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hey mods could you just delete this whole board please?

>new comment on your mod
>Skeleton meme
>for the 40th time
>in a row

>it's a card

Its some stupid fucking copypasta in some group I commented in years ago why cant someone write me im so lonely

add me up losers

>Some shitter I just beat commenting on my profile


Nah it's empty
as always

>It's that trap with the hairless smooth boypucci added you to steam

>furry added you


>it's a -5% coupon


>it's a year old shitposting thread I dug up, replied to and brought it to page 1
>20+ new notifications next day

>comment on video I posted years ago
>"haha that's pretty cool"
I don't know how they keep finding it

>never ever got a friend request in my life
Why? What am i doing wrong? I don't have a cancerous profile and i don't suck at multiplayer games.

>I don't have a cancerous profile
post it then, user.

>furry added you


Add me as a friend please. I'm very lonely. I'll play any game..



today i will remind you all.

What're you playing at jammu?


>3000 hours in csgo
>Not much in anything else

I'm a cool guy :)

>invite to a group
>group name is a big spoiler for the game you were about to buy.

Around 10,000, actually!

>tfw 0 points

>less than 150 games
How is this a problem?

>only have 1 point
Cool guy confirmed I'm not adding any of you faggots

probably a poorfag

add me

>name: samantha :3
>hours in dota 2 and CS GO: 10
>games owned: 2
>vac ban(s)? on record
>bio: free CSGO skin roullete raffle CSGOrollscyka.ru

>coupon for a shitty indie game

I have reddit and Sup Forums set as my main groups solely because I know it triggers fags like you.

How do you do this redacted text trick?

Name 150 steam games worth buying.

Highlight the text you want to black out and press alt+f4

>somebody randomly commenting on your review shitty on a game

What badge describes you?

>play SCP:SL frequently
>constant fuckabout roleplay as a deep-voiced commando regardless of class
>some fun banter always, decent player
>nearly every single fucking time, get one or two friend requests
>constantly having to hit ignore after getting excited that maybe I got some cards or a coupon
I don't understand steamfriends. I'm not going to chat with you when I'm at work, I'm either playing or focusing on something when I'm at home, and having someone who is like a videogame bootycall to just call up whenever I'm wanting to specifically play a game seems bizarre and needless.

lurk moar

Post your profile and say what games you like user. I'm less concerned about cancer and more concerned about if we've got any shared interests in videogames anyway.

Likewise. What sorta games do you like? Wouldn't mind talking to you if there's some common ground.

2.5 points for me. Not quite a cool guy, oh well.

>account is less than 5 years old
literally the only red flag for my profile, it's 4 years will be 5 next month I think

It worked, thanks user

>change name when fucking around in 2fort or specific games for laughs
Well that's not that big of a deal and not what the pic is talking about, doesn't count, I guess I'm completely cle-

>0 points
Weird. I thought I'd make at least 5.

>Steam level

what is it with Sup Forumsirgin avatars and sunglasses?

3 points. Could be worse.