help me fill this bingo board
Help me fill this bingo board
Other urls found in this thread:
>hyrule warriors date
>link's awakening DX
>3rd party ports
>smash announcement
>original 3rd party game
>Mario Odyssey DLC
>my body is ready
Atlus 3DS games
Warioware for either platform
Are directs usually long?
A new ip I guess?
Indie Trash
I used to love these but I just can't get excited about Nintendo anymore
Different lengths
This one is 30 min tho. Kinda small, but not as small as mini
>New IP in a 30 minute direct instead of E3
come on son
FE Switch
Fire Emblem
Travis Strikes Again
Animal Crossing
South Park
Hollow Knight
Hyrule Warriors DE
Links ReAwakening
>30 min direct
>Switch AND 3ds
>already said it will focus on Mario Tennis
People actually expect anything new from it? Really?
Heres my opinions.
>nothing new on 3ds
>Mario Tennis Aces disappoints
>focus on mario tennis
>this meme again
>not BING board
Why do you need help? You have 5 months until it's due.
M8 I was trying to think of what would make me want a switch. Everything has been super miss for me
Cringe every time they mention Amiibo functionality as a plus despite it being literal arbitrarily fixed physical DLC
Pokken Tournament (Blastoise releases later this month and there's rumors of Zeraora being revealed and being the third and final DLC character)
F-Zero will come. I know it.
>post yfw it's Labo and nothing else
Nintendo's been making a fuckton of new IPs for the past few generations
god please no
>Crash Bandicoot
>Gta V
>Soulcalibur VI with Link
Wario Land/World featuring Waluigi
Warioware Switch
Who are these bitches and how are they related to Nintendo?
Nintendo last year E3 direct was 20 minutos long, what the fuck are you talking about?
Big ass waifu revealed
That's my point
Dragon Marked for Death release date update.
Gal Gun 2 NA release date.
>Info on the new Metroid
>People asking why they’re still supporting the 3DS
>Nintendo references a meme
>quick Labo recap
>Sushi Striker release date
>Hyrule Warriors DE release date
>more than five minutes spent on Mario Tennis
>not another indie reel (NMH and Hollow Knight thrown in)
>more free Odyssey DLC (datamined costumes and more moons)
>amiibo functionality in Kirby Star Allies
>South Park
>Fire Emblem
>more information about Yoshi, release date
>Dark Souls Remastered info
>Wolfenstein 2
>Project Octopath info
>the third Dillon game nobody gives a fuck about
>Gal Gun 2
>Dragon Quest 10/11
>ends with a teaser for Prime 4, still no gameplay shown
These would make a good board
Fuck Mario Tennis make a new Strikers game already
Fuck off I want a new mario tennis
>monster hunter world announced
>dragon Ball fighterZ
I would nut so hard.
>Splatoon update trailer with amiibo and Pokken DLC
>Mario Tennis
>something nobody asked for
Pokemon Switch has to be on there
Maybe...not on the corners.
Elite Beat Agents 2
>>monster hunter xx localization announced
Darkest Dungeon physical edition
No F-Zero as the free space.
Put BlazBlue X Tag Battle on there. It's likely.
>Gal Gun 2 NA release date.
Who cares now?
>This one is 30 min tho. Kinda small
That's uncharacteristically long if we're going by recent years.
Prime Trilogy
Octopath and SMT V news.
done I think
There was the one in September that got everyone really excited because it was 45 minutes when in reality it just revealed a lot of third party stuff and legitimate shovelware.
>mario tennis aces is a square
Might as well make it a free space, because it literally said that it would feature it in the reveal image.
This one's good
>Smash and Fire Emblem before E3
FE is possible
Fate characters i think
Only fate game on nintendo is fate/extella i think
There's a Kaleid liner game for 3DS.
I guarantee 80% of this will come true.
And only now do I notice that two of those are essentially the same.
South Park is super unrealistic, Matt and Trey already said they have zero interest in putting the two Ubisoft games on the Switch so unless Nintendo is throwing a shitload of money at it I don't see it happening
There have been rumors going around lately and I think some retailer listed both games coming to the Switch, desu I don't really care about them
>Senran piball
Hey, I'd like that actually
And which piece of shit twitter person told you that this time?
Doomguy in Smash
>Port of a Pii U game
Ooh Smash could be fun
>Boring Tennis game
Ooh Animal Crossing could be fun
>Boring Kirby game
>Boring Yoshi game
>There's no way they'll reveal this early
>Port of a PC game from a decade ago
>Port of a Pii U game
>Babys first RTS
>There's no way they'll reveal this early
>Who plays Nintendo console for 3rd party shit
>Port of a Pii U game
>gay loli shit
Too early for this one, but I really hope so.
>Port of a game that won't have a large community that needs a large community
>Port of a Wii game
>Port of a DS game
>Firmware hahahahahaha
>Pinball FX3 has framerate issues the devs went back on trying to fix
>Stern Pinball Arcade doesn't have vertical view
Will Peach Ball trump them both?
Switch gets a port of a 4-5 year old game (i.e. Diablo 3)
It's easier to make a bingo card with what they're NOT gonna show, because holy shit do people always overhype their expectations. No Pokemon, no Smash, no Retro, no big new game announcements like Animal Crossing, etc.
I just want a new Mario Strikers please, for the love of god Nintendo
I wish for it too but it's never gonna happen.
Would be cool to have some new jrpg on the system. I know we just got xenoblade and I guess lost sphear but 3ds just pumped them out sometimes and I want that sort of output on switch too. Ace attorney news would also be great
Sonygers whine about the board being filled with discussion of nintendo games in the hours following the direct
90% of the direct will be talking about Mario Tennis like it's a good game. 1% will be new eshop shit nobody cares about.
The other 9% will be Detective Pikachu
But unironically
Smash Port
Details on Online Service
Interview with Developer goes on for too long
Xenoblade DLC
Fire Emblem Switch
Tease for E3
>Reggie skit
>Ace Attorney
>Professor Layton
>Fire Emblem
>LABO games
>Mario Ody
>No More Heroes
>Dark Souls
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Octopath Traveler
>Animal Crossing
>Mobile gayms
>$80 cardboard