3x3 thread
3x3 thread
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I dont have a perfect Square corp for some of my games Sorry
do you have a lot of autisms
Why twilight princess?
Literally everyone and everything is autistic according to Sup Forums.
that makes me want to cry
1/1 Sonic 2
I like it a lot. Used to hate it because shitty artstyle but then I actually played it and I think it has the best bosses in the series. The underwater one I remember being particularly impressed by, felt exhilarating stabbing that eye with in tune with the music.
It's not like the games are bad, just not my cup of tea.
Based user
1/2 +Automata -Oblivion
What do you feel about Doom 3 and Quake 4?
- kingdom hearts
2/3 +KHII(FM) +Portal -White2
>Picking Portal over Portal 2
Excellent taste, more than makes up for the White2
0/1, New Vegas
3/3 +Nier Automata, Mario 3, Zelda TP
3/3 +Dark Souls, Silent Hill 2, Nier Automata
2/2 +Doom, DOOM (you get it, right?)
1/2 +Portal
---------------------------Pokémon White 2 (I hate this game so much)
2/2 +Valkyria Chronicles, New Vegas
mediocre and subpar, respectively
I get it, yeah
Template/ Site to do collage?
can just do it in an image editing program easily senpai
8/10. What's Little Fighter like?
That same user here, I goofed up, what do the "scores" mean? I'm not a newfag this is just my first time participating in these threads.
+Kingdom Hearts1&2, TWEWY, Super Mario 3
-Nier Autómata, Zelda BotW
+Sonic 2
+Persona, MGS3
-Oblivion, Dark Souls, Silent Hill, FFV, Nier Autómata
+MGS3, KH2, Portal, 999, Ghost Trick, Pokemon
+VC1, Demon's, Metro 2033
-Dead space, New Vegas
+Valkyria, Fate, Danganronpa, Pokemon
-Fairy Fencer, Dark Souls, Fire Emblem, Witcher 1
+Strange Journey, Rising, Ace Attorney, Ghost trick, MGS3
-God Hand, Devil Survivor, Soul hackers
Its a Freeware game from the 1999.
Imagine a Beat Em Up with 2 to 8 teammates. Your characters have various powers (Basically fire, water, air, earth manipulation, cloning, Going Super Sayian, Invisible) etc.
Its a really fun game and has a great many of mods.
Basically every map is basic, with different backgrounds, and enemies goes from waves. Reach the right side of the map and next level
This is a 3x3 thread.
You post 9 games what you liked/defined you. The next user needs to tell how many of them he played and how many he liked out of it.
I'll rate this guy I only liked 2 games so my first number is a 2, and I only played 4 of them so the last number is a 4
3/3 +DQ8, Katamari, and Okami
4/4 +Monkey Ball, EB, Kirby, and Tetris Attack
Thank you very much
I actually played all 9, but I left off Silent Hill because I'm totally indifferent toward it and that genre in general, so neither a "like" or "dislike" would seem fair. The only game that I really got into was Wipeout.
Boring as fuck combat, story, characters. OST is pretty good though
Why didn't you like Fairy Fencer?
4/4. All DOOM minus 64.
4/5. +Demon's, VC, Deathsmiles, ODST - Dead Space
4/7 +TP, BotW, Mario Bros 3, Odyssey -KH, Automata, Advance
Will play TWEWY soon
1/2 +JC2 -Paradise
2/2 DaS, Sapphire
Consolefag so only played Witcher 2 and 3
Which SMT is your favourite?
4.5/5 Dishonored, P5, Jak, Resistance 3
Half point for MGSV. Enjoyed the gameplay but it got repetitive and I have no intention of beating it.
Is that Clash Of Ninja 4? I'm curious, what made it better than the Clash Of Ninja revolution games?
2/2 TW2, Yakuza 0
Is Dark Cloud 2 better than the original? I enjoyed the atmosphere and the town building of the first game but the actual dungeon crawling and combat was a pain.
>I enjoyed the atmosphere and the town building of the first game but the actual dungeon crawling and combat was a pain.
Less grinding and difficult than the first, no thirst system, characters have two one weapons instead of one now, but there is only two of them, a robot and monster transformation (you can become a bunch of specific monsters if you give them ítems). Town building is much better, atmosphere is still top tier, music is great.
Is basically a much better game in everyway.
Nice. I'll add it to the list.
>Which SMT is your favourite?
Apocalypse>Soul Hackers best conversations in the franchise>Strange Journey>Devil Survivor
Strange Journey>Soul Hackers>Devil Survivor>Apocalypse
Cool. I'm going to be diving into SMT soon.
1.5/4 +SM3 -KHs; ~ZTP
4/5 +BP, EP1R, Sonic2, UT2k4 -CS
6/6 TES4, SH2, DaS, P3, LO, MGS3
6/8 -Quake 2's. Haven't played NuDoom yet
2/5 +MGS3, Portal -KH, Braid, Pokemon
4/5 FNV, DeS, Dead Space, ODST; -GRush
2/4 +DaS, DR2 -Pokemon, Witcher
4.5/5 +SH, MGS3, P5, SMT2; ~Dishonored
2/2 +Darkstalkers, EB
3/3 +Okami, DQ8, Katamari
3/5+HM2, Katamari, YI; -DKC2, M64
6/7 +SH2, DaS, K7, EB, S2, MM; -AC
5.5/8 +OoT, ME2, RE4, MM, Tetris; -SoC, Pokemon; ~Smash4
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Haven't played all these old games from the rest of the 3x3 pictures.
t. 1998fag
sorry for lazyposting, this is me What did you think of The Last of Us's ending?
I liked it. Joel did nothing wrong. Didn't like the fact that it had an open ending but now i don't really care since there's a sequel on the way. They better not kill Joel though.
>nier waifu trash
how old are you anons?
>King Arthur's Gold
That game was way too fun for what it was.
All my games feature waifutrash.
Right? The combat is incredible, especially for a terraria-like game. I've been playing since 2012.
2/3 Sonic Advance, NieR -Kingdom Hearts
3/3 Sonic 2, Demon's Souls, MGS4
2/2 RE4, SoTC
Planning on replaying System Shock 2, so might replace Star Fox with that.
8/8, never played Final Doom, but I respect your dedication.
4/5, not a big Fable 2 guy.
5/5, Pajama Sam was baller as fuck.
Play on others systems and genre maybe ? check blinx Super Magnetic Neo Devil survivor the new digimon games Malicious 3d dot heroes darksiders 1.
+ + +
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Nothing out of ordinary out of Lost odyssey and Type 0 (why? sell me those games)
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As quake arena fag I think you have strong obsessional behavior and should see a specialist asap.
Have a nice week.
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You still didn't told me jack shit about the journey.
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anyway I couldn't into deathsmile even if the game must be good. Go watch StrayDog and jinro.
Did you change your picture for cute animu girls recently ?
aren't you that guy who recommend me Fairy fancer F?
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hi user have a nice week.
you should try the silvercase.
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I am into yakuza 0 and i think it going to be one of my favorite game on the series but kind of bullshit with how the character evolved.
is valkyria 3 good?
>mother 2
+ + +
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what(s the appeal of animal crossing ?
is MM 3DS different that the original?
did you put some time on TGM?
Talked about soul hackers yesterday on a presentation about cyberpunk genre as a good exemple of anticipation of the genre in vidya.
check malicious otogi 1/2 10000 bullets and bujingai
a genki week to you user.
+ + +
+ +- -
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play power stone nitro + kart gunstar heroes alien soldier wizardry 8.
yep yakuza is 0 is awesome
have a nice week pajama sam user.
I am not into my regular PC so no 3x3 I just done the rating.
is there a more autistic thing to do than posting a collage of your favorite videogames and then rating other people's taste... in videogames
holy shit it's not even like there's an actual discussion
>is valkyria 3 good?
Best one in terms of characters, writing and atmosphere. Repeating maps and PSP limitations is what holds it back from being a 10/10 game, but it stills manages to have the best balance and gameplay despiste that.
Play it on PPSSPP emulator with the english patch.
Not yet man. Sorry, I've been busy with Yakuza Kiwami and Splatoon 2. Will soon though (TGM guy)
>is there a more autistic thing
No, 3x3 threads are the worst. Why would people even post here when so many interesting threads exist?
bitch there's a post encouraging discussion right above you
how stupid can you be?
>Play on others systems and genre maybe?
I'm pretty particular about what games I like, unfortunately. As for other systems, I already own a PC with a 1060 and i5 4690, so that covers me p much everywhere a Switch doesn't for my taste.
Also have a PS3 but hahaha no gaems....... have to get an xbone x for kh3 tho probably which is a pain in the ass
the rest of the thread isn't, and that one post isn't encouraging discussion at all
although i don't know what i expected from someone who uses anime reaction images
>Also have a PS3 but hahaha no gaems
Demon's Souls
Yakuza 3,4,5
Lots of other shit
>have to get an xbone x for kh3
Why would you even get an xbox to play kingdom hearts 3? Getting even a 100$ console to play just Kingdom Hearts isn't worth it but at least get a ps4
i can't believe you've done this
1. i was memeing
2. i meant good games
3. bayonetta's on pc, 360, switch, and wii u, and also it's shit
i want to play KH3 in 60fps and there's no way the PS4 pro is gonna be able to do that based on 0.2
5/5, pretty sweet taste
4/9, still alright taste
8/8, Puzzle Agent fucking rules
>the rest of the thread isn't
and possibly more
>and that one post isn't encouraging discussion at all
these threads are mostly for recs. how else are you supposed to encourage discussion?
>demon's souls and yakuza are shit
>bayonetta is shit
>i want to play KH3
Spectacular taste
thank u
Just when I thought your taste couldn't get any better you posted a madoka gif. What multiplayer games do you like, by the way? LoL and Dota, I'm guessing.
I don't care about people but if you end your life right now our world will seriously become a bit better
only multiplayer game i play is TF2 (^:
also madoka is the only good anime
I don't want to share this board with you, fuck off, please
here's my old 3x3 (^:
8 of these are good games but somehow you still have shit taste
im OP btw
here's something else
Holy fuck I remember you. You are a girl, right? Sorry then
also, lmfao
No, seriously, it's completely ok for a girl to like Kingdom Hearts. I'm really sorry, it's not your fault that your race doesn't have a brain
>"You are a girl, right? Sorry then"
>Being this much of a beta.
Come on, man.
this was supposed to be a bunch of laughing crying emojis but apparently Sup Forums doesnt like that so just pretend that's what that is
What is the point of insulting females? I don't understand. Like if you tell a girl something she will surely realise that she has a shit taste
1/2 (don't like Sonic Advance, it feels kind of slow, especially when compared to later Advance games, plus the music is shit)
3/4 (not a fan of the first Devil Survivor, even though I'm playing it right now)
0/1 (fuck SMT II)
>girl in the thread
>guy suddenly spergs out
Really activates my almonds
You can't read nigger.
hum... I will definitely try it.
thanks user.
I am buzy with zero too damn this game is good.
Didn't push that much with splatoon 2 they should call it Splatoon deluxe Frankly the switch is getting more and more meh for me. I still love SMO and I need to push Xeno2 more but no time with the trillion os games I already begin. They need to step up their shit and kirby is not an option for me. will see tomorrow direct.
My friend I gave you recommendation based on you 3x3 check them and tell me about it.
I love disney but KH is abysal by the way.
>I love disney but KH is abysal
Kingdom Hearts fans don't like disney, just saying
Eh, to each their own, personally I gave Advance 1 a 9/10, Advance 2 a 7/10, and Advance 3 a 6/10, but I see the appeals of 2 and 3.
Advance 2 has the best Zone (see left)
4/4, +Sonic+Knuckles, +FireRed (I guess, I think it's kinda mediocre but it is a Pokémon game am I right?), +TWEWY, +PWAA
I used to dislike S&K for the artstyle but the gameplay's pretty good. Still like Sonic 1 and 2 more myself, though.
gameplay's good, and I don't like Disney
except for Lilo and Stitch
>favorite male: Joshua
are you a fujo?
idk what that is
also no SJW here but I don't really see Joshua as any gender myself since he's like, god or some shit
i don't believe in third genders btw
>gameplay's good
>I don't like Disney
that's a shame because I love girls and dont like men (^:
I honestly didn't think my tastes were so focused on PS2 era platformers but fuck me here we are
Yeah, you are the same girl from 3x3 threads. I remember you. You are annoying as fuck and you make my blood fucking boil. Don't leave your Kingdom Hearts threads, please
>Music Plant
good taste, wasting time on these piano key things was the shit. Sky Canyon is my favorite stage in the Advance games, but that's mostly because of the Act 1 music and scenery
>I guess, I think it's kinda mediocre but it is a Pokémon game am I right?
back when I first made my 3x3, I was torn between FireRed and White 2, they're my favorite Pokémon games. I just went with the former because it gets little love when compared to W2.
don't be a sperg and just ignore the posts if they bother you so much, fags like you are what derail perfectly nice threads.