
Normalfags and children. They have the basic excuse of blind ignorance, most of them probably couldn't even locate Japan on a map. These people are definitely retards, but this is more due to inexperience than actual idiocy.

Insufferable ironic weebs. They have managed to cotton on to the basic fact that localisation work is a sham industry that only produces low quality content, but they're too lazy to learn the language. Almost certainly insufferable people to be around, due to their bizarre superiority complex despite consuming identical content to dubfags.

>Japanese speakers
Kings. Anyone who has made it through the hilariously simple path of learning Japanese, especially in the internet age where high quality learning material is available around every corner, has managed to elevate themselves a few orders of magnitude above the petty arguments of sub v dub.

Which group do you belong to, Sup Forums?

I mute the game, put subtitles on and imagine the voices in my head

I only watch the 4kids dub

check em

>if you don't like the localization just learn Japanese LOL

There's nothing wrong with this statement.

except it's retarded


How so?
If you don't like how it's done, do it yourself.

>learning a language to play video games

fuck you weeb

I love my language and nation get fucked leftie

>no audio, no subtitles, making all the sounds with your mouth

Because it takes YEARS of daily teaching to even learn a language that complex well enough to speak it like a retard or very young child. Good luck hanging on to it with no one to speak it with, too. Just using it for your Japanese animes won't help you retain it. You have to actually use it every day.

Why would you need to speak it if you only want to comprehend it?

>dubfags\subfags/japanesse speakers
All belong to the same weeb shit pedo tier of fat neets like yourself faggot

This is true. If you enjoy a majority of Japanese media, why wouldn't you just learn moonrunes?

is it really too much to ask that a localization team does their job correctly for a highly anticipated game that costs over 60 dollars?

You are wrong. As long as you keep hearing, and keep reading it you'll retain the information. It's like you've never even learned another language before.

I know both Japanese and German very well. I talk to one german person, and I read things in Japanese.

It's called reading you fuckwit.

They're Japanese. They don't care about you roundeye. If they cared about you they'd localize it . But you're going to buy it anyway, so who the fuck cares? Deal with it or learn moonrunes if you want to play and understand games made by people who speak moonrunes.

You gonna make your videogame in Nihongo?

So you'd rather not learn Japanese and keep the Japanese audio, but read the localized script?

>you think the movie was shit? why don't you make your own

I have basically only learned French once for one year. Years later I can still read books on adult level pretty well and I did so pretty recently.

I can only assume you've never tried learning another language before.

Nobody's asking you to make something though.

If they don't adhere to your standards, do it yourself. They don't have to please you.

Not that guy, but I do suppose some retards have a harder time assigning meaning to sound if they already have a good word for it.
They just lack dedication.

In a year or three when you grow out of being a weeaboo you'll regret wasting all that time, that's the main thing

All sides are obnoxious as fuck in their own ways.

I certainly will not regret wasting my time. The only reason I learned the language is because I wanted to know a pictograph language and Chinese is ridiculous what with all those tones.
So fuck off akkin' like you know me fag.
Japanese is a neat language, and that's the only reason I wanted to know it.

Wow that's even less of a reason than the weebs have while simultaneously showing off a lack of conviction, good luck bud

I've always heard that the problem with learning languages for a lot of people is that they keep trying to translate in their heads and it slows them down. If you really want to learn and be functionally fluent in a language, you have to think in it.

I appreciate your good wishes. I don't see why everyone thinks I'm looking for their approval. Fuck off. Language is neat. And pictograph languages are even neater.

Well that's how it starts. You'll always start piecing sentences together like a child stumbling over your words. But the more you do it, the more you feel the flow. The more all the words just blend together the same way they do for you in English. Basically: THe first step to being good at anything is sucking at it for a while. So you just keep trying to form sentences in your head until it's second nature to form those sentences and Kugelschreiber sounds just as much like Pen as Pen does in your mind.

>Anyone who has made it through the hilariously simple path of learning Japanese
teach me your ways senpai. share any good resources you have. how long did it take you to learn japanese and how much effort did you put into it?
i managed to learn German up to a barely acceptable professional fluency in around 2 months and it was a grueling process. I hope japanese isn't the same.

It might be worse than German especially if you're an English speaker, as the grammar would be completely fucked from your perspective.

Good luck learning the language without learning reading. And you aren't even going to be close to a kindergarten level of reading in 2 months

soon you'll notice that instead of piecing words together, you piece together short phrases and start saying them faster, then start connecting short phrases into long phrases, and one day, overnight. You'll notice it's not phrases anymore, and you're just comfortably saying the words like you do in english.

Learn the alphabet. LEARN. THE. ALPHABET. The only reason Nippon is hard is because you can't fucking read the letters so it's like you're a baby staring at a shitload of symbols you don't know. Once you learn the alphabet you'll notice that japanese is like math. With vague words and situational identifiers and sentences that don't seem to make much sense in English. But they almost flow like a math problem with all the Wa's and Wo's and Da's.

Dubfag because the only anime I've ever watched is DB/DBZ. Lol blow my ass weebs

>harder than German
fuck this shit

>And you aren't even going to be close to a kindergarten level of reading in 2 months
i don't hope to learn it in two months though, i did that with German since i just got my master degree but the job market for english only speakers is pretty limited so i am kinda faking my way around learning only the bare necessities to make it through a job interview. I intend to learn japanese to satisfy my inner weeb, nothing more.

>Learn the alphabet. LEARN. THE. ALPHABET.
you mean the Kanji stuff right? because i hear from the people who are learning the language that Kanji is the hardest part of Japanese and once you nail it you're pretty much done.

No no. Kanji will come in time. And you kinda just have to memorize them.

But Hirigana, and Katana, you should know by heart, you should be able to look at a word spelled in those and have no trouble saying it loud at all.

doesn't sound that difficult desu

>Hirigana and Katana

>speaking a language other than american

Once you know the alphabet, it's just math where all the numbers are words, and all the symbols that give them meaning are your operational identifiers.

If you're any good at math, after learning the alphabet, Japanese isn't super hard.
German is way harder, it has modal verbs, all the verbs change depending on who does them and what case they were in, and all the nouns have another silent word attached to them and that's just fuckin ridiculous.
Doch ich bin ein Deutches Mann. so I learned it anyway.

Son of a bitch I did say Katana.

American is a gross amalgum of a shitload of languages, and arguably the hardest language in the entire world to learn. I count my lucky stars that English was my first language.

What's this guy up to nowadays?

>Sup Forums is leaking again....

Fuck right back off to your containment shithole, God damn weeaboo autists

No one is even speaking another language in here. Why did you come here to be upset? YOU fuck off.

>If you're any good at math, after learning the alphabet, Japanese isn't super hard.
das ist ja gut zu hören. für mich, Mathe ist ein Spiel, also höffentlich (wie hast du gesagt) Japanisch wird leichter. Danke für deine Tipps!

>and arguably the hardest language in the entire world to learn.
Any sinitic language is harder unless you're chinese. Tones are retarded.

True! Tones are retarded! But I could sit here all day and name a million more retarded things in english.

anytime mein freund.

I only consume localizations of the highest quality because I just don't give a damn.

*tips /jp/sie fedor/a/*

He posts a lot of deep inspirational stuff on Facebook. I've had him added for years.