Console has only 2 games

>console has only 2 games
>400 dollars

Convince me why I shouldn't just get a ps4 for cheaper instead.

It's $300, though.

>not wanting a console with only 2 games
Then why do you want a ps4
Also you wouldn't want an xbox either

Consoles are dead, kids.

Nintendo games are just more fun. They always seem fresh, even if they are just reinventions of 30 year old ideas; Sony/MS' games always feel generic, regardless if the underlying concept is original or not.


>waaaaa this console only has 2 games

I can’t tell if you’re retarded, trying to revive a dead meme or both

More like it needs thicc girls or cow tits otherwise it's loli and I will hate it

Mostly because they aim for realism in the visuals.

Please, it's the people who hate loli that stick out like a sore thumb

You could always get an Xbox 360, tons of games on it and lots of underrated gems.

>zelda botw (wii u game)
>mario odyssey

name me FIVE (5) games on the switch that aren't indie/dead/multiplat

I want to play the new mario game but i'm not getting fooled by nintendo ever again after the wii u I bought. I can wait until a reasonable price or hardware revision comes along, and I for sure can wait for more games.

PS4 was one game and $399.

I have one and a ps4. ps4 is the better console with more games, but switch is pretty cool because it is just super comfy. Breath of the Wild is huge and awesome to play in my bed, and i have Bayonetta 1,2, and MK8 and Celeste. Its a decent set of games to play as opposed to ps4 where I have maybe a hundred games and time to only really play... 3 or 4 at a time. Switch is just super comfy and cool to play when your on the couch and too lazy to get up and go hard in front of the tv. But if you are too poor to get both get a ps4 for sure.

>Switch is $300 with 2 games
>PS4 is $250 with 1 game
Make your choice.

>400 dollars

I have about 20 games for the Switch. Stop being a faggot and learn what fun is.

they both suck get an og xbox or a dreamcast

Fire Emblem Warriors, Mario Odissey, Mario & Rabbids, Xenoblade Ch. 2 and Splatoon 2.

Who the fuck would buy it for $400? It's $300

>console has only 2 games
>convince me why I shouldn't get a more expensive console that only has 2 games as well instead

Forgot ARMS

So I didn't know this until I watched some "Year In Review" concerning the Switch, and the guy that made the video said that Nintendo wanted the Switch to last a decade. Which got me thinking: Could Nintendo be planning to release another "true," home console, while the Switch will be treated as a handheld?

At least it's got more games than the ps3 and you probably bought that :)

Don’t forget Arms! OP completely BTFO!

Paying 10k just to play dota
Pc are dead, kiddo

>it's not pedos that stick out, it's everyone else!

Spotted the pedo

Welp, it's actually loads of fun, but i honestly forgot about it.

>dead game
>rehash game
>dead game
>weeb game
>pedo game

It's been five years, and there's still one game exclusive to the PS4 worth playing, and that's only if you're a brainlet retard who gobbles down FromSoft's rehashes.

Ps3 >switch
Ps3 can run games at 720p and 60fps switch can not
Ps3 run better skyrim and ka noire switch can not
Etc etc

>Dead game
>Games are single player
It makes me sad how retarded you people are

It is in fact that people who make posts in the voice of angry crying wojak in picture dump threads who stick out, yes

How can a single player game be dead?

What a retarded post.

Your opinions aren't fact. Just admit you're wrong and go about your day.

Its been 1 year, and thers still one game exclusive to the switch worth playing and thats only if you are a brainlet retard who gobbles down Mario rehashes.

why would you buy a ps4? just buy a computer and a switch and you're set

A flop game = a dead game retard

Cant play bloodborne or dragon quest
Your point its invalid as yourself

You shouldn't ask Sup Forums for advice. You'll get consolewar bullshit everytime. The objective reasons for buying are:

PC: you're not lazy or are willing to pay a little more
Switch: you like nintendo games and portability
PS4: an easy general gaming platform with a couple of exclusives.

For me those 2 games were worth it but i have money so i don't know about you

>no it’s not and it’s still getting support, did well for coming out a week before Mario
>not even going to acknowledge how blatantly wrong you are
>not dead, still getting support
>bad meme, as stated before you have no idea what you’re talking about
>notice how you can’t talk trash about this one so you have to make something up yet again

Which proves once more that realism is the cancer of the industry.

There's at least 5 not including Mario games kiddo.

>Cant play bloodborne or dragon quest
Bloodborne is just a generic Souls game.
All of the games on ps4 aren't exclusive.

Go buy a PS4 you little shit. Nintendo doesn't want or need you.

Rehash of souls

>Can't play Dragon Quest


I think the effort being put into creating the narrative that Nintendo consoles have high prices compared to their competitors is very strange, considering that it's clear that the truth is the opposite. They are the only major platform holder that's continuing to launch their consoles at $300 or less, while the other two launch at prices $400 or higher.

Ok, this is just embarrassing now. Do a little research first before shitposting. It's not even amusing.
You guys used to be better at this.

that is the weirdest switch I've ever seen.