Will you buy Hokuto Ga Gotoku when it releases tomorrow?
Will you buy Hokuto Ga Gotoku when it releases tomorrow?
No, because I don't live in fucking Japan.
No, because I don't own a fucking PS4.
the demo was really fun, i lked it a lot, probably gonna get it later
No, because they don't fucking let me.
Demo was fun, but I want to actually be able to read what's going on.
Disgusting and shit taste opinion
Yes, because i'm not a faggot.
I hate that feel PS4 and all consoles needs to die already
gameplay wise this looks like it's not just gonna be a yakuza thing, but also somewhat mad max-esque (the game) with the racing and car customization?
also are there chances that it will ever come out in the west
You have to wait until it releases.
Europe is gonna rape this game
what's that even mean
They have to bring this to the west, it would sell.
The west barely even knows what Hokuto is at this point.
as someone who likes jojo and has read every part.
neck yourself.
Nigger, pls. Mention Fist of the North Star to anyone who's remotely a weeb and they'll reply
>doesn't use cancer engine
>/ourguy/ HyperBitHero likes it
Hell yeah, I'm excited! Can't wait for his vid!
>as someone who likes jojo
please, keep telling us how much of a jojo fan you are. it's great. i haven't heard it enough.
Leave the sales of this shitheap to me.
I would love to, but i don't speak japanese yet.
Akagi is like your own personal fucking Elliot Rodgers. You're literally the incels of anime.
Today I will remind you.
is this old school virgin vs chad?
It's worse than I thought.
It's a meme that a few autists actually take seriously.
Nice try, it literally changed the board culture of Sup Forums in the 2006-2011 years.
If it gets a western release, or an asian english release, absolutely.
I have about 15 episodes left of the first anime, it's been extremely hit and miss so far though, should I even bother with the second part?
When it comes out in the West about five hundred years from now with a shitty localisation filled with SO WACKY dialogue.
Knowing Sup Forums the probably won't.
Sup Forums hates moralfags with passion
lol whats up with this beef? both are good.
No because I've never seen the anime, but good for fans of the series. Hope they like it.
There's no problem between fanbases, just one avatarfag who used Akagi and shunned "moralfags" like Kenshiro because he killed any thug and didnt do reckless things against his good judgement
I would, but I don't have a working PS4 at the moment and can't into moonspeak.
Any chance of a western release on this?
Depends, at the very least it could get an European release since they love FotNS over there
Quite possible, since FotNS is huge in France and Italy.
>Buying import
Yeah I can't speak moon. Hopefully someday it'll be dubbed or brought over to the west where I can play it with English subtitles. The game looks fun as fuck though.
Pretty decent, since the Yakuza series exploded in popularity over the last year. I could see Sega marketing it as 'FROM THE TEAM THAT BROUGHT YOU YAKUZA'. At the very least, a digital release isn't out of the question