So, how is this game?

Other than the W10 fiasco

What fucking game?

Age of Empires Remake

Lack of production queue and rally points were ultimate casual filters in original AoE
Did they change this in the remake?


Age of Empires Definite Edition
frankly speaking I only heard about it from some youtube channel. Apparently requires Win10, which is possibly why no one gives a shit.
I guess Vista exclusives taught them nothing

It was nice for a nostalgia hit and then I realised how outdated it is. They're "improved the pathing" but units CONSTANTLY get stuck on one another so you're spending way too much time getting them unstuck.

WC3 just got that widescreen patch so this thing is dead in the water.

they added those 2 things
but you cant queue anything else if you queue multiple axeman at once (if you want to upgrade something, you need to stop or finish the queue)

Doesn't everyone have windows 10 at this point?


no, the amount of people with w10 is decreasing

there's just no reason to drop w7 for that

Pretty good by all accounts. The W10 limitation makes it cancerous though.

>by that point
MS botched first year so much, plenty of people went back to 7 and 8.1 and never bothered again

Can you at least remove the smear filter?

>install our shitty software for the privilege of buying our game

What are the odds that AoE IV looks like this remake?

can you play it on w7?

tfw fell for the w10 meme

It's an UWP app. So no.

It was pretty good.
I can't wait for Age of empire 2 & 3 definitive edition to hit the store.
I hope AOE 4 will be good as well. We won't have news about it before the E3 it seems.

on your retarded self and ur mum

I used W10 for a bit since we received a whole bunch of licenses at work.

And it was irredeemably bad. Getting access to advanced user settings is so roundabout and un-intuitive I might as well use a fucking Mac. Not to mention for some reason a lot of user settings don't stick and the OS forces updates and restarts the computer on its own. It also removes "problematic" software without user consent (Comodo Firewall for instance). How anyone would be OK with this piece of garbage is beyond me.


I'm still with Win7 both personal and work

>no, the amount of people with w10 is decreasing
Win 10 overtook Win 7 2 months ago. Only Asians (China) and hipsters still use a 9 years OS.

as a kid watching villagers hunt elephant and gather food blew my mind
I pirated this the other day 20 years later and fuck me im glad I didnt give them my nostalgia money

it's shit and plays like shit and rightfully belongs in my memory

i injected USB3 chipset drivers into my Win7 usb iso just so i could avoid being forced to use Win10 with Ryzen

Never ever micro$hill

I went from XP to 8.1 and probably won't change till getting a new CPU which requires a newer OS. Nothing I use or want to use requires anything different so I don't see the need to change it. Hell, I even have an extreme tryhard black edition of XP used in a VM sometimes for older Japanese visual novels that don't play nice with 8.1.

Well they indeed improved pathfinding however because of no battle formations its the same shit again.
AI is also shite.

This. It's a worldwide statistic.
If you exclude places like China (kinda not into the whole idea and with bajillions of devices), it's realistically a huge percentage.

I've never understood the appeal of Windows 7.

>Before you figure out how to start selling champagne to Microsoft offices, consider that StatCounter has a rival named Netmarketshare and that its January 2018 data has Windows 10 on 34.29 per cent market share, well behind Windows 7’s 42.39 per cent.

>Both sites compile their data by watching traffic to real live websites. Netmarketshare says that it considers “100 million valid sessions per month, widely distributed over thousands of websites.” StatCounter says its methodology sees it work “on the basis of more than 10 billion page views per month, by people from all over the world onto our 2 million+ member sites.”

>Which is more accurate? That’s hard to say as both are ultimately black boxes.

>What we can say with some certainty is that if StatCounter is right, Microsoft has taken two-and-a-half years since Windows 10’s July 2015 launch to beat a product launched in July 2009.

>Perhaps that champagne business wasn’t such a good idea after all.

>hey let me just pull rando stats everybody will believe me on a chinese basketweaving imgboard so i can feel better about myself


We know, MS employee

>he reads theregister

>haha let's discredit shit because it goes against my narrative!

>Microsoft has taken two-and-a-half years since Windows 10’s July 2015 launch to beat a product launched in July 2009.

Ah, yes. Because everyone and their mother jumped on Win7 right away instead of holding onto the carcass of XP for a long ass time.

I use 8.1, 後輩。

I will never understand Valvecuck fan who want everything on Valve's garden (Steam). How much do they get paid to suck Gaben's cock while he isn't making any new games outside that trash microtransactions bait dota Card Games?


Breaking News!
Wow shit fucking liar jews I knew it

>being so mad he had to samefag pretending to be 2 different people

Why shouldnt I use pirated win10.
Give just 2 reasons, that is not spying or meme errors you can fix within 2 mins

Huh? How am I a samefag when I replied to your reply you fucking tard? It's pretty fucking obvious both comments are mine

This is stupid, the only reason they have a monopoly is because their competitors fucking suck. It's not like other monopolies where they buy out the competition and they aren't forcing games to be on steam, fucking a the witcher 3 is on GOG and Steam as well as pretty much every uplay game.. The competition is just bad.

but no seriously kys

You must be new here.

>Win10 only JUST superceded Win7's userbase
>even after all the "surprise, you have win10 for free now!" automatic overnight irreversible first-step installs

what an absolutely ebin operating system

no cortana
no windows store
no integrated ads

Why bring up steam/valve? They're not the only ones on pc market. There's still GoG, Origin, etc. They don't decide where devs put games, the devs do.

Stop projecting your suicidal tendencies user.

>buy laptop with Win 10 pre-installed
>more and more annoyed by forced updates, and win changing thinhs without asking
>"fuck it, I install Win 7"
>Win 10 doesn't allow me to run installer
>BIOS doesn't allow me to launch from a pendrive
>laptop dosn't allow me to access BIOS
>change launch sequence
>BIOS has another setting, to ignore custom launch sequence by default
>and another, to ignore launch devices other than its HDD
>Window 7 refuses to install on HDD
>turns out HDD uses custom partition type, that cannot be used by older version of Windows
>also, despite formating, Win 10 is still installed on hidden partition
>fry out entire HDD
>set up brand new partitions
>install Win 7
>install all drivers manually
>finally can play in peace
Is this norm for laptops? Nonetheless it was fun evening.

Yeah no cortana no windows store no integrated ads on my russian squatting cracked windows

Fuck off slave

Why would you buy laptop? MacBook Pro is the obvious call for portable pc

>buying apple products
whatever stooge.

retailers do this a lot. just wipe hdd as you mentioned and you'll be golden.

unironically use driver managers to find w7 compatible ones.

Cuz people want MS games on Steam retard
Don't you see it in every fukin thread, on youtube etc...?



>MacBook Pro is the obvious call for portable pc
Why would you buy a gaybook instead of DELL XPS or even a Surface book?

No, I just don't prefer locked down underpowered pieces of trash.

then you are blind
It's usually the same retarded "No steam, no buy."

>buying apple
I'm white, and a working man

cooo kids from Sup Forums don't

Not him but you're clearly technologically impaired enough to have made the best decision to get a PC with OSX on it.

BTW, Apples (as in, their desktops and notebooks) are all IBM compatible PCs nowadays. They held out as their own thing until like 2002-ish and then dropped the notion of developing their own architecture altogether and simply used the standard.

>Getting access to advanced user settings is so roundabout and un-intuitive I might as well use a fucking Mac
OS X is so much better than Windows nowadays, it's not even funny
You can unfuck a Mac in 20 minutes if you know what you're doing, and you'll get a nice looking proprietary distro

You can't unfuck Windows 10

because ios is better

dude you just type in the name of the menu you want in the search bar man

all the old ones are still there under their old names

t. IT monkey

So its better because you can "unfuck" it faster?

No but you can either save 500$ or use that extra 500$ on a better laptop.

I am dualbooting with w10 though

>Surface book?
For 1500 bucks I can buy a proper macbook

i have an ipad that i inherited from my late mom who i bought it for
there is absolutely no reason to own one of these things unless you are retarded with computers. it's like if android didn't let you do anything you wanted unless you download apple's compiler to an apple system, compiled the app you want to install yourself, sign it with a cert that only works on your devices, and then transfer the completed app over to your device. this process is called "sideloading" but it should be called backloading because if you want to do what you want, you have to load apple's jizz in your back just to fucking do it.
that said os x is pretty nice, i have it set up in a vm and if it could actually play most games on it or run on a normal computer without having to fool it into thinking it's a mac, it would be a pretty decent os.

probably because it's the biggest distribution platform that isn't pain to use.
GoG is obviously superior, for not tying purchases games to ANY client, but it doesn't have many new games either

>OS X is so much better than Windows nowadays, it's not even funny

Unix based systems have always been better than Windows. Since day one.
Everyone with the slightest bit of tech capability knows it, even Microsoft knows it, and have publicly said so.

It was never about using Windows because it's better. It was always about the Catch 22 associated with switching to something else.

Wherever applicable, people did not use Windows. That's why servers don't use Windows and why databases don't use Windows and why consoles don't use Windows and why non-computers don't use Windows (and yes, Windows tried even there), and why no phones use Windows,...

Funnily enough, OSX exits only because of Windows, but that's for another topic.

my main os is win7 with a win10 dual boot just so i have a license for it if/when i switch

>no phone use windows
except there are phones that use windows.

So does Xbone.
And there were some poor Indians tricked into setting up some Windows databases and so on.

I'm talking about real, successful endeavours, not the local variants of the Internet Explorer jokes.

>Unix based systems have always been better than Windows. Since day one.
"better" depends on what respect you're talking about. from pretty much every technical perspective, any *n?x-derived os is going to be superior because windows is a series of retarded decisions made to be backwards-compatible with older retarded decisions.
but 99% of people don't care about technical perspective. they care about their use cases. if you want a system where you can run that obscure application you need to work, almost always you'll want windows because that's what it runs on. if you're a pc gamer, you basically have no choice but windows; only a small fraction of games have been ported to os x or linux and even fewer have been ported to more obscure oses.
there are use cases where os x or linux or openbsd or whatever is superior, and people who know what they're doing will use the appropriate os under those circumstances if it's not cost-prohibitive. but most people will use windows because that's what the shit they want to run runs on, even if microsoft is aids and the system itself is aids.

Well first of all:
>i have an ipad that i inherited from my late mom who i bought it for
and we don't give a shit about your #meetoo story

The actualy reason why I own an ipad is because I travel and read a lot. And god, it feels so fucking comfy to read high res comics and 40k codexes on muh 9.7 inches ipad.

>this is stupid, the only reason they have a monopoly is because their competitors fucking suck

It's actually because Bill Gates was a lying traitor; at some point, he legitimately scammed two of the biggest tech companies out there. Watch Pirates of the Silicon Valley

is it the story when Bush saved his ass?

i don't even know what you're saying but basically i have to do a lot of bullshit if i want to run an application apple hasn't approved, like the one application i actually want to run which is retroarch. sideloading, as fucking annoying as it is, is still better than apple's old solution, which was "fuck you" and a giant middle finger.

>And god, it feels so fucking comfy to read high res comics and 40k codexes on muh 9.7 inches ipad.
i wasn't aware this was something that could only be done on an ipad. apparently only apple makes high resolution devices with a form factor of 9.7 inches or greater, who knew

I already said that. Catch 22 and all.

Someone had to be the one to fall for Microsoft's scheme before people caught up with what kind of company it is. PC was the platform which took the bullet for the team and there's no going back for it.

not even close to aoe2, but tbf that game is close to perfect

>i wasn't aware this was something that could only be done on an ipad.

No I just tried tons of ebook readers and they all suck + I can use an ipad for lots of other shits

I don't use nor I'm planning to ever use it so unless someone port it to w7 or wine w10 "exclusives" might as well not exist to me just like Xbox exclusives.

why would you fuck around with meme not approved apps

To be fair, their laptops are probably the only good product apple currently sells, production value is decent and the price is pretty competitive

Ignore the meme/hipster models and you'll be good

ios is a mobile/tablet system dumbass

>What is Shut Up Windows 10

my perspective is if i'm going to pay $400 for a device it better be able to fucking play mario

apple has a policy against emulators, any emulators on the app store won't be there for long and are quite possibly loaded with some shady shit like keyloggers or at the very least tons of ads

retroarch, on the other hand, is a well-known free software project that loads emulator cores based on the best free software emulators available for a given platform. the pain of having to sideload it is offset by it actually working correctly, doing a good job emulating shit, and not being loaded with malware and/or ads.


Small question mate, how is the X220?
Owning a X300, thinking of swapping it for a better ThinkPad. Is it good enough for some basic emulation and CRPG? How is the battery life?

>No, I just don't prefer locked down underpowered pieces of trash
That's exactly why you should avoid current Windows.

Ebin retort. Keep moving those goalposts.

Source: My Ass

Take a look how much it can actually do. I'll wait.


>ever approaching not jailbroken iOS

You got a menu and you can disable the features you don't want to have on W10. What is there to show?