30+ gamers thread, how you holding up?
30+ gamers thread, how you holding up?
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I'm not 30 yet but I'm going to post here anyways.
Are there any wizards here? I'll soon be joining you. What spell should I learn first?
>over 30 and still playing videogames
Where did your lives go so wrong?
>being a virgin past the age of 22
American males are pathetic, american girls only want tall dudes its so fucking weird. When i go out in ireland i have maybe one or two chicks check me out per day but when i go on my yearly holidays to the states woman are LEGIT jumping at me, smiling, winking, biting there lips and everything, shits fucked up.
6'4 here btw
Chilling, playing games. Mostly stuff 5+ years old because there's at most 1-2 games per year of good quality.
The last 5 games I played were:
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Fallout 4
>Megadimension Neptunia VII
I enjoyed all of them. I can only play about 5 games a year now, 'cause of work and social commitments.
>Fallout 4
same here, had fun
Bad. Basement dweller and all that. Cant understand path of exile. Ppl laugh at my char when I ask for help. Life sucks.
Did you not bother to get a job, mate?
poe is a grind for good items, you play HC obviously? you only get gud on the 3rd or 4th char in every league, as long as your build can stay alive past level 60 who cares
From age 11-21 I content with playing single player games, often replying RPG's multiple times a year.
Then I had sex once and became a huger shut-in to where I can't play single player games anymore without feeling extreme loneliness and like I'm wasting my life away.
the feeling is not as bad when playing a MMO game as It's comforting to see other people online with you
You're supposed to just look up a character build guide unless you have severe autism.
Unfortunately for me I have a different autism where I only want to play the hardest of core modes and my characters get deleted every few months. I finally said fuck POE
anybody else miss watching Cybernet on a Friday afternoon?
speaking of SP games, have you played the new Prey?
This isn't about your virginity, incelboy
Doing great! Just got to the end of chadnautica. Going to crack open SouthPark: Fractured But Whole some time soon. If I decide to fall into Into The Breach though, I might wind up streaming it because it seems like a fun game to play with your friends yelling at you about how you're doing it wrong.
>Into The Breach
been playing that too, beat the game a few times on easy, now playing hard which is not so bad, easier than FTL by far
From what I've seen you can get through any situation with very careful planning, not like in FTL where missle strikes could be anything from generally harmless to a game ending breach+fire on the shields room.
Quite fine, attending social obligations, a job and a relationship is time consumibles so I don't play that often, but I recently played pokemon ultra moon and i thought it was decent, 7/10 I guess
The older I become the less I'm willing to accept frustating game design, I played a Lot of Pokémon during my childhood and adolescence, but now it felt like and rng shitfest, really annoying at some points of the game
As I said I can't even really bring myself to even buy/try single player games anymore because they just sit in my library.
Never played the prey series.
The most recent single player game I bothered with and actually enjoyed my time with was Dark Souls because there was just that sliver of multiplayerness with invasions that kept me holding on youtube.com
currently playing Elex for the most part, highly flawed rpg but quite fun and interesting if you know what you're doing. I also played asscreed origins lately, but it started to bore me once I reached level 20. it's good but I dunno, didn't manage to keep my interest.
Also waiting for far cry 5 and yakuza 6 to come out
30+ general! SO OLD AND DECREPIT! xD
Barred my son from video games till he's 12 or thirteen. I'm not gonna allow Internet either. I'm not gonna let what happened to us happen to him.
>right when puberty hits I'll let him on the internet
Can't wait to see his fursona
>I'm going to bar my child from the internet until he is as PEAK MALE DEGENERACY and faps to the largest BBC traps ever
I do a lot better now that I'm not visiting Sup Forums as often. This place has become a garbage bin of political soapboxing and shilling. Every conversation here is purposefully designed to instigate discourse, insult others, and segregate people who otherwise should be able to come together to enjoy a common hobby. I don't have as much opportunity to enjoy video games as I did when I was younger, but I know I enjoy them a lot more once I stopped keeping a Sup Forums tab open on my browser.
Exactly what I'm trying to avoid. Kids today are too focused on screens.
Who was the best Cybernet presenter, lads? I go with Steve Truitt. His happy go lucky american attitude brought a lot of life to the show I think.
Godspeed, user.
Lucy 4 ever
That looks familiar. Was that from that funny British video game review show where they weren't afraid of calling a shit game shit?
If i'm still on this fucking website daily in 5 years kill me.
It really helps one to leave Sup Forums when you get no (you)'s anymore.
here have a (you)
Lucy felt a bit by the numbers. She could do the exact same job on Wish you were Here and there'd be no difference. Looking forward to seeing how the Digitiser show goes. They've got Larry Bundy Jr on presenting duties now.
Have some dopamine, kiddo
>watching virgin shit
This was the chad's gaming programme.
Doing pretty good! I wish I could kick my dota2 habit, but I'm still having fun and getting better. Beat Undertale recently and thought it was pretty great. Still play Civ V with the friends though I wish our schedules matched up better so we could play more. The switch needs more games. Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey left me wanting more from Nintendo.
Good, I'm debit free, I have a woman that I love that play's just as much vida as me (although she likes weeb shit a bit to much) and I could not ask for more. Thanks for asking
Only until Dexter Fletcher started presenting. He had absolutely none of the dirty humour that Dom Diamond brought to it. There's no way in hell they'd get away with some of the jokes on a 6pm program these days.
4 years away from wizardry here, can some necromancers or sages in this thread let me in on the secret early and hint at what awaits? Do we start with shitty spells or is it like an instant gateway-effect where magic just rushes into us?
Fine. Doing my HoMM 2 playthrough while trying to beat hell in Spelunky.
>I'm debit free
that poor poor woman
(2nd poor in italics)
Agreed. Prime Dom Diamond was a legend.
30 year old here. Good lately. I notice these days that I have little tolerance for games that bore me. Less than before. Forcing myself to play them to the end, just to get to a few good parts, isn't worth it. I find myself just stopping and going back to the ones I like all the way through
Though I wonder if this means I'm just too impatient and can't commit as much as I used to.
At some point you'll realize most games and movies and basically everything are utter cringeworty thrash. Thus leaving you with shitton of time do deal with stuff you still find interesting for some reason.
You get the most powerful spell, user. You realize that you don't have to care about what people think of you. You realize that thots have no power over you, and that you are free to live a life of your own design without the burden of caring for others or living up to their superficial expectations. Its not lighting bolts and fireballs but its a good foundation, user.
Don't you have a fast car or a big house, user? I'm in massive amounts of debt, but I live like a fucking King.
I am 28, mind if I join you guys?
Trying to get a large crown Kushala Daroa to spawn so i can finish my monster hunter trophies and dreading the upcoming job interview this friday because the HR person i sent my resume to wanted to know what all these animal names on my resume were so she could read up on them(this is a tech company and she never heard of Python)
This, Crystal Maze and Krypton Factor were essential in my childhood.
I miss comfy /brit/ threads on Sup Forums. Sitting talking about Bad Influence and that. They killed them so yank children could sit and pretend to know about politics which is 90% of Sup Forums today.
She never ask's for much, so it works out.
I wonder if I'm getting old enough that I'm "out of touch" with today's video game's... I'm trying out this fortnight but I don't think its clicking with me.
NO! You're young and beautiful and don't have a better chance at not getting instantly ghosted on tinder!
It's instantaneous. You feel it as soon as the clock strikes the minute you were born
Dota 2 is like meditation man. It needs that much concentration that your monkey brain completely forgets all scars of the past and all anxiety for the future and just lives completely in the moment. Which is why it's so hard to kick it. Your bound into 30 minutes plus of your brain enjoying itself with no pausing or thoughts of anything else other than a game.
Sup Forums is no your blog
Sup Forums is no your blog
Sup Forums is no your blog
Sup Forums is no your blog
Sup Forums is no your blog
Fortnite is popular because it's cheap. Think of it liek tribes but minus the jetpack and addin a bunch of instacrafting shit that acts as a shield and gives you walljumping abilities.
You're not a wizard yet. You still have two years to get laid
Turned 30 last month.
Waiting on Kirby and dragon's crown pro to release, though I'm nit picking up DC pro just gonna fire up the PS3 version.
Thats because fortnite is a game for shitty streamers to play and enslave the minds of children.
I can always tell what games to avoid by how popular they are with twitch streamers
I rarely get to finish games because of work and other stuff. Also, I simply don't have time to play genres I used to love (fighting games, online shooters), because I can't keep up with the competition. Mainly play single player stuff and rpgs.
Good TRing in DDO atm.
ESL student begone
Oh, I am not a virgin O_O
only did it twice and that was five years ago
meh, alright
i have a few gems in different genres that i alternate between these days, introducing a new game every now and again to test its merits.
Northgard impressed me recently
I can see that. And it's not like you're going to beat the game and every game is different, so while the experience is always familiar, there's something new that at least ends with some closure, rather than pouring more hours into a single game not competing against human players.
I don't watch streamers at all, why watch a game when I can just buy it and play it myself? I don't bother with multiplayer shit really because not only is it the most tedious in grinding, it usually has retarded requirements for trophies. If it can't be solo'd or boosted with two consoles I skip it.
I'm a sucker for team shooters but this one feels more like a running around no one talks kind of a shooter.
you were supposed to grow out of being a faggot at some point you know..
How does it feel to be in your 30s?
I'm only 23 but yes I do miss watching Cybernet a lot.
i am 42. it feels the same as being 20
Same as your twenties, but now you got a pain that won't go away, you don't masturbate as much, and you have a favorite grocery store.
it feels fucking awful
Fortnite really is mindless blasting, splatoon is a similar thing. in both instances you're killing more children than Nicolas Cruz.
The FPS genre has been gutted of nearly everything redeeming about it. Everything is an extra fee. You no longer get complete games like Golden Eye or Halo and multiplayer level design has taken a dumpster dive as well.
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Holy shit I already have both of this four years early. The infusion of power that speaks of is going to blow my mind.
When I met your mom.
10 years ago feels SO much close than the 10 years ago 10 years ago. It's an odd realization and makes you certain you've passed the halfway point.
I still get carded when I buy alcohol and M rated games. Literally no different from when you're in your 20's.
Great, actually. I earn a lot of money and I enjoy my job. I've also never been as /fit/ in all of my life. I can also buy any game/system I want, without worrying about its cost.
Feels good man. I'm getting over a brain tumour, so every day is better than the last.
>shitposting on Sup Forums
Probably the same place where yours did.
Doing pretty well. Finished graduate school, got my doctorate. Finally learned that there’s a happy middle ground between casual and addict. Kinda sad with the state of the industry though.
how do i get a tall gf?
>bent in half
>literally still 5 feet taller than me
Same way you get anybody. Be tall, rich, and handsome.
Damn you must be fat that's a huge donut you're eating
I've been playing Isaac, Super Meat Boy, and Shovel Knight. Indie games are more appealing to me these days because I'm bored of open world everything with a million points on the map to checklist. Just isn't interesting to me. Also been playing MH3U and 4U, the first Mass Effect, Doom 64 via the PC source port, and considering jumping back into Bloodborne as it's on PS+ this month which will bring in lots of new players.
>be 17, too poor to play W.o.W.
>join Knight Online, play for +10 years
>make friends from New Zealand, Europe, Latin America
>get hacked, lose thousands of dollars in gear
>quit gaming, go on party mode, lots of drugs, sex
>turn 30
>partying and drugs are boring now
>friends moved on, no one to play with at 4am
>no game with a similar archer class
>Warframe and D3 for 30 minutes then quit
Should I become a trap-chaser in North America? Should I go to Japan and try to grope a teenager?
You are my nigga
I don't give a fuck what video games you're playing retard, this thread is for inane blogposts only.
I took a fat dump at work today, took me twenty minutes and three flushes to get down.
you should kill yourself
I spent almost a full week passing kidney stones. Been a few days and I think they're all gone. Drink water!
You should NOT kill yourself
Household income is six figures without any kids and I have all my limbs - I shouldn't be complaining.
But damn, people are wearing on me. Nintendo's retardation shows no signs of stopping, people are as lawless and hateful as ever, and no one is even trying to put an end to the archaic, attention-whore government that the U.S. has.
Eh. At least there's a handful of game releases coming that'll make me feel alive (for about a week and then it's back to being a zombie).
Flip a coin to decide wether or not to kill yourself