Viera will be the next FFXIV race

Viera will be the next FFXIV race


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dead game, this won't save it

Are xiv threads on autosage now

Anyway, I need a good chestpiece for a Mystic Knight glamour, something that looks like its out of Arabia.

Got source other than a website page from 2015?

If that happened I would come back.

glad I quit this trash

Huh. Feels weird. I never played XIV, are there other Ivalice races in the game?

>Bunny girl

How is this called?

bangaa are in the game but you cant play as them

There is not a single one, the Bangaa made a recent appearance due to the raid being Ivalice inspired (Ramza, Lucavi, all of that good shit)

I would have resubbed to play a Bangaa or one of that Pig race people in ff12. Forgot what they're called.


seriously that' pretty neat (but was also kind of obvious) and they can't really fuck em up like the Au Ra who just look like people with a severe skin disease.

Game lore says its in the same world as Ivalice. May or may not be canon.

They did right with the Xaela lore at least, Azim Steppe is the best story content in SB.

I heard that the biggest problem was implementing the feet, not sure how true it is though.

Anybody have any opinions on which tank I should play if I just plan on playing with pugs and randoms? I'm not looking for meta or speedruns, just dungeons and maybe some mid-core EX stuff.

I'm guessing it's probably PLD for their flexibility, but I'm looking for opinions on how WAR and DRK work in dungeons.

Not really the feet, but making feet armor change to suit the body of the viera, you'd need to redo all of them to be able to accomodate that, that's why all of the current races look similar and shit like the original Au'Ra got scraped

It does not. Jesus why do you people not understand this yet. THE GAME. CREATES. COPIES. OF OTHER. WORLDS. It did it with VI. It is going to do it with III next. THAT IS THEIR EXCUSE FOR FANSERVICING YOUR SHIT.

Every thread, I swear.

If you only care about dungeons then play wathever, it doesn't really matter. If you want to do hig tier content then yeah, PLD and WAR are your best choices since both of them are great as either MT/OT, the only real difference between both of them is that WAR deals a bit more damage and has a stronger immortal ability.

viera shouldnt be playable just because some fags want them
fuck new race
give us more customization

Is this the big tiddy kabbadi girl?

Not really though, the current 8 man raid is copying crap, Ivalice is from the 24 man raid where the legend of the creation of Ivalice is about the origins of the Garlean Empire, that's why you cross the border and discover the capital of Ivalice underneath a dessert in the empire

>that quest when you unknowingly assist in a girl's suicide because she wants to escape the cycle of reincarnation her tribe believes in

post cringe


Have you even played the game let alone Rabanastre and its story?

>instal shitty mods
>cringe at them
You arent too bright, huh?

Ivalice moogles when?

>Sup Forums filename
>accuse me of not being bright

i want to fuck alpa

Yeah, I also wanna fuck an alpa

me too bro, me too

fuck off soyboy

wait, what did the original au ra look like?