Is there any other game out there more edgy and cringey than this?

Fuck you for using The Binding of Isaac of your shitty bait thread.

Southern baptist are literally americas sharia

You're a brainlet that didn't get the game at all.
>Implying that isn't true

Ed mcmuffin is just mad that his mom made him go to church until he was 15, and this was just his way of venting.
There's no need to get worked up over a fat neckbeard's game user

Why did you make this thread again?

it might be one of the edgiest games I've ever played

Go away, atheist. Your parents should have molested you more.

you again? fuck you. saged


His mom isn't trying to kill him, everything is in isack imagination.
He read the bible and thinks that he's sinner that deserves punishment.
The game is based in Edmund's experiences with religion as a kid.

fuck you, last time you posted, you said he was 14

stop lying

The game is 100% accurate though.

Will this board ever be free of Reddit?

some of us like realism in vidya.

You're acting like the Binding of Isaac was the first violent game to include a lot of Christian symbolism. And clearly you're too retarded to even understand what the story actually means.

Can you imagine being this fragile that a video game makes you upset? I hope you don't read any books user, I don't think your heart could take it

Isaac and his Isaac

It hasn't even been 24 hours since the last thread.

Exactly, thanks for proving my point retard. It's ujriginal and uninspiring low hanging fruit.

Why not have a game called the Binding of Ayisha? It can be exactly like this, just replace mom with M*hammad

didn't his mom get tricked by the devil which is why he's the final boss?
and all the angel rooms give good items at no cost?
so this game is actually pro-god?

Because nobody cares about Allah shit. Those who care don't play videogames

Did the holocaust really happened?

TFW: people who haven't played isaac and think the game is "about" christianity and religion. it's the game's theme, but that's it. i got 500h in isaac and the religion theme is obviously there but it's not "in your face".


He could have made that game, but he couldn't have made the story connect to his own experiences like BOI did. Quite whining over your own inability to comprehend what's going on dipshit

Yeah, also this is what actually the game is about:

But there is not point to explaining something to OP, he probably saw the cutscene, got triggered and stopped playing.

Why? I've meet 1000 christians for every muslim I've met. The crazy I know is more interesting than the one I don't.

the binding of issac is purely talmudic propaganda
look up amalek

Will I pass my exams next week

symphony of the night is the best religious game prove me wrong

Stop posting and go to study you underage dumbfuck

should I do a body inflation rp with an autist I met on discord

will yukinon win the 8bowl?

but that's true? Christfags should be gassed.

will things turn alright ?

Is Unity good?

answer me autism totem

Imagine being both this butthurt AND this mentally retarded at the same time

the game isn't even about christianity, it's about a kid struggling with his parent's divorce and his father's suicide. get fucked OP

Are my scans going to show up negative

will i?


I actually couldn't play this because it triggered too many early memories of my mother when she became a member of the super church of affiliated christian sects.

Well, that and the fact that Isaac sees in the Christian bible that he's a sinner who deserves punishment and all that.

Also, I'll use this opportunity to say that Antibirth is really fucking good.

that was never implied

Can this board get even more shittier?

uhhhhhh that isn't even the real story, there isn't even angels, monsters or demons just hallucinations of the MC.

Isaac is very pro-Christianity. Angels give you good items, and final boss of the game is Satan.

Good to know we're at rock bottom.