That's right Sup Forums, games are bad because they change your personality. Stop playing video games.
>I thought my 10 year old son's personality would never change!
>ban a game from EVERYONE!
is this fake?
>Banning shitty BR underage bait games
Seems good
>I'm a shit parent that can't control my cunt kids
>Instead of improving I will demand everything that might be bad for them be band so I don't have to put any effort in
It's too bad that bitch wasn't sterilised before she could shit out a kid
>my son is doing too much [literally anything consumable] because I don't set boundaries and it's affecting him negatively. I want to ban [literally anything consumable] because I'm too lazy to do actual parenting!
and that's why the world is going to shit.
>and making him find normal life boring in comparison to the fictional world.
No normie has been able to prove the point that normal life isn't boring compared to a video game.
Do you have kids?
No. Do you have kids?
>Fortnite is PEGI 12
>Stupid mom has her 10 year old son play it.
She is fucking stupid thats all folks.
>It's impossible to see bad parenting unless you have children of your own
>kid starts puberty
Nuke the UK now please.
nice, wanna go play some vidya like responsible abults?
I would've thrown a fucking fit at the time but I use my parents banned games for me or at least limited my time. They fuck your shit up
Before video games, it was books
Alright then.
Yeah, plenty have
Real world sex
so this is the power of vidya...
Good man yourself. She is my waifu.
She should have just started slipping those HRT pills into his breakfast or something.
It isn't more boring. Feeling the love of a woman is infinitely better. Drinking with friends is way fuckin better.
I still love video games but calm the fuck down.
>No normie has been able to prove the point that normal life isn't boring compared to a video game
Because most "normies" lead shitty boring lives. It's possible to lead a fulfilling, interesting life, one which is hundreds times better than any game but your average Joe will never come even close to lead such a life.
>suddenly Sup Forums is against this because lol women
Never changes.
oh my god that picture lol
>Feeling the love of a woman is infinitely better.
Yup, same with cuddling and laughing with a reallllllly good bro. No homo of course...
Illusory superiority, Dunning-Kruger effect, etc.
>some bitch
>does something dumb
Gas humans now please.
pastebin nigger
I don't know what the fuck you roasties are doing here, but you need to go back to where you came from.
Congratulations! You have poor reading comprehension! What's the next step of your master plan?
>Fortnite is PEGI 12
>A Game involving people dropping down on a field and shooting each other is rated 12
Maybe trump is right, they need to raise the age limit on these games and enforce it.
They could also ban cancerous streamers promoting this for kids and the industry would improve as a whole
>Real world sex
Extremely overrated, most people are terrible at it too. I'll give you that sex with a woman that knows what she's doing is amazing but they're not that common and it always comes with baggage.
Everyone ITT deserves this for defending democracy
I suppose fortnight is making him interested in girls and grow hair in funny places as well?
I'm a feudal monarchist though.
agree with married relationships.. sacred loyal love transcends all.
drinking however... you're fooling yourself user, alcohol is a poison
Games aren't bad, but they soon will be when playing them is more of a subscription service with micro transactions than they already are.
Entire industry doesn't see a future collapse coming when the greed is so blindly high right now.
it's called cartoon violence, don't tell me you've never watched a single episode of T&J before
maybe dumb bitch is the one who needs to ban her son from it. Fucking SJWs are just irresponsible retards who only want to complain but want everybody to do everything for them
also. pic. Its because FIFA is boring
>PEGI 12
>"Ohhh a video game supposedly changed my boy lets ban a video game played by millions of people forever because fuck you it's all about ME ME ME"
What a self-centered cunt. Reminds me of that woman who wanted dogs to be allowed into restaurants because she wants to take her toy dog for a walk and go for lunch with friends at the same time.
They definitely do change your personality if you play them that young. Playing competive counter strike at 16 all day everday literally fucked with my mind. Everything I looked at someone walking by I imagine and invisible cursor lining up to their head.
Why is ironic shitposting still isn't a bannable offense?
UK/Europe/Austranglia always try to ban vidya
>UK site
you let it happens, you share the fault.
democracy is why we have violent and other questionable media to begin with
user says something
green arrows what he said in a different as an attempt to make him sound like he's exaggerating
Love is a worse poison. Harder to get, stronger addiction, and worse withdrawals. We need to ban love.
The absolute state of Britain
They'd probably ban stuff like video games if the pushback was hard enough
>another literally who says nothing of significance and Sup Forumseddit decides they should make a thread dedicated to them
This place needs to burn.
user, the game has a higher age rating than 10.
If anything, child protection should be up mom's ass for letting him play it.
Or... I know this might be shocking... or... cut off your son's access to the video game if it's that big of a deal, how shitty of a parent to you have to be to have no control over your son.
Reminds me of those parents who let their kids get fat. Stop feeding them junk food you garbage humans.
Long term videogame playing at a young age could absolutely affect personality. It could destroy his social skills and make him even shyer than before
It’s a cartoon game with no blood you faggot American
>ban everything I don’t like waaaaaaaaah
>anti-social behaviour
wonder how many roving packs of nigs were fined for that
>soccer mom's against [insert fun]
We've really gone full circle haven't we?
Easy there dark matter
>cartoon violence
Nobody dies in cartoon violence, this is just exploiting the cartoon artstyle and normalizing lethal real gun violence for kids
What’s wrong with age limits on buying knives? We can’t shoot each other so kids try to stab each other in schools instead.
>you can't say he's a bad pilot because you don't have a helicopter flying license
normal life is boring compared to pretty much any fiction. that's the entire reason literature and theater became so popular, and were then followed by films, television, and video games.
You are objectively a retard and degenerate if you have a kid in this day and age when the world is overpopulated and our political and economic system is completely fucked.
Everyone around me only wants casual sex. I'm a hardcore sexer, not some filthy fucking casual
It's literally silverware (forks and spoons included) that also have an age restriction
people don't die in fortnite though, they just faint and get transported back to the main menu to join the next match
>you can't criticize video games unless you are a game developer
>you can't criticize movies unless you are a film director
>you can't criticize books unless you are an author
>you can't criticize bad parenting unless you are a parent
Plus, women have cooties!
>second half of the article is just a list of tweets roasting the stupid cunt
I love Metro.
>tfw Unacceptable Behavior Teams will never be real
God bless America.
I believe this. Anime made me uninterested in all real girls and now I'm a 23 year old virgin saving money for a sex doll.
Maybe he was doing all he could but there was a mechanical problem. For all you know he saved countless lives.
>Drinking with friends is way fuckin better
These days I'll rather stay at home and play video games half the time. It gets old
>starting puberty when he's 10
That kid is gonna grow up to be a chad, I don't know why that mom is complaining.
No need to get so salty, UK cuck. :^)
Hopeful based trump bans shit games in the US.
Yeah, as we all know children famously don't start becoming more independent as they are growing up. It must be video games.
That’s just called being autistic.
It's PEGI 12 and he's 11, do you really think there's any noticeable mental difference between and 11 year old and a 12 year old? Would he suddenly become immune to the wicked effects of Fortnite if only he had waited a year? Ignoring the age rating isn't the problem here.
>my form of dopamine acquisition is better than yours
Deprived of political or economic agency, the middle class has retreated into forms of escapism which effectively function as modes of non-violent domination. People who aren't picking passively self-destructive forms of escapism - video games, social media, and Netflix addiction, for example - are getting addicted to opiates.
In this social, economic, and political climate, the only appealing option is to escape. Reduced to hollow hedons, people fulfill the logical conclusion of liberal philosophy's acquisitive conception of happiness: a society based on the perpetual acquisition of pleasure.
Yes there is. When I was 11 I used to put boogers up my butt and scream "BOOGER FARTS" every time I farted
When I was 12 I substituted boogers to a more sophisticated substance, my uncle's sperm, i would then scream "MAYO FARTS"
honestly I would love to go back to the days of everybody complaining about video game violence instead of the asinine shit they complain about now
maybe the whole concept of 'cartoon violence' is shit
just because it looks or sound less disgusting it's still about murder
if anything, it's worse because it trivializes violence
then again i think the whole
>video games fucked up my kid
thing is bullshit. it may look scary when a kid seemingly lives in his favourite cartoon / game / whatever but unless they're legit autists they grow out of it.
kids who lived through WWII turned out alright. ffs my grandpa was technically a child soldier and he became a peaceful family man
>Maybe he was doing all he could but there was a mechanical problem. For all you know he saved countless lives.
Neglect of probability. You can justify every crime or bad action by making up an improbable imaginary scenario ("maybe he didn't rape her maybe he was attacked by dogs, lost his cloths, slipped and fell on her and during the fall he punched her in the face by accident, her skirt got torn from a broken glass and he accidentally penetrated her?")
You have to be 10 or below to use such arguments.
>You have poor reading comprehension!
Oh the irony... I wasn't arguing you tard, what the fuck is there to argue about "A boring average life is boring and fiction is more interesting?" Do you want a nobel or something? The point is real life can be better that a shitty videogame and you don't need to be a rockstar or climb the K2 to know that. There's plenty of things that beat pressing buttons while looking at a screen, even doing things like building your own car is more satisfying and fulfilling.
>everyone starts complaining about video game violence
>less and less people start playing games because "ew, that stuff is for serial killers and pedos"
>second golden age of video games ensue
>if anything, it's worse because it trivializes violence
Violence is trivial as fuck and gore porn used to most popular genre of movies for the last decade, who gives a fuck?
hiding violence from kids is like trying to stop teenage pregnancy by not having sex ed
video games are literally for small kids anyways, so what's she bitching about?
he's ten, and yes, there's a lot of difference between ten and twelve
biggest difference being that when he's ten IT'S LEGALLY YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT if you gave it to your kid despite the warning
Fartnight is a shit game his mother should smack him instead
what kind of 3rd world country doesn't have sex ed
ESRB Rating: Teen
Why do people who chose to reproduce think it's the rest of the world's responsibility to raise their children?
>banning shit tier fad meme games
I see no problem with this.
>EF31 Nereid.gif
Sex ed is laughable and it's even more laughable that you think not having such retarded shit at school is 3rd world
>more satisfying and fullfilling
How can you gage how satisfying something is?
who is to tell that messing about a car is more fun than playing car mechanic sim?
Most people shouldn't be having kids because they don't know how to raise them. It's amazing just going to the grocery store and watching everyone's brats destroying shit because their parents don't beat them half to death in public or humiliate them in front of people.
Cunt should let him finish his game. Can't just pause it like FIFA.
and what country are you from then mister no sex ed
>he thinks sex is better than videogames
spotted the neckbeard virgin