BOTW more like BTFO

Watch me WHIP

absolute state of xbots

Watch me POOPOO



t. buttblasted nintonbro
xbox clearly won


What's the point of Xbone

Is xbot posting making a comeback?
Those were fun times

The only reason to own a console is for exclusives.

>15 critics vs 109 critics
are you braindead

>fake screenshot

wait what? its releasing?

it makes me sad that Sup Forums will never actually talk about crackdown because 1 and 3 are really good (fuck 2 tho)

>inb4 someone deletes this FOR FREE
>and not op even though console wars are also against the rules

So many idiots not realizing it's fake as fuck.

Why are you making statements before the game has even released?

>tfw recognized MC critic
Time to bring that number down.

>actually made me look
Fuck man, I dunno what I expected.

The Xbox does have the most original games of the gen and this is yet another game in which they continue that trend. I also like that their games have a solid single player and multilayer component.


>15 critics

people already played demos of crackdown 3 and it's just as fun as the first game but now with a lot more physics


I loved the first Crackdown, though there's not much to say about it. Out of the open world games I've played, it certainly has some of the most fun missions.

Wait, so do "professional" reviews matter again? Its hard to keep up when the goal posts keep being moved.

Shattered Xbro hopes and dreams thread?

>Q2 2018
>2 days 23 hours 33 mins until game release
Based on 15 critics
>a total of 18 critics posted reviews
Quality faggotry right here.

Neat, maybe I'll pick it up since I'm an idort.

Ya, it's obvious bait.
And people still fell for it.

Sup Forums really already is years past the point of no return huh.

>its real
nintenbros on suicide watch

I realize this is bait but
>15 reviewers
Come on son

>i-i'll call it bait, that'll comfort me!

I thought crackdown 3 was shitcanned

What the fuck? Crapdown 3 actually came out?

As a sonybro, I really miss console wars with xbros, at least you guys are fun, can't stand those soy powered nintendies, glad you guys are coming back on tracks.

Here's your last (You), spend it wisely.

no, just been delayed forever because they were perfecting the physics engine. it's finally coming out this year

here is your (you)

>when your platform is so garbage you have to fake screenshots so you can delude yourself that you didn't waste $500+ on a X-boned-x

>As a sonybro


not out yet, spring 2018


Wait Crackdown 3 comes out in 2 days?

rollin eollllaa


ITT: No one uses Google

I remember years ago when this used to be shilled with THE POWER OF THE CLOUD

BotW is overrated and Metacritic is trash.

t. butthurt nintendie


rollin for abortion

>using jewgle
Good, goy.

I own a PS4 though. Just find your obsession with consolewar faggotry depressing

pls be in a country where i can suck alot of dicks

>system seller
What did they mean by this?

It's easier to understand once you realize it's all just an excuse to shitpost.


Abortion here I go


>own a ps4
ebin comeback my dude

Wasn't even a comeback, just a statement. Maybe you should go outside for a while, I think this consolewar shit is rotting what little is left of your brain.


Sure, why not

C'mon Nazi Germany.

rolling for argentina

video game thread

please, not russia

>off by literally 1

Will the Xbone ever get a game?

Lets see

have you not seen OPs pic? its clear that xbone got a real BEAST

Holy shit I didn't even know this was coming out. I might have to buy this, the first one is one of my favorites


Is crackdown 3 even out...




30 frames. Feel true power.

Fuck it

Let's go

rollin $$$


Do I still get to be white no matter where I end up?



Wtf bros i thought Crackdown 3 was canceled!! It came out??? What the fudge BROSSSSS brb buying it now xD



Please not Argentina not Argentina not Argentina.

That’s nice, good to know the delay for Crackdown 3 was worth the wait

It’s good to see my Xbone finally get use, I’ve been doing nothing but switching between Switch and PS4

lmao eat shit fag now you’re brown

Oh boy

can we stop wojack edits

Let's do this.


