Why can't they just leave us alone?

Why can't they just leave us alone?

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Video Games has always been gay. Sup Forums is proof of it.

I'm just sad that toxic is the used word for this shit. Why not poisonous? Venomous? Rancor? Or just say prejudice?


inb4 someone blames him for balancing when in reality he did nothing wrong.

They seek to destroy us so they can sell out to normalfags. /vk/ soon.

Post the real one you faggot

this is the real one

>Xbox no longer wants to cater to Xbros

it's like they want to hurry killing their console marketshare already.

I just wanna play video games, I was a gay guy playing videos games fifteen years ago with no problems. Why do these nuts have to make this big song and dance over fags/niggers playing the same games they were 15-20 years ago now?

That face is absolutely pity inducing.

But Maro did everything wrong.

Why not toxic, you dumb fuck?

lol will we ever get to see the real, original picture?


Why his eyes looks lifeless

Why can't you just quit being toxic?

The real problem here is feeling that people need to see themselves in cards to be attached to them. Like no other card game acts like this is an issue. I played Force of Will, I don't feel the need to connect to a bunch of anime girls with large honkers.

Doesn't both me, I just won't buy it. There are a lot of things I just don't buy anymore. Have some fucking principles you stupid fucks.

>not realizing this with paid subscription for online play
>not realizing this at the infamous 2013 reveal

>Everyone on Sup Forums will be banned from videogames soon
Peace at last

He had a pretty nice birthday party, tho

D-does literally any single person feel like they're IN THE CARD? That's fuckin' nonsense. I just want entertaining flavor text.

it mean the exact same thing you dumb motherfucker. but /vpol/ brainwashed you into thinking that it's somehow a new word invented by SJWs or something.

the funny thing is you seem to understand what "poisonous" means in relation to bad behavior, but you'll still throw a shitfit over the word "toxic", which means pretty much the same thing.

No it wasn't, people memed too much about "I hope she has a penis xD" and actual faggots started thinking they belong here.

Cute cake assuming it's not actually part of a cuck scenario

I disagree. sure Sup Forums has it share of Sony soybois that like little anime girls and are a bunch of faggots. But Sup Forums has a lot of great people too that you can actually have good talks with and don't want all this shit in our gaming world

We could finally get off our collective ass and make our own videogames.

If I was to guess, he's talking about making artists fill their diversity quota for them. It feels like it's been so long since we've had a lot of decent art in a set.

They (the psychologists paid to destroy you and everything you love) are building specific emotional associations in the word toxic so that people have a particular programmed response to it. If they changed up the words they used, people wouldn't be as easily manipulated. This tactic is used in all media, all entertainment, all broadcasting, every movie you watch, every game you play, every song you listen to, everything is designed to brainwash you into making you a better slave--except this one particular post of mine, which wants to help you, but will most likely be ineffective.

the essence of multiplayer has always been banter and trashtalk. it's what makes mp fun alongside pushing the other team's crap in.
that being said modern day multiplayer games aren't really even good so it's a non issue for good games (tf2, quake live etc)

he just "cut" his balls and removed himself from genepool. So lifeless is pretty accurate.

>liking anime girls is now being a soyboy
>bringing Sony out of nowhere
First day here?

Thats entirely my point you morons.

No, that vasectomy post was originally an xbone.

I hope you have a penis

Go back and play old games user.

If some crazy kind of cultural shift happened where I couldn't get the content I wanted through purchase. I'd make something to fill that void. That hasn't happened yet and I doubt it will. Namely because I know what's shit and what isn't and there are plenty of people like that still out there.

Vasectomies are reversible.

Reversing a vasectomy isn't that simple and doesn't always work. Also, I think I may have heard that if you put off reversing too long it simply becomes permanent.


there is absolutely nothing wrong with vasectomy if you have kids already. It's a good way to keep having sex without a condom and without the problems of pregnancy.

But if you want to be like this, be my guess:

Ultimately you're right. Good games don't happen on these locked down environments. If certain behavior doesn't bother you, why would you put yourself in an environment where people are going to give you shit? Play a different game, learn to adapt or fuck off. I might feel a lot different if I were emotionally attached to these AAA's but I'm not because I don't see them as good games. It's all connected.

It's as simple as the original procedure and the failure rate is basically nonexistant, but any surgery can potentially go wrong. Scarring of the vas deferens is the primary failure point and requires resorting to alternative fertilization procedures. As far as a time limit I've never heard of anything but it seems a bit far fetched. It's not like the vas will corrode or something.
At any rate, the sperm within will be alright and can be procured if desired, though I imagine such a procurement would be extremely painful for you.

>the essence of multiplayer has always been banter and trashtalk
lmao, fuck no, dunno what shitty games you were playing but
>(tf2, quake live etc)
lmao, good for you.

it was all sarcasm but newfaggots are too stupid they take everything serious

>it was all sarcasm

if you come here thinking Sup Forums was your local /soc/ then you were bamboozled, but that's ok, we are used to get flooded by idiots like you

Because videogame nerds are an unexplored voting bloc that never actually gets to go to the voting booth, and it's a demographic that's growing larger every year, and it's just as easily malleable as gun nuts, religious fundamentalists and SJWs. Say the "other side" will take their toys away and suddenly you're in office.

>lol we make daily husbando threads and find girls(male) attractive but we're not gay
The only idiot here is you

>Bull giving presents to the cuck
>"my favorite nintendork"

I dunno man...looks like some tsundere love triangle anime shit

>Sup Forums is a hivemind

"I just wanna play video games. Why can't they leave us alone?" user asks while actively searching for tweets, reddit posts and Tumblr posts that are multiple years old to screencap and post on Sup Forums multiple times in one day instead of playing video games.