weapon usage till I get the desired late game weapons. But it feels like a waste when I know they will work entirely off BT... But on the bright side going 50/50 str/BT really lets you fuck people up with guns before you get the Bloodletter and they see it coming.

Oh he's got a hammer, his gun will be shit. They don't even try to dodge my shotgun sometimes, and then it takes off a YUGE chunk of their health. Very satisfying.

I accidentally "beat him" like it on my first run. I wasn't even trying to cheap-shot him. I simply run like monkey without head,ended on stairs,I hit him(as per usual) but...he flew over the fence aaaaaaand he fell and died. kek

>He is nothing like the player character
He's a hunter, like you. You seem to be reading more words than are posted, which is your fault.

Learn to parry, dumbdumb.

I beat Gascoigne on my 3rd try, get good.

dude I beat him in 4 tries, just figure parrying out

The player character has the advantage of having a brain.

>use music box
>becomes the easiest boss fight ever

yea but the axe is so boring.
its just that
an axe
woopdie fuckin do
and the saw cleaver in more consistant for early game because stats dont really matter on you're weapons untill amelia.

If it makes you feel any better I’ll probably go watch the rest of the game on youtube if I get bored.

>hunter enemies
>can shoot you at any point and fuck you up

>can only shoot at specific times which vary per enemy
>only certain attacks can be parried
>gun is completely useless otherwise

yeah it's really showing you how you're supposed to play the game, genius

Climb the stairs and go to the upper area.

didn't even know how to riposte, was my first souls game and still beat him on first try. just git gud you fucking faggot

That's not a given, considering threads like this.

This. As a first-time player I noticed a significant drop in difficulty after Blood-starved Beast. The beginning of the game is fucking brutal for a new player but after that it's smooth sailing.

people that use bloodtinge in pvp need to fuck off

yes im salty because a guy killed me with a pistol

i mean, if its free then i dont see why you wouldent just play it instead.
but you do you man

>yeah it's really showing you how you're supposed to play the game
Yes, it is. If they gave you enemies that shit their pants instead of getting better, they'd be showing you how you're actually playing.

He cannot "stun" you anymore then you can stun him.

I feel like I got through the game without ever truly mastering the parry. Can every boss be parried? As far as I remember, in most of the Souls games, it's only some of them that can. If so, how the fuck am I supposed to know which one's can and can't be parried? Just trial and error? Let myself get killed repeatedly until I figure out if I can parry them but my timing's just of or if I can't parry them at all regardless?

embarrassing post

>hurr da game is sooo deep its tellin u stuff
You sort always sound like pretentious retards. There's really no difference between father gasoline and 85% of all other bosses throughout the soulsborne games.
>high damage attacks
>high aggression
>certain easily exploitable moves for parrying

If you knew anything about From Software prior to Souls you'd know they're not the masters of experiential learning you seem to think they are.


*laugh track*

what the fuck I swear that isn't what I typed.

>Can every boss be parried?
Yeah, I believe so. You can definitely get through it without parrying much, I did it too. It just makes the game easier.

I never called it deep, I called you guys stupid for lacking in critical thinking. If you had critical thinking, you would have understood that, but you're looking for what you want to see instead of what's there.

>Father Gasoline

In my first playthrough I used parry scarcely as well at the start and it made it quite difficult and slow to progress early on. It became fairly obvious though that virtually any humanoid/human-sized enemy can be parried, even most, if not all of the larger enemies too. It's when you're fighting massive bosses that it becomes a bit harder to tell what and what cannot be parried, but even then a lot of actions can and will be staggered by a parry weapon.

How bad are you? Took him first try.

Yeah just like you. Except with 100x the health and damage.

How's it feel to be bad at vidya, user?

if you consider how you can heal then you're health pool is about the same.

Its a fun weapon for cleaving heads. And then you can extend it and sweep groups of fuckers off their feet.

Plus how the player is supposedly able to adapt and learn and try again. I say supposedly because all of the people whining about how he does more damage are apparently retarded.

The reason why I always give up on Dark Souls every time I try and play it because the git gud just takes too long
>Takes a minute or so to get back to where you were
>That's if you don't die on your way back to some cunt you forgot about
>Have to do this all the time in a lengthy game
I just don't care to git gud. It takes too fucking long.

>not using the far superior threaded cane
You havent truly had fun until youve chain whipped someone to death user

It’s because not only is parrying optional in a Souls game, it’s actually a fucking stupid idea. Why would you risk getting hit in the face just to do meager amount of damage in a riposte? Dodging or blocking is much safer and in boss fights that can take 5 or 10 minutes per attempt it’s not worth adding unnecessary risk. Then this game comes along and fucks with everything.

Just trying to help, my man. If people would just fight this boss with the intent of trying to learn parry timing then it wouldn't be such a dead end for so many play throughs. Sure, they could probably add a tutorial tip on the screen when you die to it: "Try parrying!" but that might lessen the experience for us players who enjoyed the learning curve. Maybe this game just isn't for you.

the influx of scrubs that got the game on ps+ is going to make for a fun month

I wonder if this group will figure out that you can buy blood vials.

if you dont have the time to play vidya user then why are you here?

My autism is triggered when he uses his Blunderbuss against you while holding the axe tricked. I'm all in when games put fights where enemies have "same abilities" as playable characters but triggers my autism when they can "cheat out" something you can't. In this case shooting a gun when both hands should be occupied

>one of those games that doesn’t really offer anything besides it’s gameplay
You mean like... a video game?
The absolute state of mo/v/ie gamers right now.

This is exactly what FROM were going for with bloodborne. Instead of easily dodging or blocking with a shield they wanted to make combat more engaging and risky. It's much harder to just chop down bosses with light attacks in BB because it generally takes a long time. Whereas parrying and riposting is a risk with the reward of massive damage. This makes 'gitting gud' in bloodborne way more fun and satisfying than just learning how to play it safe and blocking your way through like in souls.

Its about patterns user. Eventually you become skilled enough that you dont need to memorize every enemy location, you can just fight enemies as they come. If its not the game for you, its not the game for you, and not much is going to change that. Its a long hard road, so git gud or git goin.

> just beat papa gastogne
> continue on playing the game
> apparently I missed a boss that is "hard to miss"

Am I just retarded? I can't find this fucker. Did I miss a passageway somewhere?

Best post.

My point was that would be fine except I don’t enjoy the gameplay because it’s masochistic. It makes me want to break my controller.

*teleports behind u*

Cleric Beast?

>there's no atmosphere or story because i'm mad at the game
You didn't get far enough to see that there's more than the gameplay.

I don't get the hate for Gascogne. Amelia is the hard boss for me every single time - it feels like a boss that needs you to use items to your advantage in order to take her down fast enought to stagger.