SKYRIM BELONGS TO THE inhabitants of Tamriel, no matter their race or religious beliefs
SKYRIM BELONGS TO THE inhabitants of Tamriel, no matter their race or religious beliefs
Except cat gypsies
Except for High Elves
Is there a way to make Skyrim fun without mods?
Put on a fucking shirt, retard. It's snowing outside and you'll catch a cold.
Its called the unarmed runthrough
except for redguard niggers
>Take land from Native Americans
How awful and racist!
>Take land from the Nords
How progressive!
I wonder who could be behind this post....
Roleplay as a sneaky archer.
>implying nords are natives
>tfw Altmer mage dragonborn
"Realistically" and if Bethesda had a brain/talent, how would the Nords react to a Mer dovahkin?
Morrowind for the Dunmer!
Argonia for the Argonians!
Skyrim for everyone!
You do know Nords aren't Native, right?
not canon
Altmer detected
Nice try fag
That's what I played as, later went heavy armor/destro/conjuration
Hadvar > faglof
I'm not taking about "canon", artard.
No race of Men or Mer are native.
Morrowind had that problem too.
I've been replaying it, when i played it in 2011 i was just speeding through everything, fast travelling, waiting, i barely knew shit about the lore besides the thieves guild questline.
Paired with the survival mods and some immersive ones it's actually a really fucking good game.
the snow elves were in skyrim before the high elves came to tamriel IIRC
Is your character Muslim?
muslims wear werewolf pelts?
You cant fool me with your Muslim Sorcery
Yeah and the dwemer blinded their whole race and turned them into monsters. Nords fought them in honorable combat on the battlefield.
fuck argonains would kill all those lizard fuckers also i hate cats and men smell like shit and orcs are an abominaiton of my race dunmer are heathen daedra worshippers. i guess the bosmer are ok
>tfw you realize nord snowniggers would still be backwards savages living in mudhuts without imperial rule and civilization
except the failmor
The imperials are the biggest pussies even more than bretons since they got owned by the elves. Nords and Redguards are the only races worth a damn.
Why are Humans so boring in TES? They're all just different styles of "muh honorable warriors" with the exception of Bretons being magic rape babies.
High Elves removing them would be doing us a favor, more interesting races would get the spotlight maybe.
why do orcs look like black people?
you're talking out of your ass, you come across a shit ton of "white" mages and hunters.
Altmer have never had the spotlight. Nords, Dunmer and Imperials are the races most fleshed out. No one knows shit about Altmer except that they're the oldest race and good at magic.
fuck off, skyrim belongs to the enclave
All life began on Tamriel. Proto-Nords left for Atmora and then came back (and then left again, and then came back again).
Skyrim belongs to the Khajiit
Based crazy dwemers.
"What's wrong can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman"
"Aww, didn't somebody steal your sweetroll?"
And all the other NPC lines
You do know they took the blunt of the Oblivion Crisis or are you forgetting a whole game?
Nords - Vikings
Imperials - Romans
Redguards - Middle Easterners
All three races have stat buffs in combat skills when you pick them throughout the games
>tfw the Dragonborn just ended up being Hermanous Mora's chamber boy