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He just wants to be friends OP.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

>nu-monster hunter "designs"

Too much water

Does MHW fuck with anyone else's eyes?

Agreed, the nu-anime shit we had on the last few games was far superior my fellow redditor!


This guy makes me feel nauseous. It's like he's wiggling of his pimples and they explode, it's disgusting.


wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?


I love Bazel and everything he stands for.
Having said that, he sure can become a bit annoying when he shows up in EVERY Investigation.
Just let me hunt my Tempered Monsters one or twice in peace Bazel!

ITT: I don't know how to use dung pods

ITT: I don't know how to position myself so Bazel explodes the monster I'm hunting for massive damage helping me out like the bro he is

The CB in World with Artillery and Capacity Boost feels like the most powerful weapon

Whenever i see this bastard i equip dung pods. Throwing actual shit at him is the only way to go.


*carpet bombs your hunt*

>First ever Streamstone is this

Post more

He reminds me of a dumb ram who has no other way of expressing himself outside of ramming (or in his case exploding)


Why don't you just kill it? Undoubtedly the easiest invasive monster to kill so far.


Does he even have a reason to act the way he does? I mean with Jho it was because he's constantly hungry.

>violin music begins playing


He just wants to help.


>The Invading Tyrant: Bazelgeuse

Sort of implied he's just a huge flying piece of shit who loves to involve himself in another business.

Fuck Bazelgeuse.

I like to think he’s like a playful dog who thinks you’re taking it too far so he actually gets pissed off

>helps me by ass fucking my hunt hard
>has a great theme
>has a cool roar
>has endless memes
>annoys faggots too dumb to use him to their advantage
I fail to see a downside.


Do you still have more?

he just want to crash your quest

He shows up so fucking often it's honestly annoying. Every quest is literally whatever monster + Bazel and it's not even challenging to get rid of him if you poop on him

There's a non-glowing version too.


This. His spawn rate is fucking annoying enough to make him constantly getting in your way.


I must not give in to this degeneracy

You're in luck. That is all I have.

he is the equivalent of a high school shooter

Yes, bully the flat chests.

>makes JANNU armor
Even better

Baz looks pretty good, though.

Also, does he ACTUALLY get alarmed by monster roars?

Just feed him the poop he loves so much.

He instantly homes in on you when you aggro any large monster, not sure if roars have anything to do with it.

Any monster that roars you can guarantee he'll show up for. He must hate loud noises, considering his set gives Earplugs.

I legit think he's great. Cool design, interesting gimmick and probably the best music in the game. He does show up maybe a little too often but I wouldn't say it's frustrating when he does, more like a combination of slightly annoying and amusing, like when a puppy pisses on a carpet or something.

I don't understand why Bazel would have PTSD about anything other than AA Flak cannons firing shit.

betelgeuse is the best 5th gen monster

debate me

Why does he look silver in the renders but brown ingame?

go back

too slow

Thank you a lot. Would it be too much to ask for some variety, though?

It's not so bad.


Real talk, how do you beat bazel as melee? his bombs fuck everything up nearby. I only beat double tempered because they basically killed each other


I hope some of the DLC Monsters will be totally new ones again.
I like almost every new addition from World.


>Disliking Bazel

C´mon now, this guy is fucking awesome.

Make him tired and he explodes less and moves slow and can't really fly.

How do you make him tired? I figured his glowy form is just his enrage and he's going to do it a lot when lower health

>air raid siren starts
>tfw ptsd triggered
>I hear the bombs dropping
I really love the devs B-52 Bomber Joke, and how far they ran with it. The theme has WW written all over it

Use a melee weapon without sweeping attacks like the GS. Also, divine protection 3 helps a lot with avoiding one-shots. Alternatively, you can only attack the tail/head when it's down so you can carefully avoid the bombs.

So I'm rank 36 after double bazel, what the fuck do I do now? am I supposed to just grind random quests to 49 for HR kirin?

what do I dooooooo

KO damage to the head also deals exhaust damage. Over time, they'll get more and more exhausted.

>I can't enjoy the game for what it is
you kill yourself

Wait, people don´t immedieatly jump to HR29 and after finishing that quest to around HR48?

It's the same deal with Bazel. He preys on weakened monsters by dropping bombs and comes to snack on what gets caught in the blast


what the fuck are you talking about stupid faggot I beat all the quests and have nothing to do


He's just a Steve copy with explosions, how is that nu-Monhun design?

Some people seem to prefer Pickle Rick memes over the muffled it aint me in the distance.
Jesus fuck there were so many pickle rick videos from the Deviljho announcement trailer.

I love the fact that even the Japanese users are in on the B-52 joke.


Meant to post that one

Deviljho replacements get more obnoxious every new installment.

>muh skinner box
Fuck off retard, go back to whatever game you came from

Man these kinda suck, is there more like
those jumbo monster nips break my boner in a good way

the combination of big tiddies & role reversal is the issue, tied with that furry threshold reaching critical mass

I just feel disappointed in myself when trying to learn more about a game that looks fun up until something lewd comes around and it's all I can think of

Bless you

Suicide bomber since birth.

I'm out of Bazeltits.

Chestlets BTFO

This one is probably the worst of the xenos. A lot of the other nip artists are doing shit like transparent dresses and shit using the flavor of Xeno having translucent skin.

That's fine, monster sluts are great

> not posting the rest

Other tits are fine, too, as long as they are similar to the ones posted.

am I literally the only one that doesn't have trouble with bazel

just use the tobi bow and wreck his shit, he can't even touch you

Are there any animals in real life that actually shoot exploding body parts (extinct or otherwise) other than insects? I'm not arguing "muh realism", I'm genuinely curious. The explosion doesn't even need to hurt, even making enough noise to scare off predators is good enough.

Fuck off, dumbass

>Jho showed up so few times for me I don't get the meme
>Bazel shows up too fucking much and I hate him

Help me understand

Crossbreed Bazelgeuse Seregios when?

A Seregios that shoots explosive scale darts.

I want to farm those gems

After the 300th invasion, it gets a little old. Deviljho atleast had the decency to not appear in every single hunt.

>uses bow
This is why no one respects you.

Never ever

Bazel is an effort to make a B-52 Bomber into a monster. Literally.

I legit want to fuck a tittymonster bazel and have her tits blow up in my face