It's ANOTHER citybuildan thread

It's ANOTHER citybuildan thread

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what game?

I hire chinks to design my railway

thumbnail looks like a compressed photo of cherry blossoms from below


Nigga get your eyes checked

Fucking Barselona

>we'll never get another good looking isometric game

Is this a Dredd prequel?

Naw, just the Spanish being Spanish
They try to mitigate it by making the space in between squares parks and/or plazas

Least they ain't commie blocks

This makes me unreasonably uncomfortable.

City is actually gorgeous and not at all what you are implying.

gridshit? in MY Europe?

that's it i'm reinstalling sim city 4

more likely than you think


What mods do I need to build this?

modern commieblocks are okay

Is that Christchurch?


>South wall facing the exact same direction as north wall

For what porpoise?

If it ain't broke don't fix it

Alright what's a citybuildan that's got stupid amounts of micro managing.
Something that screams absolute autism.



Anno 1404

What's your opinion on the Caesar games Sup Forums? Specially Caesar IV, had the cd when i was a kid but couldn't play it, and now i want to give it a try, but i'd like to know a bit more before downloading it.

I wish the freeways were better in this game

Pharoah better

I've only played Emperor and it's fantastic, wish there was a modern remaster or sequel.

God that lighting looks awful

Shadow Tactics is fully 3D but it still extremely successfully emulates the isometric style of Commandos or Desperados it's a successor to.

Also, there's the AoE1 remaster which came out recently which is under all definitions a modern isometric game. Same with the Brood War remaster.

What game is OP?

I like Ceasar but Pharaoh, Zeus and Emperor are all better imo.

I enjoy Pharaoh the most but Emperor is probably the most balanced

Stronghold: Crusader

Is this Barcelona?

I want to drop a nuke on it, just so we can rebuild.

Oh yeah trust me, its completely beautiful

I've both lived and worked in that part of Barcelona, it's a very pleasant area, one of the best in the city actually. Lots of space, not too many cars and most streets are lively without being too noisy.

Is that Barcelona?
Damn that's a sexy Diagonal.

What city?

came here to ask this

real life

It looks like a soviet prison camp, even more than

Emperor is the best game technically, but chinkshit ruins it

Play Pharaoh when you get the chance. Emperor has some quality of life changes, but Pharaoh has unrivaled scope.

How are your slums doing /cbg?

Only if Anno 1404/2070 had layout blueprints.

So you could save that perfect hemp plantation grid and not have to place it a million times

It's an interesting place. You can tell which parts of the city are from the last couple of centuries and which are older by looking down the street and seeing how far you can get before there's another building in your path
Based gothic quarter is a jumbled mess of dark side streets and misshapen buildings

>that slum

I wish more games would have slums as a viable neighborhood type. The main workforce in most cities don't live in nice areas, they live in shitty ones. You make money off of taxing the rich, but your city actually functions thanks to the slum.

Magnasanti by the looks of it

And in the same token, rural areas. The people who harvest grain or log timber don't live in your standard suburb.

Is Surviving Mars any good?
It's coming out next week but I see a lot of videos so some people have it

>buying anything from Paradox early in its dev cycle

Come on, they're basically an episodic game publisher at this point. Wait and be cautious about Surviving Mars. It might LOOK good, but most Paradox games look good early on and become a hollow nothing burger in the late game.

looks a bit messy user

you might wanna partition more clearly the different parts of your city, I guess. Plan at the region level

Impressive. Very nice.

You should see my business card.

Look up Eixample Barcelona, it's not at bad as it may seem from the air to some of you. Pic related is how most streets are.

Not always, in my country some companies provide housing subsidies and transportation to workers so most of them live in cities instead of the rural areas or towns where they work.



Caesar 4 is ragged on a lot for being too simple compared to 3, and granted the actual city building aspect is a lot simpler, it's also, in a lot of ways in my opinion, better. For instance, you don't need to put 2x2 tent plots a bajillion miles away from your connected town just to get a stable industry going. Marketplaces also aren't completely fucking retarded. Personally? I like it.

Pic related is one of the hardest to create cities in a 100/100/100/100 rating. Very rocky with a lot of hills making stable infrastructure difficult even in a simplified game such as Caesar 4. But I managed to get two separate back to back upper class areas sequestered by city blocks to increase the prosperity when it finally went stable.

That doesn't look so bad

Hey, I'm not saying not to do that. Let subsidies be a policy option in Cities Skylines. But if you want to build a city that's more Pacific Northwest, more rural and more heavily forested, why not let us do that?

Totally, the sound of rubber on asphalt and the smell of break dust helps my family of five sleep in our two bedroom apartment.

spec into the dutch class
engineering ability combined with distrust of water allows you to control tides and rivers

shitty graphics desu.

>that time the Dutch stopped an invading force by flooding their fucking country

Absolute madmen

why does tee bee aytch get changed to desu?

To detect newfags.

Because this is a Japanese website, desu senpai.

To censor faggotry

baka desu senpai was more fun than it had any right to be and the powers that be took away our privileges

Sup Forums pretty much always had this
you roody-poo

>(in arabic) hey user wanna play some vidya? I live on 911 Taqqiya, yeah the 5th donut shaped shithole.

Checked and true.

fuck thats huge!

Is there a building game with more potential autism than Simcity 4?

i have't played skylines in a while, managing all the mods was getting annoying.

>homes on bridges
what in tarnation

>tfw no more games like Pharaoh/Caeser/Zeus
Why does it hurt so much lads? the tears won't stop flowing

>animu city builder never

Blame 3D graphics. Isometric graphics were perfect for citybuilders.

careful user

I just want another 2d/isometric city builder. Those games were perfection incarnate for city building.

I was once in Barcelona and I donĀ“t remeber it looking like a dystopian nightmare
interesting how much perspective can play a role in how things look to you

Republican separatist pls go, you already lost your war.

actually that was pretty common up until around the 18th century when all the house bridges started collapsing
merchants would set up shop on the bridges then live above it, given most people would have to walk by their stores

Also somewhat related but I want a proper medieval/renaissance city builder with all the chaos of small streets, having to account for walls/moats etc. No more anno style gridbuilders

dude imagine a game that was illustrated in this art style
it has to be viable

Zero zoning laws. It's like that mini-city in Hong Kong, only medieval.

Holy shit, this place look depressing. Where is all the greenery?

a: siberia in winter doesn't have that much greenery
b: toxic metals in the air probably kill all plants anyway
c: greenery is a bourgeoisie luxury

You enemy of party?

La Plata

Rate my city boyz
ABQ represent

This looks like Norilsk, the world's most polluted place.

Socialism and environmentalism do not usually go hand in hand in real life. And of course there is no talk of creativity, art, style or any of that crap.

makes me wanna do meth

We've got you covered

to be fair, environmentalism and capitalism also aren't the greatest bedfellows
heck the only government form I could see being truly environmentally minded would be an enlightened dictatorship