Now that the PS5 dev kits are being delivered to devs all over the place, that means we can expect an announcement this year and consoles in 2019. Will you get one? I sure will. With backward compatibility I can sell my PS4 and keep the games.
Now that the PS5 dev kits are being delivered to devs all over the place...
If they're just barely going out now in 2018 then they aren't gonna announce it in 2019 fucktard
>three more years with the Pro
it takes 2 to 4 years to make an AAA game or 6 months to 1 year for a port of a previous gen. So if they sent those devs kits now, PS5 will be out at at 2021 at the earliest.
>yet another fucking console
When will this fucking stupidity end? Consoles are dead, obsolete, and garbage. Get over it.
It takes a couple years to put together a triple A game, user
>we can expect an announcement this year and consoles in 2019
Next Gen Consoles will be released 2020. End Of.
I'll probably get it if i can play my digital ps4 games on it too. Too much of a bother to switch between consoles all the time
>PS4 Pro released at the end of 2016
>Rumors of PS5 are already happening in early 2018
>Consoles are dead, obsolete, and garbage. Get over it.
But they are cheaper, yeah maybe not of even setting as PC. But at least with consoles you don't have to buy upgrade parts to play games like with PC.
>that means we can expect an announcement this year and consoles in 2019
that is not going to happen
I don't think the PS5 will be BC in any way, shape or form. Sony despises the notion of being able to play your old games on their new system.
Actually kinda excited about next gen backwards compatibility. I don't see any reason why a PS5 shouldn't have some sort of boost mode for older games and possibly even cross gen patches.
*Exclusives ur path*
I think they are. It would make sense because then it has been 3 years since PS4Pro.
There were also rumors in 2012 that PS4 codenamed 'Orbis' devkits were going around 3rd party and the console came out late 2013.
Unless Sony can pull some miracle in hardware technology i think we are looking at a $500 box or a less ambitious $400 box.
However it is hard to say at the moment what the hardware would be in it because those extremely highend hardware negotiations that Sony makes with AMD etc. are unpredictable.
The 1.84Tflop GPU in the PS4 was quite insane for the price at the time. I believe there was a list of leaps in computational performance and PS3 and PS4 are on there as times where FLOP per $ made a big leap.
>I think they are
They are not going to cut short the peak PS4 years by announcing a new console this early
The reason Sony seemingly hates it is because they've switched architecture three gens in a row. Next gen will be normal x86 just like PS4 so there's no reason not to add it. They have the stronger current gen library so it will be a free competitive advantage over whatever Microsoft coughs up.
I know this is probably gonna be the case. Still hoping for a miracle
>There were also rumors in 2012 that PS4 codenamed 'Orbis' devkits
Does that mean that the PS5 will be spherical?
meant for
what makes you think sony would actually implement backwards compatibility on the PS5 when the PS4 didnt have it face it sony hates you and have become the bad guys. The renting PS3 games bullshit is the worst business model ive seen in my entire life
They will propably announce it 2019 at the earliest if the dev kits are going around now.
Wouldn't PS4 be spherical?
Didn't PS4 just come out? I feel like it did and I keep saying I'll get one but so far I haven't.
Because you can't just turn on backwards compatibility from Cell to x86. Remember that Sony tried real hard making the PS3 backwards compatible by adding a literal PS2 in the console. The same thing wouldn't be possible with the shorter technological leap from PS3 to 4, and it probably wouldn't be worth the extra cost to consumers.
>bought a video games console without fucking video games
Holy shit, stop wasting oxygen already.
How much of a technological leap will the PS5 be from the PS4?
This. Sony already stated that they have no interest in it. They set that precedent already last year so people would stop asking them about it.
4 years and a half. But it's fine, since it's Sony.
For fuck's sake I just bought my PS4 Pro and I've barely managed to play any games on it
Almost every game worth playing on the PS4 Pro is just a remaster of a PS2 or PS3 game
So the PS5 is going to be out in a few years and now we can play remastered PS3/PS4 games on the PS5
I don't want to keep buying consoles
It may or may not match the power of the new Xbox. I have a feeling that MS will just one up them again in the power department anyway.
Memebrains. Don't engage.
I don't get it. The PS3 lasted almost 7 years before 4 came out and it got a big amount of games by the end of its run so when PS4 was announced way back in 2013 it didn't felt rushed even if it could have lasted for a year or two more.
But what's the point releasing the PS5 next year or in 2020? Pro's been around since almost two years ago and they are just starting with VR. And there aren't enough games to justify another new console. It's too fucking early.
I think they should try to resurrect the Vita instead.
I'm sure they'll implement backwards compatibility. It would really suck if people paid for the same games again
OP i dunno how to tell you this.... but that logo says PSS
They'll still do 4k Editions and remakes.
It should easily exceed it since the new APUs already blow out the ones the xbonex uses. AMD is having an incredible ramp up cycle for their hardware and will most likely beat out nvidias incrimental gains for the next gen or two.
Which sucks considering they could just enhance those old games for their new system like the Xbox does. I have a feeling that they won't, though.
>Will you get one?
Depends on the mining shit. If GPU prices keep rising I will make the switch to PS5.
>thinking PS5 will release before 2020
stop being retarded, just because devs are starting to get devkits now doesn't mean there's a new console out the following year
I see now reason why they wouldn't. I see "PS5" of more of a continuation of the current 4 ecosystem, like a Pro with its own exclusives.
>devkits being sent out
Since when? Sauce.
If the mining meme continues the PS5 will be underspecced and overpriced, just like PC. It's the same hardware.
Stfu and buy a PS5.
Wait is this for real?
If so what the fuck happened to Sony's console lifespan
It feels like just yesterday the original PS4 was even a thing
You're clearly retarded.
Because the economy was particularly shit during the PS3's life. Usually console lifespans are roughly 5-6 years.
>Wait is this for real?
What a stupid logo.
2020 release date. Bank on it. They won’t be at e3 this year. definitely next, though.
You know I will, so why the hostility?
But then you run into the problem of being stuck with old hardware for more than a decade. A 2020 release means 7 years for the PS4. That's enough isn't it?
The reason why it doesn't feel like there's many games is because, I feel, that the jump from PS3/360 to PS4/One wasn't big enough. You gotta factor in that making games get more and more expensive, and that devs need more power in order to realize whatever vision they are coming up with. Todd himself essentially said that for ES6 the current gen consoles are too weak. Just Cause devs already gave up this generation and started working for next-gen long ago.
We need a proper jump, nobody wants to be stuck with this generation for too much longer.
They realized they don't have to do anything to sell consoles since casuals will just buy their CoD/sports game of the year/GTA V/Netflix machines anyway, so may as well sell them a whole new one.
PS4 is six years old, m8. You're just getting old and time goes faster.
Yeah, they may want to work on that
Good, don't upgrade your PC. PC gaming is dead, make sure to buy a PS5 day one.
Oh, look. A quality post from a consolekid.
You do realize every time you post some stupid, shallow reply that does nothing but insult, you're basically admitting that you have no real answer to their post and therefore are actually strengthening their position, right?
Dumb kids.
Consoles are the future since the Cryptoniggers have killed PC gaming. I'm sitting here with my year old Skylake, OC'd to 4.5Ghz, 16GB RAM, a great Mobo... and a 660. That I can't upgrade because a 1070 is over a thousand fucking dollars.
At this point, Consoles are all you can fucking game on.
Stop it! It's just four years and a couple of months old. Time is passing at a reasonable pace for once.
>December 2013 is 6 years now
>Now that the PS5 dev kits are being delivered to devs all over the place, that means we can expect an announcement this year and consoles in 2019.
You have no idea how long video games actually take to make, do you?
>Consoles are dead, obsolete, and garbage
Go there and whine about your inflated cards and early access indie games
There is a thing called diminishing returns. Console generations used to seem like massive improvements until we got to the seventh gen.
>Now that the PS5 dev kits are being delivered to devs all over the place
No they aren't.
>Gen 8 is already over
Jesus this was the most nothing gen ever
But what do you think they'll make the new Playstation out of?
Guess it's finally time to buy that ps4 I've had my eye on.
GPUs that aren't made for the consumer.
Reason right here. Also I happen to work for a 3A company whose last title was PS4-first, and we haven't even heard of a PS5 yet. Also why would Sony push it so soon after Pro?
Pro I hope, my brother to be?
What made you come to that conclusion? The PS4 and Switch are selling like hotcakes and they would be retarded to not continue their console lines.
>inflated cards
No one in their right mind pays over $100 for a video card.
>indie games
Mostly shit
Compared to all your locked down, 4/10 style over substance shitgames. Consoles have ZERO advantages over PCs. ZERO. Buying a console is proof that you are not a smart person because you'd rather deal with a locked down, single control method shitty piece of hardware controlled by a single corporation with no options to do anything outside the fucking box they make for you.
>I don't think the PS5 will be BC in any way, shape or form
It's more likely for the PS5 and PS4 to be compatible because they aren't using any hardware gimmicks, unlike all the other PS consoles. i'm not saying it's going to happen, but the PS4 is not much different to a PC. If PS5 is the same with updated hardware, then no reason it couldn't run PS4 game without needing to emulate them.
No reason other than greed from Devs wanting to re-release 5 year old games on new hardware. Or redo all the HD-releases of games into 4K releases.
What a dimwit. They're made by the same factories and companies.
>gee, should we make $1000 cryptocards or $150 oem cards for sony...
So stop buying them so late then retard.
my PC is probably still more powerful
I think they're just now solidifying the specs, no way devkits are out there
Nothing personnel, kid
Hahahaha good luck being able to run shit better than a console with a video card under
Sony fanboy here if a PS5 comes out next year I'll sell all my Sony products and build a gaming PC, even I can't only only take so many anti consumer practices.
If the dev kits are being delivered now than no way in hell they are announcing this year, 2019 announcement with 2020 release
Ehh, depends on the price relative to the regular model.
What are the odds that they drop support of PSVR before it's even announced? I haven't heard anything new about their VR in a long while and even this board doesn't discuss it.
The retailers are the ones increasing the price. Also manufacturers always sell those chips to other companies at a bulk price.
Did you seriously think that the PS4 Pro wasn't a quick mid-to-late-life cash grab? It was clearly designed to make trailers less embarrassing, any idiot that spent a billion buckaroos on one was just a bonus to Sony
What a poser. A real Sonybro would have Bloodborne tatted on his chest. That looks like a fake gamer who has adopted the extravagant Sony lifestyle just for the women and social standing.
>people are surprised that the gen is almost over after 5 years
Kids that grew up on 360/PS3 are the worst
>m-muh 10 year gens
Don't hold everyone else back just because your console went 4 years without its launch games coming out
If they give me another WipEout title, I just might buy the PS5. Otherwise it can burn in a trash pile where it belongs.
Games come out for it every week, but the big companies aren't supporting it fully yet. I doubt it's going to be dropped.
It needs more games that take full advantage of it, like how Resident Evil 7 did.
Solid taste.
Kinda hope Onrush is as fun as Pacific Rift was, too
It's okay to not understand things but you shouldn't go around acting like you do. There's no such thing as a fixed price. When someone sniffs out that the guy down the line is making more money, the people in production wants some of that. Because if there's an increased demand for their shit they can always sell to someone else.
>No one in their right mind pays over $100 for a video card.
Lol retard cant even lie correctly
>one company controls their games
Says guy who probably has all his games on steam
Fuck off back to rebbdit kid
no one cares fag.
Same, we need more arcade racers, current gen consoles are extremely dry on that departments. It's just an endless stream of shitty jrpg games and walking simulators with some bad movies sprinkled in for added depression.
>Standard console cycle is anti-consumer
If it comes out late next year then it has been 6 years which is the regular time between console gens.
6 years after PS2 the PS3 launched and 6 years after PS1 the PS2 launched.
Only the PS4 was an outlier and came one year later.
As long as I can keep playing Monster Hunter.
Rockstar having a premium version of GTA5 coming should have been the sign that PS5 was soon.
If the PS5 is backwards compat then you should be okay but it's not looking good right now.
>it's not looking good right now
But literally every rumor that's also pushing the PS5 dev kit angle is saying PS5 can run PS4 games. Besides it's not like PS4 is on a snowflake architecture like PS2 and PS3.
>If the PS5 is backwards compat
Yeah, because Sony is just going to let you play Last of Us and Uncharted on your new console without buying the GotY UHD Remaster Complete Edition