>Don't rage and trashtalk at vidya like a manchild
>Continue as normal and never get banned
Feels good man.
Don't rage and trashtalk at vidya like a manchild
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself niggerfag
These are the types of people the system is trying to ban.
I can't say I disagree.
Femanon here, you seem like a boring guy and no girl will ever touch your micropenis.
Don't insult people for no reason. If they deserve it, insult their performance.
you're a male on the internet
you're already racist, sexist and homophobic
Why does /vg/ have these autists
>mom mom he said mean words again, can you call your wife at ps4 and ban him
>400th thread on this shit
>0 threads on operation chimera's release
Sup Forums is a fucking cancer.
Um go back to /vg/ sweetie
That's a faggot, but not everyone who likes to banter in online-games is a autistic like him.
Instead of giving us votekick they give us this shit. Back in CounterStrike or Battlefield 2 or any older shooter nobody gave a shit, matter of fact most people enjoyed the banter as it made the server feel alive.
Nowadays everyone takes shit on the internet 100% seriously, just like newfags on Sup Forums.
>Actually listen to the most retarded espurts scene for updates and slowly turning the game into a shitty cod clone.
>New special snowflake ban system
>Paid only microtransactions in a full priced released game.
How worse can it get.
Another femanon here. I'll fuck him if he buys my amazon wishlist weekly. If he gets uppity and stops I'll call him a rapist
*high five* Doing god's work, stacy-kun. :3
>use 'faggot' as banter
>get banned
>faggots don't even play Rainbow Six
you sound like a mad somali autistic boy
Make me nigger faggot.
>Hi I'm recruiting for my LGBT clan, any gay players here?
>You have been banned for homophobia
>Take my report to Kotaku
>Watch the devs get blown out for censoring LGBT speech
You'll stop caring in a fucking week anyways
Did you even play any of the games you mentioned?
Community in CS 1.6 or BF2 was infinitely better, more funny and less gay than shooter-communities nowadays. And nobody banned you for bantering with the other team.
>faggots don't even play Rainbow Six
That's obviously not true.
You do.
>fucking him for buying you stuff
What kind of low tier Stacey are you?
I'm gay.
I mentioned*
goddamn, I will stop posting now because I'm drugged out of my mind.
I hope all normalfags die.
rocket league already has something like this. it works great to remove dumb fucks that think spamming nigger nonstop is somehow funny.
you want to blame sjw, when the persons to blame are underage shitheads that haven't learned how to stagger their slurs correctly. no one gives a shit if you say faggot, nigger, chink, etc. it's when you act like Sup Forums and feel the need to shit up the place by using it every other word.
you know why the 90's worked? because it was actual banter back then, instead of kids being annoying to just annoy.
>dude weed lmao
>Back in CounterStrike or Battlefield 2 or any older shooter nobody gave a shit
This is a blatant lie. People have been banned for saying racist shit or sperging out in chat. I personally have been silenced on a few TF2 servers and permanently banned from at least one for being an autistic cunt in the past. But those were individual servers and my access to the game as a whole wasn't taken from me.
That's the difference between then and now. People weren't somehow more thick-skinned last decade because that's when you were a teenager or child and that's when everything was better and more fun. You were just able to access like-minded communities that didn't care if you called someone on your team a nigger because if someone didn't like it, they could just leave and access their 24/7 instant respawn hugbox. The death of dedicated servers and matchmaking taking over online competitive multiplayer has led to many different communities being forced to work together, and policing the game is left entirely up to the development team and publishers rather than on individual server owners, and the simple fact of the matter is no publisher is ever going to allow you to use hate speech in-game because that's bad for business.
It's not that NOBODY gave a shit, it's just that you were able to find people who didn't and play with them all day.
This board is infested with the very 14-16 year old underage shitheads you're talking about, so don't expect for anyone to agree
>make online game
>benefit of online game is the community
>don't allow the community to do anything for itself
why has online gaming become gradually worse and worse over the last 15 years or so?
>no more content creation tools
>matchmaking over server lists
>""""""""""competitive"""""""""" play over clanwars
>companies wasting tons of time and effort into these banning systems over votekicking
>it's when you act like Sup Forums
enough of this bogeyman shit
I don't think being a racist online was ever a big part of gaming.
Sup Forums is fuck off
you are all cancer newfaggots and mid-right moderate faggots
I tried playing this game and it was pretty fun but the community was a big no for me.
Sucks to not have friends to play vidya gaems.
This is just the beginning
I miss banter in video games, why everything is just NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER now?
This doesn't affect me because i don't fit the profile of someone who throws console controllers into a wall in a fit of aspergiant rage
What age are you? I've played CS from 1.3 and plenty of community servers would ban people for acting like retards all the time. Server companies would have admins on their public servers banning people and they had a report system on their sites for WONID bans if people were really getting out of hand.
Just because you could go into a random server in a game 10 years ago, spew a bunch of bulllshit and not get banned doesn't mean everyone was ok with it.
how does one face become like that? dude looks like a video game character that you forgot to turn sideways during creation.
If you actually played 1.6 or BF2 then you're probably in your mid 20s? Why do you want to act like a child in your mid 20s?
This is a really good breakdown of what the issue really is. We need some god damn dedicated servers. Increases lifespan of games and prevents me from having to deal with people I normally wouldn’t have to if we had more dedicated servers amongst games
Please. These faggots probably at most failed to internalize the board culture and how people post here, embarrassed themselves and crawled back. Every single one of these attempts at raiding another entire website are always instigated by autistic fucks with zero attention spans. I'm more scared of slipping in the bathroom than gaylords like that
No words are wrong. Even bad ones I don't like.
This is what kids think "banter" is.
you should visit Sup Forums then. they created mutt meme too.
Get a new script, Chaim.
Yes, they would ban people for acting like retards. But not for saying "wow, faggot" or some banter.
Is that a drink?
>because it was actual banter back then
No. It's all the same shit, man. I suppose you'll also be the one to decide what counts as banter?
>Don't play trash online games.
Feels good. Who else here /happy over systemic butthurt/ caused by this shit? I LOVE how angry autists get.
>how to identify a true redditor
Kill yourself, this site will always be racist. You haven't been here long enough to know that ,kid
fpbp tbqh
This is the type of person this system is hoping to defend.
What, how is the mutt meme leftist? From what I've seen it's mass replying "la creatura" and stuff to pictures of people who are or look like crossbreeds
I don't go to Sup Forums for anything but my own country's threads and I've only seen this a bit on Sup Forums
No normal person this thin skinned, only manchildren and little children.
Sorry but you failed to grow up, sucks to be you.
Depends on the server you were on obviously. There were tonnes of "safe space" community servers were you would get banned for calling people faggots or niggers.
Yeah just mix grape soda and cum.
Complaining about this shit is stupid. It's like whining that at school you aren't allowed to run around screaming FAG! and NIGGER! at the top of your lungs. Have some fucking courtesy for other people and don't act like being prevented from being an obnoxious asshole is some horrible infringement of your rights.
Oh, and fuck off with that "good old days of bantz" bullshit. Yes, on some private servers nobody cared but the idea you could say anything you wanted anywhere on the internet in the "good old days" is complete bullshit.
How do people cry over losing video games?
If they ban everyone who uses a racist or homophobic slur there will be nobody left to play the game. Do they not understand that people who get triggered by banter don't play competitive skill-based FPS games. Who is this change for? It drives away their core audience to pander to nobody.
I'm just glad my TF2 community server with micspam, racist nametags on guns and furry porn sprays on every wall still exists.
Not true, the esport scene exists.
At least they waited until the game was old as fuck to do it. I dont even play siege anymore.
You know the rule
The kind who has no bills everything she wants and changes bulls regularly when I get bored or want more. What kind of low tier man are you? One of me is worth at least 40 of you!
>armchair psychology noises
You agreed to the terms and conditions when you purchased the LICENSE TO USE THE GAME, if you broke it then you should be banned, if you get banned for edgebaron trashtalking then you deserve it since you know what you agreed to.
banter then
>sniper opponent
>me: "oh man, you really are shit at this game. I thought you were a top tier soldier? maybe next time, friend"
>him: "whatever bitch, you got lucky"
>sniper him again
>"fuck, you were so close that time.. you almost snuck up on me. better luck next time"
>him: "aight faggot, guess I'll have to go sniper and show you what's up"
>spend the next two rounds having a friendly sniper duel
banter now
>sniper opponent
>him: "camping piece of shit nigger"
>sniper him again
>sniper him once more
>[angry user has left server]
>everyone who i don't like or disagree with me is underage shithead
Don't you have too much of unwarranted self importance, eh buddy?
>If they ban everyone who uses a racist or homophobic slur there will be nobody left to play the game.
Exactly. They're not going to ban literally every single person for acting like a dick, they're only going to ban people who are especially autistic and have a proven track-record of ruining games.
This shit happens every fucking time a dev talks about coming down harder on people acting like retards. Sup Forums seems to think the devs are going to become thought police and ban anyone who blinks the wrong way.
Maybe you should get something more fulfilling in your life outside of video games
Why did you respond to me when I was insulting the underage? How could that hit close to home with you?
I find it funny that the people trying to defend this are the first ones to post nigger faggot.
>stop being toxic
>stop being so nice
Part of me really doesn't like all this hate speech and censorship garbage and the potential to get banned from an entire game you purchased because this games as a service business model has gained so much traction,
But then I see shit like this and I remember that yes, some retards online really are THAT bad. Can we gas everybody without an ounce of self awareness?
Me first.
What do I think about this? I will never purchase a Ubisoft product because I do not align with Marxism, and their games are usually shit to begin with.
That's the beauty of being a consumer, you can choose what to consume. If you hate Ubisoft and their practices, don't buy their products. Not saying that you, 1 in 10 million, will change anything. That's not my argument.
>playing modern online FPS games
>talking to other people while doing so
>sniper opponent
>me: "oh man, you really are shit at this game. I thought you were a top tier soldier? maybe next time, friend"
>him: "whatever bitch, you got lucky"
>sniper him again
>"fuck, you were so close that time.. you almost snuck up on me. better luck next time"
>him: "aight faggot, guess I'll have to go sniper and show you what's up"
>spend the next two rounds having a friendly sniper duel
Are you insane? What kind of fantasy world do you live in? That was NOT the norm, not then and not now. Even still, you realize that the people in your first example would also get a ban in this system, yes?
I think the only issue we're having here is Sup Forums thinks this will affect an average Sup Forumsirgin at all when it's at best going to affect faggots like Autistic_frog.
>playing multiplayer games
>buying modern games
>not shooting the shit in old as balls games with server tools with you and some other guys
Somebody smells like highschool.
>Nathan Grayson
>stop being toxic
>stop being nice
Stop being a hypocrite Nathan you cuck.
>common sense is armchair psychology
Don't use words you have no fucking clue meaning of, soyboy
Racial insults seems to be the gravests problems of the West. I wonder why. Does anyone know why exactly ? Oh I know the reason, alright.
It's actually hilarious that so many developers are trying to find a cure for "toxicity" when they are the same assholes who abandoned the real solution years ago just to have more control over their game and pedal DLC/Expacs or their shitty MOBA grindfest business models.
I'd rather have a text mute option
>This actually happened to me recently. During one match, I kept getting owned in Pharah duels by a member of the other team. Their aim and timing was preposterous, so I typed “Hey [other Pharah’s handle], how are you so good at aiming in Pharah vs. Pharah battles?” into match chat. Five seconds passed. Then ten. Then twenty. No response. Finally, somebody else on the other team just said “lol.”
I don't get this article
Your definition of common sense is much shakier. Not to mention you called me thin skinned for saying I don't give a shit about video games enough to rage in mic. How does that make any sense
>u mad
>passive agressive tone
Smells underage that likes projecting
I hate censoring and shit like that but if this is the kind of people that i will be alineated too then i rather just play other video games and avoid them all together.
Why did you dodge my question and how the fuck could you even come to that conclusion
Somebody smells like soyboy
>taking special olympics this serious
what's wrong with being racist
I wish I was born 100 years ago when people were more sensible
Not an argument
what happen to the days of calling people fuckn scrubs, and to get wrecked. Shit was simple back in the day.
I remember a local lan center in my area. Shit was cash. We all trash talked each other in good fun. Those days are over