Megaman 2

>boss can't be killed with anything except with one weapon
>said weapon only has 7 uses
>if you die or run out, you'll be forced to kill yourself and refill outside again
What were they thinking?

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I literally made a thread on /vr/ yesterday only to find out about this bullshit.

At least the walls don't respawn.

games used to contain challenges, OP

>if you die you're forced to kill yourself

Why are people trying to take down MM2 so much recently? I mean the game was always pretty overrated, ironically since MM9 came out, but nowadays you can’t even mention 2 without someone criticizing it or constantly downplaying whatever good aspects it has while loudly proclaiming how 3 or 4 or whatever are so much better. Is this because of 11 got announced?

>What were they thinking?
They weren't. Worst boss in classic Megaman.

minus the op image mm2 is by far my favorite with the strongest ost

Reminder if you didn't play MM2 on "hard" you deserve to be laughed at.

The first three have some absolute bullshit moments though.
Yellow Devil in 1, This and Alien Wily in 2, Doc bosses in 3.
Only the later games you get a sort of fairer balance.

the alien isnt hard at all especially for a final boss

Everyone playing MM2 for the first time freak out at this part. No exceptions. Doesn't mean they don't like the game though.

Yeah but the weapon its weak against is pretty shit. Fucking Bubble Lead.

Because MM2 is considered the best in the series but like other MM games has a lot of small stupid moments, so it's an easy target. MM5 is much easier to shit on, but no one does it because they realize it's mediocre and that shit like the 50/50 death drop in Wily's Fortress is standard.

Apart from the turret boss name one (1) thing wrong with MM2.

Protip: You probably can but that changes are it also applies to the "better" classic Mega man games.

Your ammo only regenerates after a game over so if you die halfway through the battle you have to kill yourself and get a game over otherwise you can't beat the boss

>50/50 death drop in Wily fortress

Fucking YES. I was going to bring this shit up. I’ve just played through megaman 1-9 and jesus I never saw a worst design decision than that particular instance. Also my perspective so far has been 9 is the strongest. 2 second despite OP image and weapon balance. 3 is the overrated one. It runs like absolute garbage ruining the series’ tight control. Doc Wily is useless filler and Wily Castle is an empty unfinished bore. I genuinely do not get the love for it but I still don’t think it’s bad. 4 was much better and more consistent. 5 was kind of ok but it’s honestly starting to feel uninspired. 6 isn’t as terrible as people say, but very still unremarkable. 7 is pretty alright, things I liked and things I don’t. 8 is trash, fuck that game.

Playing 10 now. Seems pretty good but feels cheaper. The designers seem to have an obsession with knockbacks into pits and cheap hits by having enemies who just appeared at the edge of the screen attack suddenly. The robot master patterns are challenging when buster only though so that’s good.

You can grind for ammo. It's slow and boring, but there.

You can farm in one of the moving platform rooms for ammo. Honestly after you’d discover how to beat turret boss I find it nearly impossible to fuck up. It is bad design however

>no exceptions
Neither me nor any of my three friends at the time freaked out. It was an easy fight.

Developers used to make games harder because challenge was seen as value. The Ninja Gaiden games even proudly touted 'Hard to Beat!' on the cover. Then achievement scores came about and devs could track that not a lot of people were playing very far into their games, and it bugged some of them immensely. So games got easier and looser with rewards, people who didn't want to work to win got to thinking easy games 'value their time', and they fed off of each other.
It's not all bad though, some devs still work to make stuff hard, and some fans still love them for it.

are you going to do V and MM&B too?

Megaman 1-5 were just shitty prototypes to make 6

Yeah, the game expects you to be good by that point.

>6 better than any Classic title besides the very first game
Hard disagree.

6 had the worst slide

>People like 6
I thought 3 was the people's choice

>Doc Wily is useless filler
It's fun filler for the most part at least

No other game in series holds a candle to MM2's OST. Only 3 even comes close.

I did 5. And yeah I’m gunna order M&B after I’m done with 10. Also fuck this block devil in 10. This is awful

How in the fuck did this Yellow Devil in 1 meme begin? Just look at the monster instead of the rocks and he telegraphs his pattern WELL in advance. If that's still too hard, he shoots the same pattern every single times, just memorize it

crashman stage is garbo

>playing Mega Man 2
>Health doesn't auto regen
I turned this oldfag shit off right away

Block Devil did nothing wrong

Never mind you can just thunder wool it. The pattern wasn’t so bad either I just got pissed by getting hit by a suddenly lifting block and knocking me off the stage. I actually like the devils but that death felt nonsense

>How in the fuck did this Yellow Devil in 1 meme begin?
The people who can't stand a pattern and must use the pause glitch + Elecman's weapon forced it.

Can't kill the alien with the buster

That was for
What's wrong with Crashman's? The usual complaining is always Heatman's stage.

They were still figuring things out.

The challenge doesn’t come from dodging the turrets or the platforming. After you’ve figured out you have limited shots discovering the walls you can and can’t break is very simple. It’s hard to fuck up after the first time. It just causes either a game over or ammo farming because the first time you don’t expect it to need perfect ammo consumption. The game has never set a precedent for something like that. If they had placed respawning ammo pickups in the boss room there would be absolutely no problem and it would do nothing to detract from the challenge of the boss. I’m a huge 2 fan, I think it’s the best besides arguably 9. I think the complaints about the turret room are overstated but damn dude, you’re not going to convince me that there’s not a single thing wrong with it.

Basically. A lot of old games have design decisions that seem stupid in hindsight.

6 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 5 ...> 1

MM3 was obviously Rushed. Would have been better than 2 if they had more time to work on it.


2, 4, 9, and 10 are the best of the classic series

They were thinking "retards won't get past this!"


>The robot master patterns are challenging when buster only though so that’s good.
This. 9 barely had challenging bosses besides maybe Plug Man and Wily

I don't see how any of what you listed was in any way "bullshit" but you seem to have a pretty vague and arbitrary definition of the word so whatever

because the "water" messes with the electronics of the hologram machine.

Why is that an issue?

heatmans stage is excellent. Some of the most fun platforming in the game

It's still a shitty weapon and a boring final boss.

I still found 9’s bosses really fun to play against. Hornet man buster only feels really good execution wise. Its so fun to shoot those bees

>6 that high
Why though?

>heatmans stage

The short answer is, they weren't.

>not starting with Heatman

Capcom knows they fucked up, stop digging up old wounds. Why do you think there has never been a boss like it since? They learned from their mistake.

transformations nigga

>someone actually believes this

I start Flashman like the speedrunners do for Item-3 so that I can do the zip.

>shitty prototypes

In theory this sounds like it would be a problem, but as a kid I never had issue with it so it must've been fine.

play the mobile game if it's too hard for you

I wonder if they put in Item-2 because of this part or put in this part because of Item-2?

What Mega Man shit are you ugly fucks playing right now?

I did a quick playthrough of Mega Man X last night and am about to fire up some Rockman 5 Endless.

At least you didn't say Metalman so that's okay

>i'm a dumb kid that can deal with so many fucking artificial difficulty BS modern games but can't deal with a dirt fucking simple horribly obvious challenge in an old game
It's time to stop playing videogames, kids. You just don't have the ability to enjoy good ones.

Either way, I think it's genius design.

The rule of Megaman is that if you're ever having a lot of trouble with any particular level you should give it a rest and do another level instead. You can come back to that difficult level with new tools to make it easier and, by golly, it works for this.

Why 4?

The Crash Bomb walls don't respawn if you die though so if you screw up you can farm up the energy and take out the boss without any further issue. It's meant as a puzzle.


You need Jesus.

Ok? That’s fine if you want to cheese it. Which is funny because the block segment is very simple. You can bypass multiple platforming sections like that. Even the start of heat man has excellent platforming sections

If I open my heart will he come inside me?

Just did a marathon of 1-10. Had previously only played 1,2,3, and 9 and he only beaten 1 and 2. Although I played through 2 probably 15 times. Decided to beat them all straight since 11 is coming out

I think it’s very solid. It ran well and had cool atmosphere and effects. It hadn’t fallen victim to the design burn out I suspect 5 and 6 did and it’s not a glitchy unfinished mess like 3

I can't believe he's actually dead

There weren't as many autistic gamers then.

but 3 really is better and because 2 being the best is such a meme it deserves it

MM3 is just as overrated as 2 and X are.

it was an arcade game, that's what they were thinking

Choked on a hotdog, a tragedy


He deserved better



There's challenges and straight up traps.
If you used the bombs beforehand you literally cannot progress.
Same goes for the disappearing blocks on heatman stage.
If you chose that one first because you don't know about the order you're supposed to do things you will probably not make it past the blocks because they are not properly conveyed.
There is a block that appears directly above the one you're standing on that you have to preempt the jump to get on, you have no way to know it's going to be there other than dying to it first and then doing it the second time.
That's called trial and error and it's the worst kind of challenge.
>B-but just use the item 2
You don't even know that exists the first time you go through the game.

Not as but close enough.

is the fucking worst boss fight i ever play

Playing Mega Maker

I liked how in the comics Bomb Man does with boss with him.

I've been getting green stars in MAGMML2 and reevaluating my life choices.

I liked 7 and 10's music more.

10's got a pretty good sound track over all, up it suffers from having so many composers on it there's very little cohesion.

classic Megaman wise maybe

MM3 right now.




How were you supposed to know to use top man to kill willy in 3. The whole series is like this.

Post your mans

this. I've defeared Yellow Devil countless times, it's not even that hard.

I don't feel like dragging all of my Mega Man games out right now.