What was the last game you trully had fantastic time playing?

I was just wondering about this small topic. What was last game you had an amazing, fantastic, fun, interesting, etc. time playing? For me it was replaying The Last of Us on NG+ Normal and replaying Bioshock Infinite + Burial at Sea for the first time.

Pic is SAO, so don't mind her.

Other urls found in this thread:


Into the Breach two days ago. Great game.

Do all of these pictures just happen to show the girls' feet or something?

Rabi Ribi

Finished D:OS 2 last week and had amazing time with it.

Sugu makes something hard alright

The game i am currently playing. Vermintide 2. Before that, Monster Hunter World.

Her sugus are getting bigger with each game

Hm, 999, maybe.

persona 5 just before the big twist reveal

Hollow Knight

Trails in the sky.
Also Zero fucking when?

Overwatch with the new Sombra patch using Chen's.


fear effect sedna GOTY

if the answer isn't EDF 5 in this point in time and year, then you are wrong -- doing it wrong, too. it came out early december for you guys to import

I honestly can't remember.

Got back into Dirty Bomb after a year of not playing and forgot how fun it was and how apparently good I was. Running around getting frags from actual skill and aim and reflexes instead of Overwatch which just feels so rock paper scissory was really refreshing. I had missed that feeling of truly being able to carry games and clear servers.

Into the Breach is giving me the Tetris Effect. I'm seeing it everywhere and gameplay keeps appearing in my dreams. When I was a kid I would sit down and play Tetris on my cousin's NES all fucking day, and now I've found a new game to be this autistic with. Help me.

Can't help you, we are not experts. At least most of people in here.

N E V E R.
Hope you liked that cameo in CSII 'cause that's all we're ever gonna get, at least until CSIV. You're gonna eat up Rean Blanco and you're gonna like it.

Persona 4, which I finished like a few days ago.

Havent played CS yet.
on last chapter of Tits the 3rd.
Seems like the only options are to wait for the fantranslatino that is 60% done so far or use some horrible machine translation that is out there.


I played Shadow of Memories for PS2 recently, it was goofy as hell but kind of really cool at the same time. Some of the alternate endings are absolutely nuts

MGRevengance. Shit was a wild fucking time and thats what I wanted and expected going in. Everything about it was exactly what they sold it as.

There is no twist in p5.

rainbow six siege.

if singleplayer, prey (2007)

Witcher 3 at release. I've been a tired game since then I I just can't seem to break out of it... Kingdom Come is good and fun but idk, it's hard to find the motivation to play.

M&B Napoleonic Wars

I bought it thinking "This old ass dlc probably has nobody playing"

I was so hooked that I bought Holdfast later but went back anyway, the whole thing is just fun with a small community.

Tbh, Zero and Ao aren't that mandatory to play in order to comprehend CS, even though a certain event is better explained in Ao. You can jump directly into CS once you're done with The 3rd.

I've been playing the forest co-op with a close friend and there really isn't anything like it.

It's so god damn immersive and I think part of the reason why is that, unless you actively seek it out, you rarely get into full out combat with these savages early game. The first few days just feel like you're camping with your bro on a beautiful island. You hunt for food, set up a quaint little log cabin, stay away from the caves and worst case scenario if you're playing it smart, you have a brief (but ominous) encounter with some tribal crackhead watching you from across the river. The tone is: you're living a nice peaceful life, but it won't last forever. So when a 10 foot tall tentacle mutant rips the logs from your roof and a platoon of cannibals chases you into ocean water so cold that they won't even touch it lest they freeze and you spend the night freezing near to death on an island barely big enough for you to stand on, staring these cowardly crack-goblins down, desperately planning an escape or a counterattack, you really get to know crisis, loss, and cooperation. A very visceral experience.


Xenoblade Chronicles a month back. Not even sure if I wanna buy 2 because there's no way it can surpass it.

I finally got around to borrowing a 360 from a friend to play Ninja Gaiden 2. The game gripped me till I finished it on Master Ninja. I loved it from start to finish, despite its obvious flaws. I really wish we could have a remaster that would get rid of the performance issues.


A hat in time, the first person view made it better too

Pic related. Probably the best game in the series to date.
Just play the PSP fan translation that's already out, it's not half bad. and Ao is coming out soon as well. Barring that, there's no time like the present to start learning moonrunes.



Monster Hunter World and Dragonball Fighterz have both been a complete blast. I feel like this is a good year for vidya.

A friend of mine has Golden but I cant be assed to borrow his Vita. Should I just emulate the PS2 version?

Do I need to play the other Ys games before that one?

Gravity Rush 2 and Titanfall 2

witcher 3

vermintide 2

Depends, do you really like slice of life anime moments?

It's better to play at least Ys I and II just to see how Adol started his adventure, but otherwise no. There are loose threads in the worldbuilding that tie the games together, but the cool thing about them is that you really don't need to play the games in any particular order to connect the dots and get that "I see what they did there" feeling.

Lying Fairy

That and RPG combat are the main draws of the game, correct? I'm well aware and all for it.

Also, I already know the killer. Will this hamper my experience?

Yeah, go for it. Golden adds some dumb shit anyway and replaces one of the main characters' voice with someone real ill-fitting, so I'd say the PS2 version is the way to go.

You don't "need" to play them, but they are great games and well worth your time

You still don't know the how and why. The exploration of his character is pretty great if you count supplementary material, even if you already know who he is. That's how it was for me anyway

Unironically MGSV. I really enjoyed just fucking around in that game.
>Pic is SAO, so don't mind her.
Is Rika popular? She should be.

Last game that was new to me and I wasn't just replaying that I had a fantastic time with was Resident Evil 6, and also Resident Evil Revelations 2. I was having a very shitty time in life and they made me forget it all completely.

I can understand why long time fans wouldn't like 6 but I had played through most of the games in the past, and before playing it I did a marathon of every game before it. When I got to 6 I just enjoyed the stupid action and the cool old RE characters and how silly everything was. Mercenaries was an absolute blast.

>Liking grandma Chie

Prey 17 and Stellaris after 2.0
I know a lot of people didn't like 2.0 but I say it's because they hate change, the foundation of the game has never been better. The new way ship designer works makes it actually fun to experiment with different designes.
My favourite's are currently artillery Destroyers and Line Battleships

>not liking grandma Chie

Well Golden has a bunch more slice of life content and some QoL improvements, so play that if you care about those. However the PS2 version has all of the actual story anyway, so it's fine to play if you can't get a hold of Golden.

Also most people who started browsing Sup Forums after 2008 knew who the killer was because it was a huge meme, so nah you're good to go.

Okami HD.
The game has ages marvelously.

Me and my friend camped out on the little Island near the boat
Safe as could be

I recommend wait a little and play the second, the ending is more enjoyable if you have played the first, the gameplay is as good as the first, with some differences that help not to think you are playing the same game, so, maybe not as good in general as the first, but also you won't get disappointed.

Why is she so perfect

I still hope we'll see a PC version one day. April? May? This time for sure, pinky swear! I'll probably get it on Switch if it comes out first.

With a little bit of mental flexibility you can successfully convince yourself that whatever spoilers you've read is just people trolling, memeing or just posting fakes for the sake of it. And then you can play any game, watch any movie or read any book without worrying about spoilers. Not even joking, that's how it works for me

I've done this in the past but after it literally never turning out to be false spoilers, I've lost faith in the method.

obese soyboy who wish he was a girl spotted

XCOM 2...

Huh I was told the second game had nothing to do with the first. Guess it's not a problem if it's only the ending. Thanks.

DS3, the game I'm currently playing right now. I've tried getting into the series through demon souls way back and couldn't get into it, tried DS3 on release and was getting my ass handed to me, decided to try again last week and once I've gotten the hang of the game I've been having a blast.

>liking squirrel chie

Are you me? What a fucking ride that Second Chapter was, when Cassius appeared out of nowhere at the end I was literally screaming here, that fucking nigger is one of the most overpowered character I've ever encountered on a game.

I unironically played Half-Life 2: Deathmatch for some time.

>Is Rika popular.

Dunno, but she is my favorite character and I bought last Hollow game today.
OP here. Have a good night/day people. Kind of happy this thread is still friendly and fun to everyone. I am going to bed.

The Division. Not enough shooter/rpg games out there.

Nier: Automata

Before that Witcher 3 probably. I really need a new game.

Lisa, the gameplay itself is the kind of crap you'd expect from any RPG Maker game, but the sum of the parts that make up the game made for an enjoyable experience, I actually wanted to get to know the game more on my own volition instead of trying to go through the motions to pass the time

Playing Etherlords 2 right now. Really fun tactical turn-based game and I'm glad I found out about it at this time. Needed something to wash away the bad taste left after playing terrible turn-based games such as Into the Breach and Slay the Spire which were designed to be more addictive than fun.

I have fun playing games all the time. In the last couple of weeks:
>Fallout 4(not a great RPG but fun to loot and hunt)
>BamHam City
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Monster Hunter World
>Stellaris 2.0 w/ Apocalypse
>Slay the Spire

Didn't beat all start to finish obviously, but made progress in each of them.

Golden adds a shitton of stuff that seriously makes the experience better than the original. If there's an actual choice the extra content more than makes up for the change in VA, which has always been severely overrated because it was a very comprehensive and well-done English dub in an era in which niche Jap games do not get that much effort put into them, see Chaos Wars or any of the plethora of examples of horrid dubs on the PS2

pretty good bait

Project Diva Future Tone, about to boot it up again

Rhythm games give me a sense of pure joy and fun that no other genre really does, in every other game I get satisfaction out of making progress like an accomplishment simulator, but rhythm games just give me a primal happiness

Drakengard 3, kept going just to see the shit the game could throw at me, and boy it didn't dissapoint me

Probably Portal 2. But I only just got it during the last big steam sale.

Megaman Legends 2

How'd you like that final boss, user?

Xenoblade 2, Replaying Xenosaga, Nier and SCP with my cousin fucking so fun

Pokemon Sun & Moon Lillie ends up with Sun edition

Why are you fucking your cousin user?

Why aren't you?

Sugu > Leafa

I enjoyed chinatown wars, I sat down and finally played it through to completion instead of stopping like 10 missions in to fuck around.

But really, I can't remember before that, it's not like I don't enjoy playing games buti t's always incredibly fleeting. I haven't enjoyed playing a game for more than one sitting in ages upon ages. I bought monster hunter, played that up to rank 15-16 and just got bored and stopped, it turned into the same shit over and over. metal gear survive too.

>not liking Squirrel Chie

I love it actually, still trying to beat it legit though, i can sing the song from memory by now

She should be more popular and I don't get why she isn't. Cute personality, tomboy, super fun, second biggest bust after Sugu. Nips have shit taste unfortunately.

You mom's ass.

The last game that I had a ton of fun with was Xenoblade Chronicles. The censorship stuff was unfortunate, but it was the first game in ages where I could just boot it up and forget about everything while being completely immersed.

Finally glassing (((their))) home planet after a long bloody war that cost me hundreds of ships, billions of lives and the lives of some of my best fleet admirals/captains.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it. Shit had me wishing for death.

Rise of the Tomb Raider. I even loved the story, fight me.

This but opposite.

I have never met a man so wrong.