Comfy Mount&Blade Inn

Come on in and talk shit while we wait for bannerlord, the sequel to the most fun game of all time

>Random battle compilation

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>Never ever

Never played it. Not sure why.
Should I give it a shot?

Daily reminder that if you play on anything but manual block, full damage, maximum AI settings and combat speed, you have never played M&B.

Yes, you absolute fucking retard

Comfy? When I think of Mount & Blade there's only pain now.


Once you get to the point in the game of being able to manage ~60+ troops of your own, you'll be hooked. That's when the real fun begins.

When will Erdogan release the Taleworlds husband and wife and let them finally finish the game?

I want my Medieval kino right now!

>Come on in and talk shit while we wait for bannerlord
>wait for bannerlord


>t. 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

Mount and Blade 2 start with? I'd like to try M&B 1 but it has not so good graphical?

those people lied, I'm saying THIS YEAR

get warband on steam. It's cheap and has great gameplay even if it doesnt look great.

Hello? This is Jim?

graphical don't mean shit, Dimitri

>this year
Where did this meme come from?

>crank difficulty to max
>now I have to hide behind my troops like a pussy so I don't get knocked the fuck out



they've recently talked about the engine being finished up, and the content of the game seems to be pretty much done, so end-of-year 2018 seems like a reasonable assumption for the release.

>they're pretty much done so just 8 months left

Why is this alllowed

Wasn't it "done" like 2 years ago but they keep adding shit?

Time for proper testing, gameplay tweaking, bug fixing etc.

IIRC, they basically decided to redo the engine which caused the bulk of the delay

Any tips for a new player?

Nah there was a catapult or some shit that broke the game with physics interacting with too many npc so they redid the entire game

I have more than 450+ hours in the Bannerlord internal alpha lol

It's gonna be good.

Don't let pic related happen again, you're gonna have to drop some details user

Cool! And I have ~100 hours in Cyberpunk 2077 and ~50 in Half Life 3!

Neat, huh?

Where did you read that?

Dev Blog

>Nah there was a catapult or some shit that broke the game with physics interacting with too many npc so they redid the entire game
I want your source

Post proof.






I dunno much details, that playtest was like 1,5 years ago. They changed a whole lot of stuff since then.
So I have no idea if it's really gonna come out this year, but the Alpha itself played fine. I was just responsible for reporting bugs and playtesting the stuff they basically took from Nova Aetas (a popular M&B mod) which required a lot of goddamn time and stats-gathering. There's basically an extended version of Diplomacy included in Bannerlord, just much more elaborate - pretty much similiar to Nova Aetas except less buggy.

my dad works at Nintendo and confirms this

You guys ever tried making a persuasive character ? I kinda want to roleplay Cao Cao but in Khergit or Swadia, but I heard the persuasion thing is not that useful

Also what mods are you guys currently playing ?

Who's HYPE?!

>Cao Cao
the dog?

What are the big (SP) mods for Warband these days?

I enjoyed Floris when I got it a few years back, don't know if thats still worked on. I know many don't like it but I really enjoyed how it expanded the base game.

It was super fun just joining a lords army as a regular soldier too.

>what mods are you guys currently playing ?
Last time I played I conquered half of the map in Gekokujo and gave it all to Nobunaga because I got bored.
I don't regret it.




GEKOKUJO misquoted

it's okay not to post if you don't understand what you're replying to


Game is vaporware and never coming out. Let it go.

It also still being developed by another person.

You're vaporware and never coming out of your parents home.

The samurai thing doesnt really tweak my nipples senpai

Well at least these days they can get away fairly easily with releasing a game on way outdated tech so it shouldn't suffer too much from long development cycle in that regard.
It won't end up like DNF, it might be like Stalker glitchy, somewhat outdated but great gameplay and imposing modding potential.
I know it'll be good but I just got used to the waiting so the hype is all gone. Definitely day one buy though.

>I was psychologically troubled these last months for various reasons

Typical from modders though. They all are drama queens, but still he's legit improving it.

The Game of Thrones mod is still actively supported.

>psychologically troubled
Stop the presses.

Are Taleworlds attending GDC this year? Might we expect any real news from them before E3?

yes, even if you dont get into it enough to start your own kingdom, etc., there is so much to do / good mods / etc that it's just a fantastic game.

it does take a bit of getting used to though.

I hope the butter meme lives on in bannerlord

What is m&b general doing nowadays? Do they keep thread alive on hope alone?

/vg/ is a silly place, we don't go there


Who will you play?

I doubt I'll do a pure run my first playthrough, just recruit from all nations.

Same, i'm bad at deciding on the first run.

We watch movies, sometimes host some MP mods, and by all means we try to keep the thread alive, overall a good place.

Probably the best general on /vg/ rn.

This, fifrts time i played warband i had no idea wtf where the factions made of or howthey looked so i picked the option 1 and explored the map from that point onwards.

I"ll start at Battania personally. I'll grow by killing bandits and do small missions at the start and then go full Genghis Khan and loot, pillage and kill all their enemies. The only way I know how to play this game kek.

The white people

>Probably the best general on /vg/ rn
That would be /twg/

Battania to support tiny nations

I really hope they come up with better names before release, god they're soo bad

but still, I'll be going with Battania first as I like a celtic theme and they're surrounded by enemies so should be fun

>erdogan purged the dev team


This would be funnier if the article didn't know it was a game and just commented that the guy wanted the release of some lord of banners from Blade Mountains.

but my gf!!!!

They're not so bad imo.
>Not joining Khuzaits or Vlandia
You'll be missing out on the best music Calradia has to offer

>waiting for bannerlord

vanilla m&b reminded me a lot Conan specially because i started the game in the mongol faction

i like the detail of the camel

>Can never make it anywhere in Warband even after 200+ hours
>I still keep going anyway because I fucking love it so much

It's like I have stockholm syndrome. Why can't games always be that fucking good?

if that gif doesn't deliver, I'm going to end myself or threaten to jump from a bridge
on the other hand, I can't think of many things that look as COMFY as that


never ever



hope they update the horse textures

The lack of any sort of tactical planning really held this game back

Mods tried to expand that though

>Mods tried
There ya go

Well they did add to it in different ways, depending on what you mean by tactical planning.

some added different formations, stances, allowed you to give battle orders BEFORE the battle started and they'd automatically happen when the battle area loaded in etc

This is an expansion on vanilla. Diplomacy, FreeLancer, and Custom troops included. Two new factions, two new towns, new bandit troops for the two new areas (black kergits, coastal pirates). New armors, weapons, and only half armored horse (no full armor tank horse).

I will help that lithuanian and czech dudes rebuild and remake the BEST WARBAND MOD 1257 ANNO DOMINI for Bannerlord.

What should the new name be

How many times have you watched the siege video, lads?

>allowed you to give battle orders BEFORE the battle started
I liked the idea behind that but it was tough to make work. Unless you know exactly what terrain/map your going to get (memorized areas of the game map that give you open/trees/hills/river/etc) then it is hard to tell your troops to do anything before seeing what the map looks like. It would be nice to have that indicated prior to the the battle as well so you know if you should leave cav behind/un-mount and bring more infantry/ranged support.

There was a chinese total conversion standalone mod that came out a while ago, anyone play that?

I found that I knew the GENERAL formation I'd want to use for a battle, so I'd use the pre-battle orders to get that out of the way then quickly tweak once in-game and could properly see the situation

Not sure which video you're referring too.

But on that topic, will Bannerlord give you more than one entry point on sieges? 1 ladder up to a slaughter isn't good gameplay. Would be nice if they improved it overall though. The ability to choose how many ladders/towers to raise (more time taken to prepare) and the ability to prepare siege weapons (more time again) that can destroy walls and/or just kill enemies.

>he doesn't know
Just watch the siege video user. Literally type on youtube bannerlord siege.


All I tend to need is "follow me" then quick placements of ___ troop depending on the situation. Example for close quarter wooded hill map? Quickly move my infantry/spears forward and place my ranged behind them, keep my cav following me to the side/behind and maybe unmount. So I'd basically just need to have them auto follow me, which should really just be the default order in game anyways.