Now that the dust has settled, we all can agree that DS3 was the best, right?

Now that the dust has settled, we all can agree that DS3 was the best, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw only today you realize that you can drink estus while climbing ladders


Dunno, I lost interest in Souls games at DaS1. The open world is garbage. I liked DeS much more.

DaS3's much more like DeS than DaS1

As a DaS2 fag, the order is 1>DeS>2>BB>Nioh>3

nostalgiafags disagree

I think there's still plenty of room for improvement, I hate that there's shit in the game that it feels like you're forced to cheese. Or any of the bits that are just shooting arrows at dragons for 10 minutes from a vantage point.

I know a lot of autists want to screech "that's what souls is!"


i think it's pretty much perfected the souls formula. besides poise there is nothing to improve

Do any of you anons know a way to filter out all threads that start with "Now that the dust has settled?"

>smooth as butter gameplay
>60 fps and 4K on PC
>best looking Souls
>weapon arts
>best build variety
>best bosses
>best pvp

no, we can't

Refined and mechanically sound, sure. But by the time it came out the series was already suffering from deep fatigue in my opinion. It felt like I was just running through the motions again except none of it was nearly as memorable. Oh the swamp area again, oh the castle battlements again etc. Irithyll dungeon leading into the Profaned capital was the most interesting area of the game and it wasn't very big. Really disliked the piss filter and reliance on shades of grey too despite people tying it in to the end of world ashen vibe. I still think DaS1 with a PC texture pack looks the best.


I just hate how linear DS3 and unreplayable DS3 is

If they made it like in the same style of DS2 but with the new polished gameplay it'd pretty much be perfect

ds2 was worse in the sense that it was a middle ground between ds1 interconnectivity and ds3 linearity, and it didn't feel right because of that

Actually not dark enough. Is only use for torch killing parasite infestation? DS3 is like a quest from Skyrim. Game is puup, but DLC was a good joke.

interconnectivity and linearity are two different things

ds2 was hardly interconnected but it was far less linear than ds1

>Horrible replayability
>Most weaponarts are copy paste
>Still no dedicated servers for pvp
>PVP build variety flounders around meta
>Objectively more bad bosses than other Souls
>Entire game is just fan service rehash of 1
Sure OP 3 did great

>>Objectively more bad bosses than other Souls
stopped reading there

>Objectively more bad bosses than other Souls
lol what, most people agree bosses are one of the few things DS3 excels in

>Entire game is just fan service rehash of 1
Every Souls game, especially DS1 is a rehash of Demon's Souls

DaS1 = BB > DeS > DaS3 >>>>> DaS2

>Play Dark Souls II for the first time
>Disappointed with it, feels like a downgrade compared to the first game
>Play Dark Souls III for the first time
>Like it a lot, feels like a proper sequel to the first Dark Souls
>Replay Dark Souls III
>Realize that the NG+ is stupid easy and doesn't bring anything new to the table
>Start a new game with a different build
>Realize that not only is the build variety ass but the game is also poorly balanced
>Replay Dark Souls II with a different build
>Having a ton of fun, realize that the game is actually really well balanced, has better build variety and therefore more replay value
>Game starts to grow on me despite its flaws
>Suddenly realize that I like DS2 more than DS3
Anyone else know this feel?

DaS > DeS > DaS2 > DaS3

Do tell, I'm sick of this retardation.


You're the retard for not knowing.

Plug your ears then because Cursed Rotted Greatwood, Ancient Wyvern, Yhorm the Gimick, Oceiros the Consumed King, AND Deacons of the Deep are traaaaaaaaaaaaash

I find 3 to be the most replayable by far thanks to the amount of builds

>>best build variety
>>best pvp

>Far less
>DS2 possible paths: 4 » 1 » 3 » 1
>DS1 possible paths: 2 » 1 » 4 » 1

Don't kid yourself, user

i might agree on deacons.

>Ancient Wyvern
>Oceiros the Consumed King
>Yhorm the Gimick
these were great

No replayability, no jank, no swarms, no bullshit ai, no bullshit hitboxes, no bullshit 360 spinning mid animation. Nah man, its not a real game

DS2 has a fuckton of flaws but it has undisputable the most variety in builds, best NG+, best PVP and thus most replayability, yes.

>Yhorm the Gimick
I'm not really a souls fan and I don't get off on hXc PUNISHING gameplay, but I thought Yhorm was really inconsistent with the rest of the bosses.

The Storm Ruler made it feel like a Zelda boss. Most other fights basically require a summon but this one was really easy.

I am not disappointed but I do think it's odd that one of the lords of cinder was probably the easiest boss in the game.

once i get all the trophies im done, its so lame how all pvp boils down to roll spam

>Most other fights basically require a summon

Sure thing pal

>no swarms
Say what now

its not a hard choice
one is a unfinished masterpeice
and 2 is the souls equivelent of a filler episode
so yea 3 is the best. not including Bloodborne

yes, I just said in the last post that I'm not one of those "SOULS IS EZPZ BORING!" faggots who eats, drinks, and breathes the games

I don't run around naked expertly dodging every single chain attack the boss throws at me, so for a lot of them since their attacks are 1-2 hit kills, you need another person to juggle aggro with you.

>implying you didnt have fun the first time around
cmon user. who are you trying to impress

>best build variety
Wait did they patch longsword-spam and DEX yet?

they fixed dex. but longswords are still a bit gay.
just carry a parry sheild and you'll be fine

Oh im sorry
>not enough swarms

KEK, get gud

on a sidenote, siegfried autosummons and does the fight for you if you complete his questline

>>Objectively more bad bosses than other Souls
I don't know man. Looking at the bosses that I'd personally call bad:

Dark Souls III
>Curse-rotted Greatwood
>Crystal Sage
>Deacons of the Deep
>High Lord Wolnir
>Old Demon King
>Ancient Wyvern
>Champion's Gravetender & Greatwolf
And yes, I personally like Yhorm even though it's an easy fight. Nevertheless, adding him to this list doesn't really make a difference.

Dark Souls II
>Old Dragonslayer
>Flexile Sentry
>The Lost Sinner
>Belfry Gargoyles
>Skeleton Lords
>Executioner's Chariot
>Covetous Demon
>Royal Rat Authority
>Royal Rat Vanguard
>The Rotten
>Prowling Magus
>Twin Dragonriders
>Demon of Song
>Ancient Dragon
>Gank Squad
And that's if we're being generous. It could be argued that Mytha, Najka and Old Iron King all deserve a place in this list.

Yes, as I've been saying since day 1.

you mean squidward

I broke him out of irythill dungeon but he wasn't there. Not really sure what I did wrong.

he doesn't show up if you don't kill the fire demon with him in the undead settlement

you missed a part of the questline somewhere i guess. i actually wanted to solo the fact, but that faggot entered with the memesword and did all the fight for me, i didn't even get the stormruler during the fight

Really enjoy DS3. Now I'm waiting for the DS1 remaster for muh PS4. After all I've read on Sup Forums, if this shit isn't a fucking masterpiece, I'm gonna be very angry.

>champions gravetender and gratewolf
2:45 = kino

>Generic "muh epic" OST
Well, you sure showed me that the worst throwaway fight in the entire series (alongside Prowling Magus) is "kino".

DS1 has a nice atmosphere but it's really dated mechanics-wise

if you're used to DS3 you'll probably find it too easy due to how slow and lumbering every enemy is

i liked the wolf
how he kicked up snow then ran though it.
you cant tell me that shit wasent fun

somehow I replayed 2 multiple times to get the challenge rings and I still love it but I can't even replay 3 once. I like the ariandel DLC but I'm really sick of 3.

At no point are you required to shoot arrows for ten minutes, either you just rush through (high wall) or find an alternate route that lets you remove the dragons (castle, peak)

U wot

Is there a more tedious filler boss fight ever than the Demon Prince? I swear I was feeling so happy they had done away with the "lmao flying" fights since Sinh's shit, only to reskin him into a batman cosplay and repeat the same shit all over - this time with two phases, because why not.

Not that guy, but Sinner is bad in the regard that pretty much all the difficulty of that boss is tied to ADP
If you have a lot none of her hits will connect
If you don't you're going to be hit a lot of times that feel unfair, at least they felt unfair to me
A lot of people seem to like her, but fighting her on a low ADP build with no shield has made me more angry than anything in these games ever has

>Horrible replayability
I've replayed it far more than any other Souls games because it's so streamlined
>Objectively more bad bosses than other Souls
Oh, you're a troll or an idiot. Nevermind.

>meme discussion about Earthern Peak making no sense becomes wildfire since DS2's release
>even in japan they discuss about the geographic business and make wild theories and bullshit logics
>DS3 states all of the previous worlds are connected and being dragged into a sinkhole of a geographical mess
>The only place you visit: Earthern Peak

Was it on purpose

This is why these plebians should start with Dark Souls 1 or not play the series at all. You're not gonna appreciate the series fully if you start in the middle/end and then go back to its origins.

user. i started with Des and i can tell you that ds1 isnt the best. you will deny it, but its nostalgia that clings you to ds1. but if you take a step back and really look at the games. you'll see that ds3 is the best of the trilogy

Nobody disagrees with it being mechanically the best. It's the bare minimum it can be at that point. It's the rest that is simply not as good in any of its attempts. If you can't understand the reasons why, there is little point in this discussion.


as long as there are people who unironically think this, we'll never get a proper sequel to DaS1 and DeS.

this goes back to what i always say in thease souls comparison threads.
its comparing apples to oranges, the things that make the games good are different for each game. so there is no real right answer.
i like music bosses and a great plot. thats why i like das3 the most.
whereas someone who likes pvp and build variety and all that would say das2 is the best.
and people who like good characters and atmosphere will give their vote to ds1.
the're all amazing games. and its really all up to what you like the most.

Can we all agree Dark Souls Remaster on PC is fucking pointless since we already have DXFix and itll just split the playerbase like DaS2 and DaS2 DX11 version did?

Fucking Namco


Only sonybros will says otherwise.

wait so it's ok if Dark Souls 1 reuses boss models for normal enemies?

Second half of Ds1 is shit
All of Ds2 is shit

Anyone new to pvp in this game?

I played at launch but never cared for it, but recently bought the dlcs and I'm having a blast of fresh air playing pvp

Objectively DS3 is GOAT in my opinion but I liked the first game a lot more for some odd reason. Also hated how the best boss fight in DS3 was optional

It is very good. I am a hardcore Dark Souls II apologist, even though Dark Souls 1 is my favourite and, I would argue, the best. Dark Souls III is incredibly good; trying to play the others, particularly Demon's Souls, after DS3 is noticeably jarring and, whilst charming, not that much fun. I'm really not sure why DS3 has such a bad reputation; the main argument I've seen is "It has no soul" or "It's forgotten what the series was about" or other wishy-washy philosophies, instead of actual criticisms. The game is solid, engaging, and its flaws are minor in comparison to its predecessors. I mean, rightly so, they had three games to fine-tune it from. I figure it's just because it's the newest one or something. I'm platinuming Dark Souls II right now and I intend it to be my final playthrough (after playing it 8 times) and frankly I can't wait to get back into DS3 to try new characters from scratch. True, I wish it wasn't so linear, but everything from the narrative to the polish is absolutely on point for the series.


>best poss fight in ds3 was optional

>I can't wait to get back into DS3 to try new characters from scratch.
im planning on doing this aswell
what do you play on user?

reminder that the ashen one is on the cover art, not this bozo

Not him, but I'm doing just that.
Started a thief, ended up with manikin claws+rotten ghru dagger luck build, billed mask and old wolf armor.

I'm in love

by "what do you play on user?" i meant what system? im on pc

Derp, my "dynamic reading" just sperged out

I'm on PS4

Overrated repetitive nip shit, just like the rest of them.

DaS > DeS = BB > DaS 3 > DaS 2

If you disagree, you're a brap poster.


Das isnt the best tho user.
>BB being anything but #1
this is how i know you're baiting

You're baiting, DeS is fun but it's broken as hell, and it's next to ds2 with having some of the worst areas in the series. I'm not saying they're all bad, the game has some absolutly amazing parts, but it has a lot of bad ones too, you could arguably say some are worse than lost izalith even

You're just waiting to post those brap pics, aren't you

im even memeing. you cant deny that BB is the best. im pretty sure this is universal knowledge by now.

I mostly agree but I frequently brap post


Oh look, another edgy kid

>they fixed dex
not the sellsword twinblades they didn't


I don't care if DaS2 has five trillion different builds, the hitboxes and game speed are fucking shit and those are way more important than build variety, even if build variety is a plus

I knew it. I bet you wish your blunderbuss was a blunderbutt so you can brap in game.
if you agree then brap post all you like, no problems here

say what you will. but you're in the minority here.
there was a thread yesterday with a poll to decide the best and BB had 37% with das1 next in line with 16% and Das3 with 10%

I actually played the game, but I don't have to pretend it's the hottest shit out there just so my console isn't bullied by my classmates (:

>Objectively more bad bosses than other Souls

>say both playstation exclusives are second best
>get called a fat steam fag

Do you even know how statistics work?
63% of people don't think BB is #1. 63% is considered a majority afaik