>allows games where you can fight and murder people
>bans game that teaches you how to pick up women
Sony bans Super Seducer for 'promoting toxic behavior'
>Sup Forums will defend MRA/PUAs just because ESS JAY DOUBLE YOOS "censored" them
don't worry. we'll get rid of those eventually too.
They're obviously reserving PSN for quality titles such as 'Life of Black Tiger.'
>The Japs have become cucked
there is no hope for humanity
I hate SJW retards and MRA/MGTOW retards. What now?
Whining about PUA would make me suspect a person is in fact retarded, though, since that has existed forever and is a fundamental extension of how natural human sexuality functions.
i'll defend them because women are dumb whores and the betaboys that fall for these puas also are dumb as fuck.
>waaaah i want to picked up by hotties not by those virgin weirdos
>Women mad that they can be manipulated with mind tricks
oh everyone look at the enlightened centrist
he's superior because he thinks both sides are stupid
It's not the Japs. It's the Americans.
>Being a partisan hack
Sony is westaboo as fuck, what were you expecting?
Why are they getting mad? It's not like he wants to fuck them in the ass.
>he doesnt think himself as superior to everyone else
This isn't a game, it's a glorified quiz with cutscenes so it's fine. It also has hilarious failing cutscenes
No game should ever be censored on ideological grounds. They should be censored on technical grounds only: if the rating says T but actually there's frontal nudity and gore, or if it infringes on copyrighted material, or if it's malware, for example.
It is also perfectly fine to require a certain level of quality for games. But quality cannot be a function of ideological compliance either.
So yes, real Sup Forums will defend this PUA garbage because even those like me who find it just as abhorrent as the sjw crap will not agree to the censorship. "I don't agree with what you say but I'll defend your right to say it to the death" and whatnot.
Letting women into this industry will never not be a mistake.
>people are stupid because they don't want freedom of choice
>sony knows better than the consumer
Reddit, leave.
Sony is jap.
>use psychological tricks
I saw a torrent for this on skidrow reloaded today.
It's just an excuse because the creator is a nut job and enabling him will make them look bad. If they gave a shit about this kind of thing you wouldn't see a single SAO game on Playstation.
Garbage. I hate today's political climate so damn much. You can't even create satirical media to poke fun anymore without someone reaching up your ass and telling you how toxic you are. Fuck Sony.
Why do companies want people to turn into soycucks?
Nah. It might be the biggest piece of shit "game" in the world, but their reasoning for removing it is shit.
Why is he a nut job? He seems pretty in the know on how easily tricked women are.
See I WOULD say Jim Sterling would be saying the same on his channel, but considering how he responded to the recent news regarding this game hell be on the other side.
I want this meme word to end.
men's rights are valid in a number of areas, including divorce and child custody. The only people that hate MRAs are brainlet that have never been affected by a biased system of law
The game wasn't even that good and the guy was cringey as fuck. Nothing of value was lost.
This so much. How is this not blatant censorship?
After seeing most of the joke responses,all I can say is... Yeah, he is *kind of* tricking them? But he is also right in several cases about how the woman's mind works, which probably bothers them most of all.
I mean if a woman wanted to, she could easily make a flipped version of this game, since a lot of men are even simpler to read and don't require nearly as much "routing" in conversation to come to the conclusion or emotion you want them to feel. Why aren't there more female PUAs anyway?
He's freaking the fuck out over negative feedback from e celebs of all things. Dude's got a screw loose.
Japs have been cucked for decades. They can't even show dicks and pussies in their porn.
lel this is the most boring dull infogame type shit and it gets banned?
love bad, murder good! brb school shooting
>psychological tricks to convince women to date them
so you aren't even allowed to try and impress/seduce women?
please someone tell how the fuck you're supposed to get a girlfriend in this neo-feminist ideology
Goy you are not allowed anywhere near women they are meant for Tyrone!
Thank you.
It is.
>Women making games.
>but sony can't ban what it wants!!! because err its not fair!!!!!
>I mean if a woman wanted to, she could easily make a flipped version of this game, since a lot of men are even simpler to read and don't require nearly as much "routing" in conversation to come to the conclusion or emotion you want them to feel. Why aren't there more female PUAs anyway?
Because the only thing a woman needs to do to get picked up by guys is be pretty.
Unable to fight back against those who flood into the open borders. They practically have all of Sanfrancisco and much of California just bending over and inviting foreigners to dig in.
How will So(n)yboys ever recover?
But that has nothing to do with Japanese ideals and everything to do with the conquered country and the Americans who put the law into place.
This is one of those things that Sony shouldn't have copied what Nintendo did it.
>teaches you how to pick up women
Don't. It's a lie. There are only three qualities roasties look for in a guy, and usually they want all three:
PUA stuff might get you some used up trashy slut that's a walking petri dish for every STD known to mankind.
you wait passively to be picked, like nature intended
if you're never picked? that means you weren't worthy :^)
These 'psychological tricks' are just different ways to make it seem like you have money.
If a shooter said at the beginning "try this on the people in your neighborhood" it would also get banned
PUA is shitty but it's kinda amusing that teaching someone to be seductive and attractive is now haram
What even is the tricking?
>woman are equal yet need to be protected because are dumb enough to fuck guys they wouldn't normally dream of because of "tricks"
The industry needs to die. We need to return to the 90's by any means necessary.
Meanwhile, on Steam....
Too late. The Obama era already fucked us beyond hope.
That's always been the only way to pick up women.
Well I did say "if" they wanted to. Most of them would rather be a Zoe Quinn and only put the bare minimum into anything while riding through life dick by dick.
I hate what you say but i would die for your right to say it.
>implying they don't do this to men all the time
They know what they are doing.
It really speaks to their intelligence when they can be so easily duped by such obvious and low-brow tactics. Read that one book once and was constantly asking "really? This bullshit works?"
Start making videogames. 2D if you can, it's much simpler and thus much more likely you'll succeed. Avoid nu-engines like unity and focus on gameplay quality over all else.
Nobody else is going to make the videogames, there are only the little men.
Sony Interactive Entertainment is run by Americans from California though
I just think it's weird because xbox live indie arcade had dozens of shitty "how to get a date" games along with tons of (not) meet and fuck titles, shitty dating sims, and live action games with young girls in uncomfortable settings. Why is this the game that everyone loses their shit over?
"The BBC has confirmed the Japaanese company banned the title"
Is this another activist-journalism example where they go out and harass people into doing something and then write an article about it? CNN did it the other day by contacting advertisers about Alex Jones and saying shit like "You guys support antisemites who believe school shootings are all hoaxes?". I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case too.
"So you guys support raping women? This is the BBC ready to write an article shitting all over you if you don't pull this title."
Sony shouldn't ban games to start. But to be honest this is barely a game.
These are literally just video clips.
>Meanwhile, on Steam....
He encourages lying strategically, or coercing info out that they would otherwise not give up. He also brings up several literal psychological tests you can inject into a conversation that tricks the woman into giving up private information through the test.
True, didn't realize that.
Dayum shame.
ALL woman want is
if you don't have FACE, HEIGHT or FRAME you can go extinct for all what i care, it's all about
This. The game has several positive reviews. The only negative ones I've seen so far cite how batshit the dev is as their reason
It is a pretty retarded "guide" though.
If you have a game that is violent that's fine, it's a video game and it's a fiction.
This game suggests you go and randomly talk to people minding their own business in the goddamn street for the sake of wanting to fuck them. People might actually get the impression this is normal.
Anyone with an introverted bone in their body doesn't want that shit, and it's not even good dating advice because even a loser understands that unless you are literally the reincarnation of Adonis you need to have some form of shared space/interest to be kick-starting any relationship.
Don't interrupt people on their way to pick up Milk just because they have a vagina, you deserve to get punched you madman.
>PewDiePie needing to "trick" those girls to jump on his dick instead of going "I'm PewDiePie" or "I'm a fucking millionaire with the most subscribed channel on Youtube!" aka brutal honesty.
Did any of you even care about this game or are you just martyring it to fit your political ideologies?
>-wrong -wrong -wrong
>but actually -right -right -wrong
what did he mean by this /pol9k/?
>reddit cucks are trying to abuse steam review system
yeah the guy who made this game conveniently leaves out that he already fulfills the three easy traits that make most of his trickery unnecessary for him personally. I mean if the dude is European and rich with long flowing hair, and still needs to do shit like this at bars, he'd have to be covered in shit or something.
Did you just unironically compare shooting up your neighborhood to using pick-up lines?
If you hate what I say then just die.
So what, weeb faggot? Still mad they lost the war?
Nah he's clearly the dude who is trying to steal your chicks just like Anita will come into your scenes and try to fuck up your seduction attempts.
No, you did,good job matey
>getting mad that shovelware is removed from the store for any reason
Don't bully her.
Funny thing is no one would care about this game if Sony didn’t ban it.
They gave it free hype.
>Japanese ideals
faggot pedophiles and ugly pig nosed inbreds?
Of course not. Getting nuked gave them the cultural cachet and radiation poisoning needed to produce all the escapist anime and game masterpieces of our time
But this isn't censorship by the government but simply a private company refusing to allow a game on their platform.
>Implying chads can't pick up a random girl off the street
>I wouldn't otherwise care about this game but don't think it should be censored
Would be a less loaded way of phrasing it
Remember how there are always threads about steam being full of stupid shit.
Is this only a big deal cause its on console or because Sup Forums has fully swallows that anti-sjw dick?
Its a dumb game that shouldn't be on consoles or steam.
Its a higher production meet and fuck game without the fucking.
This. I'd think this was ridiculous even if it was some SJW game that somehow managed to get itself banned. It's not the game itself that matters, it's the principle of censoring it because of ideological differences.
It's a similar situation with that DOA beach volleyball game not being released in the west because of the atmosphere of self-censorship created by SJWs. I'm not gonna defend the game itself, it's fapbait for 12 year olds. But it's unfortunate that it didn't get a release for such stupid reasons.
then why horizon zero down is still on psn?
But it would still be removed it was a high budget game.
The reason why it's banned is because it has rape jokes as "humor", not because of PUA.
>People might actually get the impression this is normal.
you have never seen how a pack of black dudes behave in your life
there's more than two sides brainlet
Take one look at this guy and tell me he knows how to be either