Party member dies

>party member dies
>they get no experience points at the end of the fight

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Literally Ivan every time I did that boss battle at Mercury Lighthouse. He just could not, would not, survive Saturos's Eruption attack.

You want no penalty at all for dying? Casual.

>die at 0.01% of boss health

Then my characters levels dont match anymore

>die at boss
>everyone else is now over leveled
>that character is now impossible to use

Fuckin territorial oak, man.

This is a fair point, they could make exp based off the remaining health the boss had when they died, but that requires unnecessary effort.

You're such an unbelievable pussy to be upset about that

Then... here’s a tip.... don’t die :^)

they repress the memories of being on the brink of death so they get amnesia and cant remember anything about the fight.alternatively they get hit so hard they just lose their memories of the fight.

And you're a believable pussy for getting mad at such a petty opinion

>you can't swap out the main character for somebody else

That's what you get for not keeping your characters alive, you dingus.

>Party has a x members limit
>Benched members don't get EXP

>Beat the boss easily
>Cutscene shows your character being winded and beaten
Fuck you 21, Cell got perfect that fight!

>part has member limit
>benched members don't get exp
>sections force you to use shitty benched characters

>party member dies
>actually fucking dies, you don't get to use him for the rest of the game

Fucking Joy mutants.

>party member dies on the same turn as the boss

>sections force you to use shitty benched characters

This is the worst game design in every party based rpg. I hope I never have to sit through them again.

>everyone dies
>but the enemy does too
>a fuckton of experience gets given to no one

>party member dies
>can continue to fight
>main character dies
>instant game over