Whats your favorite obscure secret?

whats your favorite obscure secret?

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Initiate the race, go back in time, stand in the finishing spot, wait seven in-game years, beat him.

So first automata apparently has some not yet found secret and now even OoT? jesus christ.

Pic related.


wouldn't that have been datamined ages ago



He likes the bunny ears that you wear and buys them from you

You're welcome :) but keep it to yourself, oh and

He has a doppelganger that delivers post in termina



If there's anything I miss from the old era of gaming is Old Wives Tales like this.
>You can revive the Deku Buttler's son in Majora's Mask!
>You can play as Master Hand in Smash Bros.
>You can find Mew in Pokemon!
>Bigfoot is in GTA San Andreas!
etc. Sadly the internet has made this practice moot as someone can just google whether it's real or not, and what you need to do to see it if it is.


another one i used to hear a lot is that you can visit yoshi in mario 64. he lives on the rooftop of the castle

holy shit
big if true

>uno, dos, tres
>in german it's Zapdos, lavados, arktos
It's like they completely missed the joke. not like there was any in the japanese names to begin with, they are literally just called Fire, Thunder and Freezer.


But that one is real

Germans are cunts that hate everything that has to do with southern europe

Germans hate everybody in europe.
It's why they always try and sow chaos and destruction around them.

What a stretch

My head

Alucard backwards is Doki Doki Panic

>You can play as Master Hand in Smash Bros
You can actuallu play as master habd in melee.
I couldn't believe it myself, but you can.

there was the thing in windwaker discovered last year where if you pour the purified water on the plant boss he dies instantly


Despite many people say games are like "Metroidvania" but that game does not exist and there has never been an official crossover with Metroid or Castlevania.
Mandela effect much?

I like the bunny ears too

>took 17 years to find a singular stupid-ass rainbow coin
I wish I still had my DK64 strategy guide to check if they wrote it down, it’s blows my mind that Nintendo Power didn’t have knowledge on something so simple and it took a legion of super-autistic speedrunners to figure out there was a super-hidden collectable in the game.

shhh! don't tell anyone....

I'm sure at least a few people found it randomly jumping around long before it was "discovered" by speed runners.

>falling for memes

Curly's Panties being an obtainable item in cave story, though I'm not sure if that's really all that obscure.


Metroidvania just refers to to castlevania games that adapted the metroid gameplay style.
It's stupid to use the terms for other games though, it's like saying "This game is similar to those castlevania titles that are similar to metroid".
Also there is no Mandela effect. Human just suck at remembering shit.

I always wanted to know what this guys deal was.

Nigga that ain't undiscovered

>>You can play as Master Hand in Smash Bros.

Middle two are true though, albeit due to programming oversights, but still, I remember reading about, and then doing, both back in the early 2000s.

He was imprisoned by King Bowser for trying to liberate the slavery of thwomps

to be fair the bigfoot in san andreas thing was well into the internet era. I remember posting on the gtaforums and have big ass threads about bigfoot hunting.

>Also there is no Mandela effect. Human just suck at remembering shit.
Well, yeah. That is the Mandela effect. Though, the Mandela effect is usually people having a shitty memory in a specific way.

I know lots of people like to joke about alternate realities and parallel timelines and shit but that's just meme shit and isn't what the Mandela effect actually describes.

It's not a stretch, it's outright wrong.
>Doesn't have the same shine shape
>Background is two bowls connected by a thin shape

>Iroquis Pliskin is Yiddish for Jesus Christ
>Gyarados is an ancient Roman siege weapon, Magikarp is the Latin name for it's projectile
>If you convert 2fort to hexadecimal you get JACKIECHAN

>made his own macro

You just never give up do you? Just so everybody in this thread is aware, OP has been peddling this myth for like a decade.

He first posted a thread for it on GameFAQS and responded to himself on another account to get it started. Then he "discovered" the secret in Zelda threads on Sup Forums. Which led to it "catching on" if you pick up on what I'm putting down.

Eventually he started making OP posts about the secret or using it to derail lore threads. And now it looks like he's taken it up another level.

What we have here is a true borne grifter.

>Magikarp is the latin name for its projectile
Magic Carp. The legend of the carp that jumped over the waterfall and turned into a dragon.

Woosh. There went the joke. Right over your head.


almost like everything in that post is bullshit


its from a Japanese gamign magazine you dumb retard

No it isn't. Hence what I'm implying by it being a myth. Or should I say your myth now, since he's successfully got you to believe it like a spoon-fed patsy.

there are an infinite ways to remember something incorrectly though

facts are facts because their is a consensus, consensus cannot exist for something that is objectively false.

What’s the secret here? That Miyamoto is a hack who has never done any real work in his life?

do you have the magazine in question with proof there's no interview?


this, what the fuck is wrong with these newfags, I wish I was still in the phishing game because nowadays it'd be easy pickings.

Germans will one day rule the world.

Yeah but for all those infinite ways of misremembering, there's a very small number that's much more likely. Somebody might conceivably misremember "Cinnamon Toast Crunch" as "Cinnamon Toast Brunch". Nobody's going to remember "Cinnamon Toast Crunch" as the entire text of the Great Gatsby. Lots of people misremember "Berenstain Bears" as "Berenstein Bears" because they're very close to each other and "-Stein" is a much more common name suffix.

>Prove something doesn't exist
Burden of proof is on you retard.

I have proof that the magazine """in question""" doesn't exist by the absence of evidence, and the fact that Miyamoto never said that or we'd be able to source it on the Japanese net and not an old post on Gamefaqs asking if there's any secret left in Ocarina of Time, yeah.

We live in a content society that doesn't care about what canon or sources are if if the fib fits with their interest.

is this bait? the 2nd star of whomps fortress and after. it's there.

all you have to do is look thru the magazine u dummy

its a real magazine

I remember someone told me that if you have a party of 5 Chanseys and walk around in the cave that Mewtwo is in, then you can catch Mew. I actually did it and wasted way too much time.

The magazine. That November issue doesn't exist. In what dimension and year exactly do you think this quote sounds feasible?

That sucks when all you needed to do was to use Strength on that truck.

>that truck sliding animation

o i am laffin

t. Eternal Anglo

Not true. I have a copy of Meroidvania. Let me check if I can find it.

You can prove something doesn't exist. In fact depending on the thing in question it's actually very easy and trivial to prove that thing doesn't exist.

b r a i n l e t

name literally one thing that unequivocally and provably does not exist

Your brain for one. If you're really that retarded that you don't understand how to prove a negative and aren't just trolling then read this:

I believe

A natural number larger than 1 and smaller than 2

>facts are facts because their [sic] is a consensus

No they aren't. To quote Chesterton, "Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions."

Sure thing, sauerkraut

Kelevin. It transcends our meager conception of mathematics, though.

>is this bait?
Yeah, not like anyone's ever found out something about a game year's later.
Did you know that if you wait long enough in Super Mario Bros. 3, a chain chomp will break its chain?

>>You can find Mew in Pokemon!
But you can. It's just not under the truck.

I found one in a shark. I didn't even have Surf.

my favorite obscure secret is the one you dont know of

>tfw I found it on my own as a kid and I have no idea how


For those of you who don't know, there is a hidden owl statue in Majora's Mask. If you look at South Clock Town from West Clock Town, you will notice a closed owl statue, even if you opened the actual owl statue in South Clock Town (though the real one must remain deactivated for this trick to work). This is not just a texture to represent what's in South Clock Town; it is a real owl statue. If you manage to reach it without triggering the loading zone, you can activate it. Saving at it and reloading will take you to the mayor's office in East Clock Town.

So what's the significance? If all of the other owl statue remain inactive, and if you learn the song of soaring, you can do something really amazing called the index warp. Basically, you can warp to almost any owl statue you want right at the start of the game. It's more complicated than that, but you can read about that on your own.

Soul Reaver has a lot of that shit

Those middle two are true though


The most amusing thing is that because of the bridge glitch, you can actually get Mew far earlier and easier than what the truck guide suggests.

Is there a Pannenkoek of OoT?

I own this game from some bundle or something on Wii U and want to play it so badly that I'm eventually going to buy a Gamepad just for it an Xenoblade.

Me. If I had funds to buy a high quality microphone and the expertise to edit a video with graphics. But I don't, and even if I crowdfunded the mic on Sup Forums, the fascist mods would ban my threads for self-promotion.

That stupid goddamned mural and the resulting "mystery hunt" was insane. After about a year I knew there would never be a solution/jetpack/etc, at least there wouldn't be on ps3.

God i hope not.
That guy is such a boring pointless autist

oh fuck

The biggest one for me was "dude there's a second masterball in leafgreen/fire red but it's in a trash can" i heard it from multiple people, i think it went around my school. It fucked with my head so bad i checked every single trash can in the game.

this was good

Why the fuck did they put a sprite that is literally never used again in the game in a location most people wouldn't see anyway?

All he wanted was a world of cubes so he could fit in. :(

Him? That's Marty. He's pretty crazy so we had to lock him there for both his safety and ours.

The point is not whether they're true or fake, the point is that the true stuff was outrageous enough that it made the hoaxes believeable

In Japanese they shared a similar awful naming pattern as Eevee evolutions
>Vaporeon is just Showers