Wat do?
This guy walks up to your girl and karate chops her ass
Send him back to nihon
Catch it and eventually give my friend a Machamp
I fuck that Machop’s Wife right in front of him
"Why are you karate chopping the empty air beside me?"
Please stop hitting my girl (boy).
turn 360 degrees and walk away
you'd be facing the same way moron
Sit in a split position and start masturbating
>outting yourself as a Newfag
Let's teach em a lesson boys!
Wing attack him
i found him close the thread
>Falling for the meta-ironic-merely-pretending-retardation-bait-and-switch-autism trick
Take my gardevoir (female) to the pokécenter for healing.
Cast Curse-ye-ha-me-ha which is a psychic attack to wreck his shit.
Gardevoir is strong against fighting types retard
That's a gen I Machop, and Karate Chop was Normal type back then, friendo.
Not even your friend, guy.
Ask him if he'd like to fuck her too
Wait for him to evolve into the sexy beast that is machoke and let him fuck me in the ass. That'll distract him from my gf... r-right?
Oooh. Got me there.. buddy
Go down on the Lucario eying me from the other side of the bar, of course
Get him to stamp my land flat
tell him to go back to /vp
I can’t believe people still fall for this
call an ambulance
When that meme sprung into creation it fucking broke Sup Forums for two weeks.
use psychic or flying attacks
9/11 his fucking towers with the alakazam that was obtainable before the 2nd gym.
Raise him until he's a machoke.
>Doesn't turn 1080 degrees
Fucking normie
This joke doesn't make sense anymore, Michael Jackson has been dead for over a decade.
Chop his ass right back
Machop is only 2 feet tall so I'd just pick it up and throw it.
Make him evolve and then smack my ass.
get your own anime body pillow bitch
you have never made sense, you have been worthless your entire life
I'm guessing you never heard Thriller
Bend him over and spank his naughty little butt
Evolve him and make him your bitch
Ask him to evolve and fuck me in the ass, ironically of course
I guess we can't call other posters faggots anymore cause Aniki's dead now too huh?
Kick his balls
I'd bite that little fucker.
UM... BACK THE FUCK OFF?!?!???!??