Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

With all the retarded shit Pokemon does I just became numb to it

Still looking forward to Pokemon on Switch though, they can't fuck up their first major console Pokemon game r-right?

Say what you want about Char and Blast but Mega Venusaur is pretty much a straight upgrade.

Considering some of the decisions they've made I'm honestly impressed at the restraint here

>Charizardfags wanted Charizard to finally be good
>Game Freak granted their wish

what about pokemon xd

Not developed by Game Freak

>Mega Charizard Y emphasises Charizard's Flying type, gives it larger wings and a sleeker body
>Drought ability; Charizard is now a proper flying lizard monster instead of just a fatso with wings, raining the very sun's blazes down on the earth
>But MegaZard X with its black colouring and tacked-on Dragon typing is the marketing darling that all the kids (are made to) love

blastoise has always been a stupid fucking design

Lies and slander

First gen polemons are still the most popular, so they are gonna butcher them as well.

>Charizard gets 2 Mega forms
Fuck Charizard, that piece of shit.

>First gen polemons are still the most popular


Most Gen 1 Pokemon have been completely forgotten, Gen 4 actually has more popular Pokemon than Genwun does

They're all upgrades. Do you have any idea how trash they were to use in Battle?

I meant in design, obviously.

really now

>Y is in BL
>X is almost dropping from OU too
Hilarious. Pity Y is one of the best megas in VGC.

Just because it makes your tiny dick hard doesn't make it a good design. To some extent it even implies the opposite, that it's only good for making your tiny dick hard.

>Venusaur with a pink frilly thing glued to its forehead
>Straight upgrade
I think you meant to say that Char Y is a straight upgrade.

He's not wrong. Gen 4 Pokemon have been gaining more popularity.

>Vulpix had been pretty much forgotten
>Give it new form, and make said new form Lillie's starter
>Suddenly tons of new Vulpix merchandise, for both forms

>Marowak was just another pure Ground type
>Give it an alternate Fire/Ghost form
>Popularity ensues

user I'm sorry you can't appreciate a good Pokemon design. Just cause I can fap to it doesn't mean I can't find the design good in a non sexual way.

Maybe if you are an underage, but the constant callbacks and redesigns tell a different story.

>make a away to make shitmon viable

It's kind of inoffensive and predictable to the point of being a little boring. The flower's stem grows, and another set of leaves appears, along with a small flower and some markings on its head. At least Charizard goes in an ever-so-slightly different direction as I posted here . Blastoise is... well, it's kind of an alternate take on Blastoise, and I never liked it that much to begin with.

>Make shit like Beedrill and Gardevoir viable
>Next gen introduce stuff that outclasses both and doesn't take up a Mega slot

Well Mewtwo can kind of be explained cause he's a genetic experiment. Can't defend Charizard.


You can't exactly sell a new mechanic if you only give it to mons that no one cares about

>venu was trash
It only just started to become trash in gen6 but the mega saved it

There's over 600 of them, they were never going to try and make them viable
Mega evolutions were just a gimmick that let them introduce more outlandish designs and gave them an excuse to bring back popular pokemon like the Gen 1 starters

>800+ monsters
>Can only carry 6 out of 800+

I.. I want to befriend at least half of them.

Nigga, who cares, Blastoise is literally the reason why I picked up Y. Before that, I haven't played a pokemon game since Gold.


>competitive pkmn

TPC themselves host official tournaments, so your greentext is invalid

>it's offishul!!!
>competitive pkmn

Because it's cool. You can't look at them and think that's not the tightest shit you've seen

It's official, so your argument is invalid.


What's stopping you?

>made his tree bigger and game him some face paint

Good News These Mega forms are not going to be a thing moving forward.

Kind of a shame I liked the idea behind it, especially with lesser used mons finally getting some spotlight. Z movies are straight shit.

>not posting the edgy version of Charizard
But then Charizard's fanbase throws a tantrum whenever it doesn't get favoritism, like that one time it actually lost in the anime to a Mega Blastoise.

>Good News These Mega forms are not going to be a thing moving forward.

They're still in Sun & Moon so yes they are

There won't be any new ones, but the existing ones will continue to exist.

competitive cod,lol and overwatch are official too.
People obsess about things and devs take the opportunity to rake in dosh.

mega evolutions where so awesome
made pokemon great again
why did those retards toss this?

>Still looking forward to Pokemon on Switch though, they can't fuck up their first major console Pokemon game r-right?


The difference is those are somewhat skill based games while Pokemon is a dice roll.

I just wanna hug it and rub my face on those cheeks.

somebody post that picture of all the past VGC top 8s having near-identical teams, it's a riot

They made Venusaur look good and pretty.
He was just that mean and ugly final evolution to 1st gen starter.
They fixed that 1st gen mistake.

what gen 1 Pokemon are still popular? do people care about Meowth, Jigglypuff, Psyduck?

9 times out of 10, the more skilled player is going to win at Pokemon

There are SOME luck-based elements, but it's not enough for the game to be considered a dice-roll.


Still in the anime so yes


Recently returned to the anime



>add neat feature for one game
>completely removes it for the next
