What are some games that go full retard with difficulty spikes right at the end?
What are some games that go full retard with difficulty spikes right at the end?
Orphan is not so hard that it's unfair. He only kills you if you panic and stop thinking about what you're doing (which should just be in response to what he is doing)
Nioh supposedly, but I had a pretty easy time with the dlc
>did the DLC with a NG++ character
>mfw Ludwig
Orphan took me around 100 tries, by the end of it had mastered his first phase and could just avoid all his attacks with placement alone.
Vampire - The Masquerade - Bloodlines
>orphan is not so hard
>using summons
>summon shitters thinking they have any right to participate in difficulty discussion
What coat is that. Looks fucking great.
Better not let this nigger go back to his nest.
the player in that webm is the one who was being summoned, not the one doing the summoning. Also as the clip shows, having a coop buddy doesn't make much of a difference if you can't tango with the orphan for more than a few seconds without dying. Much of the time he will chase down one hurt + dodging player while the other cooperator(s) are sprinting after him trying to steal back his attention
I think it's just the default hunter coat like on the cover of the game
Orphan was the best boss fight I had in years. It was hard to keep my calm and not rushing the fight. Took me like 6 minutes to kill him after dozens of tries.
Any shmup
You are what's wrong with the DS community.
>finished the game without doing the dlc because honestly I wasn't expecting it to be that short
>decided to do the DLC on ng+
>ludwig is a huge damage sponge and pretty much one shots my character
Oh well.
>Ctrl+f "Cave Story"
>No results
Did any of you actually beat Ballos?
Him as in, people who play the game without summoning help and gang banging the boss?
>implying summoners are the right people to evaluate the game's difficulty
Nothing against summons, I use them plenty, but I don't feel I've actually beaten a boss until I manage to do it myself
Orphan isn't a bad fight. While his attacks are huge, they also have noticeable tells. You only lose if you constantly panic and mash dodge.
>beat both orphan and ludwig my first ever attempt, NG+, level 98
Never understood how you shitters struggle so much. Get better gems you retards.
it's fine, DSP got stuck at the exact same part and he gave up too. This basically just means that you and DSP are about on the same level in terms of videogame skill
Why do people keep bashing the orphan for being unfair and broken when Laurence is a thousand times worse?
Not sure what you're on about. If you've made it all the way to Orphan, you most certainly have the skills to defeat him.
2 old?
I think a lot of people ignore the chalice dungeons and top-tier blood gems, so they wonder why they aren't doing much damage even with their +10 weapons
Listen to Gehrman
If the beasts loom large, seek a holy chalice, as all hunters have before you
I have 0 idea who the fuck you are talking about. I don't know anything about e-celebs or streamers or whatever the fuck.
>gave up
Where does it say that?
Atelier games have huge spikes with some of its bosses.
>Summon a hunter to help defeat boss
>They die within 20 seconds leaving the a buffed version of the boss with higher attack and more HP
Single player is the real easy mode in Souls games
Honestly, even if you intentionally don't partake in e-celebrity shenanigans, not knowing DSP is a good indication of being a newfag.
Chalices are boring and simply increasing a damage number doesn't mean you've progressed as a player
Exception - Valtr, master of the league
That guy has like 99 vit or something and can hold his own
Nier: Automata
It's hard to dodge bullets when all I can see are tears.
i was pretty high level by the time i took on orphan in NG (had already finished all chalices etc) but i actually first try'd him. honestly i found those fucking shark mutants way tougher than orphan. that goddamn room under the well in particular, holy fuck.
>Chalices are boring
I disagree
>simply increasing a damage number doesn't mean you've progressed as a player
So you must have played through the game without leveling once, not wearing any armor, and never upgrading your weapons right?
Beat him in 4 tries. Bloodborne is literally only as hard as you make it.
>don't feel I've actually beaten a boss until I manage to do it myself
Exactly. Summoning’s fine, but I make a policy to solo a boss at least once before I do it. Just to prove that I can.
The entire game is disappointingly easy, but the fight against Alex is pretty hard. Maybe I just suck, though.
Malak at the end of KOTOR 1 can be fucking retarded hard if you screwed up your build.
Yes and you can't prove otherwise
only retards actually think orphan is unfair. Every time he kills you, it's because you made a mistake and couldn't get out of the way (or because you moved into the way).
The only bosses I think are *actually* unfair are Loran Darkbeast (for being so AOE-spammy and so hard to hit), The Undead Giants (for their absurd damage and odd attack hitboxes) and Pthumerian Descendent (for throwing his deadly sickles at you through the walls) - and all of them are chalice dungeon only.
I intentionally stay out of it and anyone who bothers to talk about it or remember anybody from that is an ape.
You start the game off wearing armor, so even if you immediately took it off you still spent 1 second of the game playing with armor on.
I have battled him countless times and the axe is objectively the best weapon to fight him with. He is very easy to rally HP back from, and the axe does it better than any other weapon (esp. w/ transform attacks). It 2H mode it also flinches him in like 3-4 hits, and untricked charged R2 is great for hit and run when he's recovering from something
I see you haven't attempted the chalice dungeons yet. You should give them a try some time.
Yup. Also he gets Viscrealed like a mother fucker.
The Slave Knight on DS3 is harder than Orphan.
yeah but most players just facing him for the first time don't know about the 1st phase backstab trick unless they look up a guide, and they are usually too scared to even try parrying him (or they assume it's not possible). Instead they just dodge every time
I found Ludwig the Accursed much harder on my first try.
I missed the DLC first time around and so my first run of all of them was NG+. I think Accursed Ludwig might have killed me 50 or so times. Holy Blade was much easier.
Orphan took maybe 10 tries.
Only harder thing I’ve done in Soulsborne was Ivory King and Lud and Zallen on NG+8.
To be fair his parry windows have some pretty ridiculous timing.
Eh? Really? I thought he was a right fool for them... i got them all the time, just like Gherman and Maria
You're probably just a lot better at parrying than me, I suck at it. And against Orphan, missing a parry is asking to get smashed.
Weird. This was my first Souls-type game of them all, and it took me like 30 tries to beat Ludwig and fucking 60+ tries with ~400 vials to beat Orphan (I fought both on NG+ first, like you). Orphan is not that hard on NG, but in NG+ he can kill you in two little hits even when you have 50 VIT. So can Ludwig, I know, but he is way way easier to dodge every time than Orphan is with his yo-yo attacks, feint rush and throwing of gobs of pink shit
Orphan is the funnest boss in the game, apply yourself.
His sisters are fucking fit SUCK MY DICC U SLIPPERY HOT SNAILS
I don't bother with e-celeb stuff and I have never watched a DSP video, but I still know who he is because of how often he is referenced on this website, even in threads that have nothing to do with him.
Why do you use them if it trivializes the difficulty? Don't you want to see epic trades and clashes like webm related? You can just rally back lost HP. Bloodborne is only as fun as you let it be.
It's cool to use clutch parries mid-combo when you're about to run out of stamina vs against an enemy's instant counterattack, but fishing for them (even if you are really good at it) is just lame if you ask me.
This artist has no clue how boots work
>fighting orphan in a corner
It's like you want to die
Why? Thats when you stack barrel bombs and fuck him over.
Orphan isn’t hard, he’s just an Artorias-type.
Which is to say From forgot how into bosses, so they just throw a thingy out there to flail around while you roll.
Never has such a stupid boss design made me want to “fight” Bed of Chaos again.
>Why do you use them if it trivializes the difficulty?
Because i don’t give a fuck about that self imposed autism shit. Im there to kill him.
2nd try without parries, get on my level.
Everyone who says Orphan was easy, what level and setup did you have?
130, STR build, Axe 10+ and a pistol
Isn't just setting the difficulty to "hard" in other games the same kind of "self-imposed autism shit" as opting to not use parries? You don't have to play the other game on hard, just like you don't have to chain parry + visceral - but it might be more fun that way. It's just that in Bloodborne, there is no difficulty selection, so you have to manually make things easier or harder yourself.
>I don't feel
This is a Souls thread. We only value cold, hard facts here. Get your "feel" bullshit b2/reddit/
So what's your actual complaint with him? That he wildly and unpredictably swings around his weapon? Because anyone else would say that's a big part of what makes him so difficult in the first place
You were over-leveled, and the axe is the easiest weapon to beat him with. If you got chalice dungeon gems or winter lantern gems you will have no trouble with him at that level. You should be facing him around level 90 if its your first playthrough, going in blind
Difficulty isn't everything, and From games aren't very difficult in the first place thanks to From's inability co program AI properly. The boss has little visual consistency, no memorable style, and looks fucking stupid.
The reason why some video game bosses are so well remembered and appreciated is because of their design. Vergil3 is great not only because he's hard, but also because he has a great, consistent, memorable style, on top of looking flashy.
Final fantasy 3 requires you to upgrade a ton of levels for the final boss
>The boss has little visual consistency, no memorable style, and looks fucking stupid.
I completely disagree on all points but whatever, you're entitled to your god awful opinion.
>Orphan of Kos wont be remembered
>I completely disagree on all points
Well, gee, thank you for this substantial input. You sure have added a ton to the discussion!
>first time
Level 80 mishmash build +10 kirk no gems
Not him, but that’s how subjectivity works retard
>Not him
that's a really hard fight right there, congrats if you aren't lying and actually beat him in a few tries. Kirk would only do like 300 damage a 2H swing with those stats
>You should be facing him around level 90 if its your first playthrough, going in blind
Bullshit, if you went in “blind” as i did for my first fromsoft game there is no “consulting the community” who died and made 90 the norm? Got charts and bar graphs for me?
Pretty sure it's the coat in the set with the top hat you find outside Oeden Chapel near the Amygdala
>Isn't just setting the difficulty to "hard" in other games the same kind of "self-imposed autism shit" as opting to not use parries?
No. Not at all. One is the devs intention the other is you tying an arm behind gour back for arbritary reasons.
Chalice dungeons suck, that's why
You were overleveled
Why are those opinions any less substantial than yours?
>for arbritary reasons.
do you not know what "arbitrary" means? The reason I'm not chain parrying is to make the game more difficult. That's not arbitrary; it's the exact same reason why I would turn up the difficulty to hard in another game or go to the menu and disable features like "mark and execute" from games like Splinter Cell
I mean, as long as you have the timing down on dodging and parrying, does it really matter how much damage you're doing? No amount of power's going to mean anything if you're a shitter that gets hit by everything.
i bet you cart to his dive
Bloodborne was my first "souls" game. I went into it thinking you die in two hits, leveling vitality is probably a noob trap. I completed the entire game solo with 15 vit. I got real good at dodging
There are bunch of things/mechanics you deem acceptable to discard whilst others you keep. Its arbritary. You are self imposing and also deciding what difficult is for yourself. Your hard is someone elses easy.
the longer the fight goes on the higher your chances are of being hit and killed, and when your weapon does that little damage against him for how slowly it swings, the fight can get really long. You can have the timing down on dodging / parrying him and still sometimes make mistakes over that long a fight. 99% of people wouldn't be able to learn all the timings to survive fighting him that long just within the first 3-4 attempts against him
are bloodborn bosses harder than the ones in ds3? or ds 2?
Thats 100% arbritary. Why not decide to never repair your weapons? Why not decide to never level at all? Why not decide to play the whole game bare handed and with no armor? All these things would make your job in bloodborne harder, but i bet you only choose selectivley how to make your game harder.
Sister Friede from DaS3 is the hardest because of her third form, followed by Ludwig from BB, then Orphan of Kos from BB.
Laurence is definitely harder than Orphan.
Not with my Pizza Cutter ;)
>sister friede
nigga, this fight isn't as hard as most people say it is.
I don't know, I died 30+ times to her while I usually have no problems with other Soulsborne bosses. I don't know if it's my playstyle or if I was retarded with her, but while the first two phases were easy, the third phase was HELL for me.
Third phase is similar to uncle pontiff with the long ass combos but outside of that I didn't found her pattern to be too difficult to understand.
It also gives you some room to safely chug once in a while.