He still plays Overwatch

>he still plays Overwatch

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cant stop me

is this real?
and post a pastebin i aint giving that shit author any views

Not really, I just jack it to the girls.

>Be a cunt
>Toxic players gave me cancer
>Be nice
>Nice players gave me cancer

>Toxic gamers get out reeeeeeee
>Nice gamers get out reeeeeeee

desu when someone is genuinely nice in Overwatch you're likely to take it as passive aggressive due to the sheer amount of toxicity in the game's community.

He doesn't post the full article


>shilling kotaku

>stop being toxic!
>stop not being toxic!

I've literally never once played this gay ass baby game but I know all the characters and what they do from r34

You can't make everybody happy.


This guy is basically saying that he's a social idiot with anxiety.
It's a pointless blog about things that are all in his head.

At least he didn't link it.

I wish there was a pandemic that would wipe out only liberals.

>Be mean
Soys complain
>be nice
soys complain

The only winning move is not to play Overwatch

Why is Sup Forums mad? You should be relating to him since you have """crippling social anxiety""" :)

I wish I could've beat this dude up in school

Jesus imagine being so insecure you care what faceless randoms in a 5-10 minute game think about you. lmfao

He should be embarrassed for submitting that article.

Though I do empathise.

The game is so frequently toxic, having someone act nice is jarring.

hold up
the guy's pissed off at people who are nice because he's too insecure about himself to be nice in return?
Why does a thing like this have its own space on the internet to vomit?

There are children with more emotional stability.

>devs listen to this people

What if people start acting too nice? Will they perceive it as sarcasm or facetiousness? How will Blizzard respond?

I played overwatch for a couple of months and never encountered anyone toxic who didnt immediately get shunned by their own team. It seems like a vocal minority of players who try too hard at a super casual competitive game.

I never played this garbage

how long until being to nice/social is a reason to get banned?

want this same idiot complaining about the trash talking about a year ago?

Fund it

If your grade school teachers hadn't utterly failed to teach you reading comprehension you would understand that no, he's not pissed off at all.

What the fuck is a toxic community? Like they poison you? Why the fuck, someone calls me a faggot I call him a nigger who cares it's some random idiot from a third world country anyway

>Being this much of a fucking loser that you care what other people have to say online

Christ these people are pathetic. Thank god I deleted this game 5 hours in