Was banning Chibi really the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?

Was banning Chibi really the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?

>speedrunning community
I miss the times when speedrunners were just independent people uploading their cool speedruns to youtube. Now it's facecam twitch shit and there's a speedrunning community that hosts trannies by the thousands.

is that thing a tranny or a real woman? Just asking

Depends. Did he really like that jump?

you tell me


It's speedrunning
Obviously 2 trannies then

Back to the woods snownigger

his "gf" has more testosterone than him


Let me see what I get


Help me Varg


>stop loving your waifu
and do what, start loving some 3d wamen that will just leave?

I need stop drinking, please help

anything other than 3 or 4 please

>pagan larper who's also a murderer knows what's best for me

Help me Varg.

I'll do all except #2 alhamdulillah


