>I use discord
I use discord
so what's it like having no friends, user?
I don't understand the appeal of discord and refused to follow my friends to if after using mumble without issues for 2 months.
You get used to it after a while. But it's true that I sometimes miss the social interactions, and all that. Nobody wished me for my birthday when last year I had at least 40 SMS and people threw a party for me. Good times
would you use discord if you had friends who asked you to?
Not sure. My friends used to like WhatsApp and Wire more than Discord. They weren't really into games
I don't really get it either, but I assume it's just a shittier IRC alternative which I don't even bother using these days anyway.
It's weird, I really enjoy 1 on 1 chatting with people so I'm happy to add people on Steam to talk about games or whatever, but when it comes to group chatting I just use shit like Sup Forums. Live-group chat leads to too much circlejerking in my experience, while forums without upboats are relatively safe and 1 on 1 chat is fine. The one disadvantage of ignoring group chat is I rarely pick up new internet pals to chat with given people on here aren't super keen on Steam buddies.
Discord is fine. I can't think of anything I miss from vent mumble teamspeak or any other VOIP I used to use.
but what's so good about discord that you stopped using vent mumble teamspeak?
it's convenient and easy, i guess
i prefer irc and teamspeak/mumble, being decentralized and not chink-owned gamer-marketed botnet bullshit, but there's no use complaining. a social platform isn't much good if there aren't any people using it.
Ease of use and my friends moved over. Furthermore it's an easy access to communities these days. I just started playing a new game and I joined the discord. I instantly had information and people to play with at my fingertips.
>it's a voice chat where you can manually control the volume of each person in the chat.
This alone made me drop skype like a sack of bricks, there's nothing with a better feature than that.
Me not like new program. New scary. Old comfy.
>I define myself and other people by chat programs
This is an ancient stereotype, OP.
shill me your servers, Sup Forums fags
fixed, faggot
This is actually accurate
thats gay
No, they're only good because they're small and mostly people I know IRL. You're not invited.