Sup Forums Gauntlet 2018

Time to play some video games, user!

Get an NES emulator. Any should be fine as long as it's accurate.

Go to:

Click on NES. Whatever game you get, you need to play from start to finish. You get three days to do it. No savestates allowed.

If your game has no defined goal, set a highscore and try to beat it. Ask other anons for advice on reasonable scores.
Post screenshots as you make your way through the game, but don't spam.

Good luck.

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is it any good?

never heard of it

Never heard of it either, most of the time that's not a good sign

just looked it up, seems really shit

fug. well I'll start it after I grab some food, let's hope it's not too awful

Holy shit! I've been trying to find this game for years. I loved playing it when I was a little faggot.

Did you roll anything OP?

i did it gamers

are you the gundam guy from yesterday?

i wish

none of my friends would die in war for me :(

Well, how often have you and your friends been in a giant robot war, maybe some would surprise you?

so ghoul school just drops you right into it with no intro. you start off in this corridor with a load of branching rooms stairs at the end branching off into other identical corridors. reckon it's gonna be a cunt to navigate

enemies seem really passive, striftly following their short movement pattern that you can stand outside of and swing for free. also you can hide in lockers mgs2 style for whatever reason but I haven't seen any hot asian posters as of yet

How fucked am I?

>click NES
>Get Castlevania first try


oh come on, I beat that as a kid. It's not that hard you just have to get used to the fact that your guy controls like shit, pro tip use the cross to fight death

Gundam user here, been waiting all day for this thread before continuing. Will start posting soon.

yeah forget what I said about short movement patterns, these follow you

>no low ground attack
>barely any horizontal jump distance
>little shit moves faster than your character
>hit the bats above if I say fuck it and try jump over
>knockback kicks me right down the corridor away from where I'm going

it confused me at first since I thought it was referring to the bat's durability

so after some leveling and buying new equipment I pursed the bad guys onto hell road and caught up to general Quol, Gaou talks some shit as always and a fight for life and death commences.

Here we go, after games like Festers Quest and Gundam, Smurfs seem kinda underwhelming in comparison.

Decided to check out the settings, there are only two difficulty modes: Easy and Hard. Considering putting it on Hard.

I got Tiny Toons Adventure first try.


Don't be to hasty, these kind of games are usually easy but they can be retarded hard

I wonder whether the other characters have unique stories or if the selection at the start was just choosing the MC

The ost of this game is fucking amazing.

I checked this out really quick for you and they all seem to have their own story arc, the first character tries to find and surpass his dad and starts in a completely different town I haven't even been yet with the Gaou, keep in mind, there where 4 characters to choose from and 4 more that seemed to be unlockable, also after getting BTFO Quol commits suicide.

How does this game look this good on NES?

That sounds neat, might pick it up another time

he already beat his nes game, he's on snes

It's Snes, I played "Sweet Home" on the Nes some time ago in one of these threads, also a great game

The other guys reached the Star key before me and are now trying to destroy it so the Star Door opens or something like it, the translation is a bit wacky at times

Can't guarantee I'll follow through with this but I'll give it a try, I have an hour to kill

Decided to set it on hard, anyways. The game is suprisingly decent, its a simple platformer where move through nightmares the different smurfs have in an effort to save them. Not much to say.


just look at these enemies, you just know there is evil incarnate down this underground temple.


You play as a penguin, it's sort of a racing game where you have to reach the goal in a set time while avoiding obstacles and collecting stuff for points.

It doesn't seem to be structured by levels though, which high score should I aim for?

The mole level is a great challenge, get ready for it.

First world cleared, on to the next one. Decided to put the game on easy mode after getting a game over. Hard mode gives you only one extra live, has all the enemies take an extra hit, and also makes them respawn.

Actually there do seem to be levels, since between each race there is a map of Antarctica filling out.

told you about those old game bro

Just checked wikipedia, apparently the game just loops so I'll set myself a high score of 125000 points

got a game over and had to restart. now I've found an area I overlooked before, only problem being i can't get down these stairs into them because this fucking eyeball keeps twatting me into the previous screen

don't play ghoul school lads, if the controls don't give you cancer the infuriating design will

Welcome to the Library of Fear lads, featuring killer books and some pretty good music

Ok we reached the Star key and this dude who reveals himself as System D, also known as Deathwise and he is an original inhabitant of the planet and wants to go full Hitler on the humans.

Can I pass on this one and just wait until later gaunlet?

>Tetris 2
I guess I'll just fuck around with it for 3 days, don't have a particular score in mind.

lel, what's up with these gauntlet threads, we had a bunch of AVGN games yesterday too

>climbing up and smashing the scoreboard with the bat stops the bouncing dodgeballs so you don't need to run a gauntlet to get through the screen

shame I only found this out on my way back

What game is this?

>not gauntlet genesis for day sweet ass soundtrack

burning heroes for the snes, it's Japan only but there is a translation

Check this Forums_Gauntlet_Wiki
People used to post scores and cross games off on it. Check if Tetris 2's been done before and just beat that score if there is one

Is that a swastika

Ok we easily killed this edgelord, but the key has been shattered and the star door is open, but Gaou, swearing to end what Asuka started, is on it.

Might as well give it a try.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I won't be playing this trash. Thank you and have a nice day.

I hate this shit

Cleared the first stage.

I got stryder. time to try it out

It's there, you just start at NES and work your way down. I remember getting Mega Turrican before and being impressed with the ost don't think I ever got past the notAlien levels though

man this game is really bad with names, this isn't even the third dungeon

>this isn't even the third dungeon
top kek
maybe the translators got lazy


This game has definitely started to get difficult.
I got lost several times, and the minigames have become a lot harder.
Anyways, time for the next maze.
To the user that was having trouble finding this gem, its Japanese name is "Dai Meiro: Meikyuu no Tatsujin"
If you look up that name you should be able to find it.


I don't really know what this level is supposed to be.
Thanks doc.

Puss 'n Boots Pero's Great Adventure

the online shit:
>at least is a japanese title

This game is fucking shit and frustrating.

Forgot pic

if so they got lazy from the start, the towns have names like, Rain Town, Dawn Town, Shield Town, Sword Town, I know it's not hugely important but that shit breaks my immersion, why bother translation when you halfass it anyway, well maybe the places are really named like, who knows, also Gaou is getting tired of this shit.

Well, there's my first death.

Second level finished. I fucking hate this game already, havent even gone to the hard parts yet.

Killing this dude restored a bridge towards demon tower, we have to get up there and fuck up it's Antenna so the stupid Star Door closes again

>Just paid a bitch money to shut the fuck up.
And that's the third level.

Man these controls are not that good at time. Sometimes my jump is higher than a regular jump and sometimes it's shorter. It's really fucking with me.

Level 4 is relentless

On top of the tower I encountered this fucker, who preaches some hard truths, we defeat him anyway and destroy the antenna, but here is a teleport under it and that faggot Deathwise is talking to us again

just what is the point of hiding in lockers when enemies do this until you get out

This is one of the worst games that I played just to being frustrating as fuck, there are many parts that due to the controls being ass its impossible to dodge shit.

I died. For reference, most enemies will damage you by 2. I got hurt by an enemy off screen for 10. turned and killed it, then got hit by another one. game over. start over. Fucking hell.

I fucking hate the bomb guys...

Could be a lot worse.

Thats it, I give up. The game is fucking frustrating as hell, most of the shit is fucking impossible to dodge as Jekyll or Hyde and the shooting is crap. In addition the game expects you to keep transforming back and forth due to some obstacles requiring money to pass(singing lady). Also if you get a game over you might as well reset and start from zero due to the whole mechanic that you cant reach the same place as Jekyll.

Try new gauntlet in 3 days.

Despite two deaths I managed to find the exit with relative ease.
I'm hoping the next maze goes smoothly.

Not that bad so far.

Not much to talk about here, parts of this world are kinda frustrating but overall I would call these stages comfy

This maze looks interesting.
The music is pretty good too.

We reached this dude and he is about to crash the flying continent into Earth which combined with his funky space powers would destroy it. He also kicks everyones ass at first, but then Asukas tells Garou from beyond the grave to not be such a pussy and they destroy him.

I guess I got really lucky with this one, huh?

What game is this?

The continent falls into the ocean doing fucking nothing, the emperor is very pleased and Gaou wants to open a school now, he also proposes to Froz, who accepts. The End.

Pretty great game, should I go on now or do every single character.


Thanks user.

h-here i go

>end screen
Think you can consider that done for the gauntlet but the game does sound worth playing again with the other characters. I'd just keep it around to replay another time but it's up to you really

Oh good. A movie game.

Better dig out everyone's favorite nes power pad

I'll go on then, there are 7 more, it would take quite a while, especially if I don't have as much time as these last 2 days.

Oh boy, Turtles are hit and miss in my experience, let's hope for the best

This doesn't look that bad.
