>game has bounty hunter enemies that track you down through the game
Game has bounty hunter enemies that track you down through the game
Serious question is trump slowy going mentally insane?
>watching TV in 2018
>game has child rapist enemies that are immune to all forms of damage or crowd control and untouchable by any laws
I'm hi-jacking this thread.
What do I win?
>banter is mentally insane
Check this 10.
But he's right?
I guess in 2018 being right about things or logical is considered "insane"
>tfw didnt hit bingo
im doing something right
normie award.
trump detected i didn't know you post on Sup Forums
Off topic threads are always the best threads.
People still watch TV?
>Read books infrequently
>Reactionary political beliefs
eh ok
>Paying a tax for owning a TV
What's the point? I know the UK and Japan do it.
>Need a TV licence
>Need a porn licence/account
>Surveillance everywhere
>Trucks of peace everywhere
>Migrant crime increasing while native citizens are throttled
>Can be jailed if you criticize islam in a way that could be considered "hate speech"
>Mayor of London is named fucking Sadiq Khan
Why would anyone choose to live in such a shithole?
Not as bad as I expected
>cant be right wing and read books
Why is "embarassed/ashamed of their fetishes" even on there? Nobody is proud of their fetishes, they are private in nature.
>>Trucks of peace everywhere
>>Migrant crime increasing while native citizens are throttled
>>Can be jailed if you criticize islam in a way that could be considered "hate speech"
>>Need a porn licence/account
Have you ever actually been to the UK?
Not saying it's impossible, just observing the correlation.
>man, naked, game
We don't have stars. This is actually a common opinion of those in the film industry, or at least those who observe it.
Damnit why'd you put all the reasonable shit on the rightmost column
Have you? We can go ahead and discuss the prevalence of migrant crime but the porn tracking is a real thing and being put into effect soon, and did you see that tongue-in-cheek facebook page where the owner was approached and warned by police for posting anti-islam shit?
>eat reddit made
>man cursed faget
>mad, sassy, ass
>TV license
is this a real goddamn thing? I thought it was just brit-shitposting.
What does it mean?
Thought I'd get bingo for sure.
>Naked Pee Rod
The fuck though
>read, lice, eat
In an attempt to salvage this train-wreck of a thread, what are some games that do this? Sounds like an engaging mechanic to worry about.
that was close
>naked present maniac
Damn right
scum cut pee
Fallout 3
Assassin's Creed Origins
>games die faget
>i have the best (you)s
>nobody does (you)s like I do (you)s
I'd hate it, but I hate everything here anyways besides the porn [/ spoiler] so i guess it's whatever.
Ses is not a word
Well, not in English. It's Esperanto for "six".
guess you're a sonygroid now
Was just there last week for work, 3 fucking snowflakes and all airports were shut down for days so I had to keep smelling that disgusting shit you call breakfast for a few more days in the hotel
Wow, a facebook page, also I live in Scotland, I can probably count the ammount of muslims/blacks i've seen in my lifetime on one hand
I guess I'm getting old. I used to get at least a quarter 6 years ago.
Not I Mr. Bingo man!
> die cis scum
>tfw not cis
How are you insecure about your body?
You sunk my battleship
Fool, fur, pee.
Tell that to the furries
>not actively religious
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Seems like the kinda people who are under 30 and religious tend to be the real weirdos. Especially the Sup Forums types who come here who essentially act like 50 year old men in the bodies of 15 year old virgins. Normal young people aren't actively religious. It's a pretty good sign that you're some kind of autist if you are.
How is it even possible to not own at least 3 working consoles/handhelds? Are you the same shitters who constantly make console wars threads?
uh, ok
I'm good.
Wait does that mean less than three or greater than three because I have like 12
>Being jailed for opinions you post online is not an issue
Changed my mind, you all deserve to be overrun. Britain's first but I hope Scotland follows.
How did I do?
>Britain's first but I hope Scotland follows
Well, yeah. Scotland's still shackled to Britain at the moment. Not sure what's happening with another possible indyref.
It means greater than or equal to 3. Jesus Christ, Sup Forums.
> gets top headline in every major news outlet if he so much as shits off schedule
He's the biggest celeb in the US, probably the world, right now.
Crush, man, mad.
Surprisingly accurate.
>not knowing the difference between greater than and less than symbols
Are you literally 5 years old?
>dread lid peep
One guy running a facebook page getting warned, not jailed, is not an issue
too short (182cm), most of the muscle I built withered away but I'm too lazy/busy to go back to the gym
I only have a PC
Why is TV licence mandatory? IS UK really trying to make 1984 reality?
> implying a civilised country would allow unilateral secession of one of its parts
See, Need, Game
I'm literally 1 right now
It's mandatory, but pretty easy just to blank the people coming to the door
>trying to
naked rage man
yes, yes this is a legitimate way to gauge a person, clearly.
>6 foot tall
>thinks he's too short
Lol, that's pathetic. How does it feel to know there are manlets out there with significantly higher self esteem than you? Go see a fucking psych.
But why is it mandatory. Not everyone has TV.
What do you think follows a warning by authorities, exactly?
because tv license is used to fund the BBC you retard. it's a public service broadcaster and operates entirely on the population. this is also why we aren't bogged down by ads unlike am*ricans
breddy good
> president is named Barack Obama
Check check and check
I love this man
>the porn tracking is a real thing and being put into effect soon
Yeah, by the right.