The Binding of Isaac

Any word on the Antibirth update? Isaac thread.

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I'd like to know that, too.

Azazel > Cain > Isaac > Judas > Eden > Samson > Maggie > Eve > Lost > Keeper

Don't @ me

what about appolyon?

Antibirth and Revelations never ever, lmao.

Eden is better than Judas

I've been waiting so fucking long for the next Antibirth update but it seems the one that's supposed to come next won't even have that much content

>still playing the played out as living fuck isaac
Go away, northernlion

lost is by far the best, free flight with free devil deals.

reposting my best breaking run

What's with the tiny ass brimstones?

So much for HP scaling making normal runs worse when you can still break the game

iirc they removed scaling because people complained

Some AB+ booster pack item, basically Holy Brimstone.

Did they do it recently? Hush feels like a chore


Nah, scaling is still there. It's possible to make a build so overpowered that you can defeat it though.

They didn't remove shit

It seems a bit unfair to play as Lilith in Greedier mode, doesnt it?

Isaac is actually easier than azazel due to all the new items in the pool being so fucking broken


>1st floor curse room
>contract from below

>first floor curse room
>guppy's tail
>joker card into guppy's head and nine lives

apparently the lead dev on anti is working on the next booster pack, so anti might not be updated for a while

>"We're going to have 1 booster per month for the year of 2017."
>takes 2 months for first booster pack
>fifth and final booster pack is being released in March of 2018 if it's not delayed again

*kills you*


>this was designed by _kilburnb
On second thought, don't update Antibirth. I can deal with the bugs and glitches just fine.


I hated this guy when all he knew was spirit heart tanking. What a horrible habit to gain

But it was designed by leathericecream

>1st floor curse room
>red chest into devil deal
>fucking die when leaving the room

what should I call this floor. Overgrown Caves sounds lame.

>It seems a bit unfair to play as Lilith in Greedier mode, doesnt it?
But that's Maggie, you can see the blonde wig.


Living Caves?
Garden Depths?


this I like.

Is Afterbirth Plus still ass or did the fix it, still playing through afterbirth and don't want to make the game more tedious, especially greed mode

When they get rid of those void portals is when Afterbirth turns good

It's shit. Adds very little for making the game far more tedious.

Its all a DPS race now
DPS not high enough? You lose

*rants about airplanes for 60 minutes*

>Lisa Simpson is a good character

Unfortunate. Will hold off for now

>1st floor secret rock
>get a small rock

He's right.

He's wrong.

i actually liked lilith (before the nerf) and the 2 players character from antibirth

I liked the original Isaac more. Good music by Baranowsky, and visuals had a crisp comfy feel. Rebirth to me looks ugly in comparison and music is mostly bland and forgettable. Gameplay is still solid though.


do the same as i.
when you get bored of afterbirth
get + and ignore everything except the mods

Get those mods and enjoy the game again. there are some good stuff there

Theres a mod to change the music back to the original, its awesome if you dont like abrasive shit like

I miss the sound effect of entering a devils room from the flash version. . made it feel a bit more special

Eve is the best

Isaac Fanart is so bad 99% of the time

that's not issac fanart

I want to be Eve!

Antibirth is aiming for a early march release.

Give it till 12th and if no word then its dead jim.