
>No defensive options
>Game rewards you for playing like a shitter and relentlessly rushing down your opponent

Why do people think this is good again?

>I'm a loser so that must mean the game is bad.

>no defensive options

T. Mad turtre detected

Stay mad.


>no defensive options
>reflect comes out on frame 1 and can be cancelled into special moves
lmaaoooo you suck you fucking retard, you suck!

>he doesn't know how to properly deflect without mashing
>his oki setups are terrible
git gud.

Does Last Emperor just not fucking work in matches? I can get it working in training mode just fine but it wont fucking execute when I'm fighting someone.

That's so bizarre, I just started playing freezer and he seems to do it almost automatically whenever I have the meter and they're close enough, I shit you not. Such a great super move.

>Retard rushdown and raw supers
>Free kills with 16 suicide bomb
I thank the good Lord for every brainless rushdown player I meet in ranked.

it's basically an extra tech option, so you have to time it the same way.
you can't do it after you pick another tech (like delay) and you can't do it after a hard knockdown since there's only 1 way to get up.
it seems pretty shitty in general but nova strike whiffs 90% of the time on wakeup so maybe it's useful
buff nova strike

>Implying reflect is useful
>Implying anyone uses reflect

[ape noises]

day one cell/16 player ask me anything

>Implying reflect is useful
well it is, it's your only way to beat meaties and not be forced into blockstun a lot of the time
and you can cancel projectile blockstun into it to get out of certain blockstrings
also stops your momentum and has a fixed duration so it makes certain stuff punishable when it's normally safe
16's 214S for example is +4 (or something) on block, but if you deflect it's full combo punishable

>guard cancel
>invincible level 3 / specials

I think you're just garbage

game is kinda boring to watch

You’re retarded, OP.
Anyways, I’m gonna keep asking until I get an answer.
How do I get adult Gohan’s corner leg loops to work after I unlock potential?

Did they fix the online issues?

>tons of POST YOUR TEAM hype threads pre-launch
>barely any posts after launch.

Sup Forums just sucks at FGS

>Sup Forums just sucks at FGS
no surprise there

>Opponent starts up their dash
>Their dash tracks right into me and they get a free combo

Broken piece of shit.

superdash tracking is retarded yes but why are you raw vanishing in neutral

>almost infinite block strings into a mix-up, of which if you land it your opponent is dead

nice game

>play Dark Souls 3
>game rewards you for being a pussy and backpedaling from your opponent

never stop rolling! XD

>In corner against Cell
>Absolutely fucking ridiculous blockstrings with nothing to do but play their guessing game
>Instantly fucked if they have an assist button to press, which they always do
>Actually get a read off against all odds and go on the offensive
>Eat a reaction level 3 the frame before your jab connects