Do you think Sup Forums could make a Yume Nikki fangame like 2ch has done with Yume 2kki?

Do you think Sup Forums could make a Yume Nikki fangame like 2ch has done with Yume 2kki?
I think it'd be interesting
I made some sprites
I don't have any experience with RPGMaker though.

No Sup Forums can't do anything together
Prime example is 4craft

no, but fourtsuki looks cute

Maybe ask /vg/? Start a general there and see what happens.

i just want a Sup Forums fighting game where every board is a character


Someone could make that with MUGEN
It'd be fun to figure out the moveset for all the different boards

What should some of the effects be?
The frog's an obvious one
Banhammer for the weapon
Let's go with an office chair for the speed booster

greentext as a projectile, and > particles included

Not op but Well. 2kki was made by 2ch but it was not about 2ch
So memes should maybe stay out of it. Or keep it as minimal as posible.

we can have a couple of memes for fun
but i think the worlds should mostly just be based on user's dreams


If dumb shit like Sup Forums musicals can do it. I don't see how this cound't.
You just need a good cordinator. And some people with some rpg maker know how. maybe even a discord. But that shit a drama magnet. Even for chill people like the anons in YN threads. the hardest thing could be the antifun mods these days
4craft is completly diferent beast.

while a yume nikki fangame would be on the spot for nowadays context, i doubt we would be able to finish it. 2ch is full of hikkis, while this place either has oldfags that only browse because they can't get out and are only here to shitpost or children with no abilities.
I would give it a try either way.

Yume Nikki does nothing impressive on the back end. It'd be fairly easy for a single person to put together a clone, assuming they actually had good ideas, and even if they had to learn how to put the graphics and music together from nothing.

That said, no, I don't think Sup Forums can do it.

>It'd be fairly easy for a single person to put together a clone
Well yeah there are a fuckton of fan games

Sup Forums can' decide between 2 choice, how could we make a game?

>reddit spacing
in all seriousness though, yeah, you can basically make a yume nikki clone by yourself. just get what you need from here and start doing it.

I'm pretty sure how 2ch does it is they have a Google Doc and everyone submits maps and effects and shit and the main guy compiles it all together
I actually don't know, that's just how I'd do it
I did see they had a Google Doc though

First make the logo.

could be cool, like the doors lead to different boards

no i think there should only be one world that represents all of Sup Forums and then the rest just be dreams
2kki didn't even have any memes, i think this can have memes but not be the entire focus


Holy shit, I actually want this. Dangerous Doujin Discourse or something.

i'm fucking retarded
for a couple of seconds i thought this image was from a real game

do you think this coloring looks better?
should I get rid of the shiny spots or maybe make them a different color?

actually never mind I think the shiny spots look fine

i just downloaded rpgmaker 2003
gonna see if i can learn how to use it and make some maps based on my dreams
would it be better to edit yume nikki or start from scratch?