Fuck off lefty/pol/

fuck off lefty/pol/

>Trump plans to meet Thursday with representatives from the video game industry. Trump’s recent public comments referencing the “vicious” level of game and movie violence in the context of school safety show that he is eager to explore the issue.

>The Entertainment Software Association, the biggest video game trade group, said Monday that it will attend the meeting at the White House. A full list of attendees hasn’t been released. Here’s a look at the issues the meeting may address.

Look at him in that picture. He's absolutely based.

>who the fuck did we vote for?
An idiot

It's ok when Trump does it. I only hate it when it's Hillary.

Wait but I thought that video games caused people to be sexist.


>Some studies have shown a connection between gaming and emotional arousal, although there’s no evidence that this heightened emotional state leads to physical violence.

>In 2006, a small study by Indiana University found that teenagers who played violent video games showed higher levels of emotional arousal, but less activity in the parts of the brain associated with the ability to plan, control and direct thoughts and behavior.

>The study assigned 44 adolescents to play either a violent or nonviolent but “equally fun and exciting” video game for half an hour. Researchers measured their brain function immediately after playing. The group that played the nonviolent game showed more activity in the prefrontal parts of the brain, which are involved in inhibition, concentration and self-control. They also showed less activity in the area involved in emotional arousal.

Soyboys spotted. He's doing what he promised.

This is a MAGApede board

I'm a lefty myself and you have to admit Clinton would be spewing the same bullshit if she were in office

>But if those changes have any impact on real-world behavior, researchers haven’t yet detected it.

>Patrick Markey, a psychology professor at Villanova University who focuses on video games, found in his research that men who commit severe acts of violence actually play violent video games less than the average male. About 20 percent were interested in violent video games, compared with 70 percent of the general population, he explained in his 2017 book “Moral Combat: Why the War on Violent Video Games Is Wrong.”

>Another study by Markey and his colleagues showed that violence tends to dip when a new violent movie or video game comes out, possibility because people are at home playing the game or in theaters watching the movie.

>“Everything kind of suggests no link, or if anything, it goes in the opposite direction,” Markey said in an interview.

Like doing absolutely nothing

Would there be the equivalent of Trump cocksuckers defending her on Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

They’re just looking for a scapegoat to shift attention away from muh guns.

You mix violent content consumption with antidepressants or whatever everyone is on these days and yeah there will be problems.


>In 2013, after the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newton, Connecticut, Vice President Joe Biden held three days of wide-ranging talks on gun violence prevention including a meeting with video game industry executives. At that meeting the Entertainment Software Association gave a statement similar to the one it issued on Monday.

>“Like all Americans, we are deeply concerned about the level of gun violence in the United States,” the organization said Monday. “Video games are plainly not the issue: entertainment is distributed and consumed globally, but the U.S. has an exponentially higher level of gun violence than any other nation.”

>After the 2013 meetings wrapped, the White House called on research on the effect of media and video games on gun violence but nothing substantial came out of that.

no but the entire media would be defending her, you myopic faggot.

what people expected when they voted this new yorker conman?

The incredible pivoting skills of western video games journalists!

Pointing out Trump-supporter hypocrisy isn't going to prove anything. Even they know they're biased. They love their useless cartoon monkey and his CUH-RAAAAAAZY antics

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FAKE NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



>Because virtual-reality headsets and games are relatively new, there hasn’t been much research into the effects of immersion in violent virtual worlds. But experts say that such gaming hyperrealism is unlikely to make much of a difference.

>“That’s an area that is ongoing and needs to be explored further, but games like ‘Call of Duty,’ are already pretty realistic,” said Benjamin Burroughs, a professor of emerging media at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. “I have a hard time thinking there’s going to be a massive change in data due to the increased heightened sense of reality.”

>tfw clinically retarded trumpanzees are just as cancerous because MUH VIDEOGAME VIOLENCE
People like you should get decapitated.


when obama was president
shitposting here was different
People hated others just for fun not because muh conspiracy theory.
or muh info in shady sites.


>Trump has suggested rating both games and movies for violence. Such ratings already exist.

>Following an outcry over violent games such as 1992’s “Mortal Kombat,” the Entertainment Software Ratings Board was established in 1994 by the Entertainment Software Association to give each game a rating based on five-categories ranging from “E” for “Everyone” to “Adults Only” rating for those 18 and older.

>The ratings suggest an age range and the type of content. The “mature” rating, for example, indicates the content is “generally suitable for ages 17 and up” and that the game “may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.”

>In 2011 , the Supreme Court rejected a California law banning the sale of violent video games to children. The decision claimed that video games, like other media, are protected by the First Amendment.

>In the majority, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote that the government can’t regulate depictions of violence, which he said were age-old, anyway: “Grimm’s Fairy Tales, for example, are grim indeed.”



Why is game violence only a problem in the US?

>play video games all the time
>become doughy and effeminate male

It's not the guns! Don't look at the guns!!

Amerimutts are brainlets and more susceptible to it

I sincerely hope Trump runs America into the ground just to get rid of those piece of shit mutts

Because liberal kids can't control themselves.

>Retarded clickbait site run by mindless lefty idiots flipflops to cash in on trump traffic
Honestly, it's pretty funny to see people rush to use GG logic despite their earlier words just to spite Trump.

Its just a common distraction.
I don't understand why don't they simply say its bullying and mental issues that cause this.
Its true and doesn't hit right nor left.

>mfw i realized white privilege really does exist because white males get away with taking away guns and censoring vidya

what kind of fucked up priorities does Sup Forums have to support this boomer cuck? is white supremacy really worth it?



There is a case to be made about being numb to violence when so many games are framed around "realistic military" shooting, but not being a direct cause of violence.

Trump taking the conservative side is nothing new. Hell, he built a stripper casino but later went on to say that porn is a menace.
But his only stake on videogames is that his brother is one of Zenimax owners. What ever made you think he wouldn't go for the ever-popular VIDEOGAMES ARE EVIL narrative?

Its also a gun and gun culture issue.

not the guns because you can't get alcohol until you are 21 but you can buy a weapon by the age of 17.

Not the guns, that is for sure.

>video games cause sexism
>video games cause racism
>video games cause transphobia
>video games cause homophobia
>video games are turning people into alt-right nazis

>What the fuck video games can't cause violence fuck Drumpf!

He also said he was gonna support dreamers and ban bump stocks and nothing happened
Trump will run his mouth when he wants to do nothing and will use executive orders when he actually wants to do something

dude, half of these don't show up on google or wayback machine

Because we'll throw literally anything under the bus as long as muh guns are safe. Not to say I want them outright banned, but it's pretty fucking clear what is going on here, desperate faggots scrambling for excuses. Things would be a lot better if people were just a bit more honest.

Yes, everyone remembers his famous campaign speech where he blamed video games for mass shootings.

He did talk about healthcare and immigration pretty hard though. Shame those crashed and burned

You're thinking like an individual who cares for the majority of people. You need to study 4367245d tactics so you can learn to blame irrelevant shit to please the masses so you can ignore the problem and get more lobbyist money.

>ban video games and internet
>forced to watch american tv
>your only tv channels are black history and blacked.com
>your mom is fucking a black horse while your dad is kept in his cuck cage
>have to slurp horse semen for breakfast before school
>get late to school
>teacher sees me
>get shot

How was your day

Go ahead and ban violent videogames.

It's not going to stop highschools from getting shot up every other Tuesday.

>have to slurp horse semen for breakfast before school
This faggot doesn't want to drink horse semen for extra testosterone lmao what a faggot

Plenty of the media is humoring Trump's delusions though.

You idiots seem to think the newsmedia unconditionally opposes Trump, that's not really true. They find any excuse to support him on small issues like this, to seem "fair and balanced". They just don't like him generally because he's a fucking idiot.

>video games are banned
>news and trump blame Sup Forums

He's coming for your vidya and your guns. It's over americans.

Delete this. The truth is that the totally real SJW boogeyman is out to get us good, innocent gamers and it shall not be challenged.

Imagine Obama saying this.

Banning rooty tooty point and shooties might not do anything for crime levels but I'm pretty sure it would encourage more creative and entertaining video games than a thousand and one CoD clones.
I'm for it.



Is not only about that but being in the eye of controversy which give them clicks. and more clicks mean more money. Those sites are basically whores, craving for attention.

they don't give a damn about good journalism that don't pay the expenses

He's right though, we need to have a serious discussion about video games. After all the only way to stop a bad guy with a video game is to have a good guy with a video game.

>Those sites are basically whores, craving for attention.

>trump hates shillary and how crooked she is
>yet does the same thing to games as she tired to do

>"i need muh guns to protect muh freedumbs"
>*forfeits all actual liberty to the state just to keep the guns*
What a country.

Because these people just want a scapegoat, they don't actually want to fix the underlying issues. Mental health has been the go to excuse for a while now, and it has plenty of merit, but when the furor dies down, not a goddamn thing is done about it. Because for the right, they have to admit economic disparity is creating generations of hopeless people who see that their future is very much set in stone, with little upward mobility, and big surprise that makes them a bit depressed. And for the left they have to admit that their actions have driven a significant rift within our genders and races, causing people to be a lot more agitated.

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

Oh yes.



Look up on Polygon you fucking retard. They are there.

rly maks u tink

We should probably rate videogames to make it obvious what content is in them and maybe have a discussion about possibly taking down the absolute worst of them

Know the difference.

He didn't actually ban any guns my retarded friend.

>teachers get guns

>The archive links are fake, don't bother checking Sup Forums, I already did for you!
>You should be only hating Sup Forums, ResetEra dindu nuffin!

>Sup Forums told me the liberals are the ones censoring my vidya gaems
They clearly do

Fact: Donald Trump is and idiot

>refuse to pledge allegiance to the flag
>get shot

>we want the market to fix it unless it's something we don't like, then the government needs to regulate

>fail at my math test
>get shot

If Donald Trump tried to get videogames banned from the United States Sup Forums would sincerely, unironically support him.

>caught without a hall pass
>get shot

I love daddy so much. He makes me MAGA. Hard.

Donald Trump is more of an old school democrat more than anything. He is far from a conservative.

Epic, I stand with you my gamer brother.


>People in certain board would still defend him no matter what.

That is utterly sad.

your Israeli lapdog is both literally and figuratively coming for your guns


Point to legislation he signed or fuck off.

Sup Forums hates video games, so I'm not sure what the grand point you're trying to make is.

Both sides are shit.

This is not a wall.

>We should probably rate videogames to make it obvious what content is in them and maybe have a discussion about possibly taking down the absolute worst of them
This is exactly what Trump said you fucking mongoloid.

They would defend him even if he takes a shit in their mouths, this is how cucked they are


holy fucking kek there is an alternative universe where a minority said this and the race war actually happened. you know what, guys, we're in the right time line, the nazis lost and marx continues to be proven right.

Said like someone who didn't see the backlash from Sup Forums about his gun talk.

>blame everything but ourselves
ah the good old boomer"it's other people and not me" argument

show me "fair and balanced".

Miss me yet?

>the nazis lost and marx continues to be proven right
this triggers the nu-nazis

>marx continues to be proven right.