it's shit
It's shit
its overrated for sure. being the best 3d fallout is an empty title
I disagree with you.
how to spot a redditor
The start is very slow the only real downside imo.
No one brought reddit except you, redditor.
Objectively wrong.
explain yourself, faggot
nice one kiddo
Get fucked bethesdafags :^)
I agree, Its built upon Fallout 3, its just a polished turd.
fnv is the definition of a reddit game, and i can guarantee anyone who worships it came from reddit
>criticise fnv
>b-b-but muh TODD
you know fnv is shit when the only defence people have of it is that its better than fucking fallout 3
Yep, Pillars of Mediocrity and Fallout Nu vegas are the worst games some faggots on this board pretend they like to impress their neckbeard basement dwelling friends from rpg codex.
>it's the "place reddit in front of anything and it's bad" meme
the fact that you don't think that's the case proves my point
I think it's good. I've been here since before Reddit existed. Go home.
>I've always been a retard
thanks for sharing?
It really is a Reddit game, though. Pic very much related.
>it's a newfag trying to fit in by crying about leddit episode
Did the election bring you here or are you a post-GG faggot? Either way you should fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from.
>guys reddit is totally cool now omg come on
nice try
hi todd
>one shitty voice actress
>playing one character
>makes the whole game reddit
Hipster flavor of the month
It does have that Whedonesque dialogue that redditors eat up so much, but thats about it.
Anyone else play through the game 15+ times and got bored a while ago here? These threads always make me want to redownload but every time I do i get roughly to about the part after you rescue Deputy Beagle and realize I'm just going through the motions again. I just want to have comfy adventures in the Mojave again.
The only people who claim reddit are the ones that are secretly from there trying to fit in.
That's a real stretch, user. You can do better than that.
Everyone who was involved in the game is a lefty cuck. Everyone who worships the game is a lefty cuck. Reddit is the home of the lefty cuck.
>putting words in my mouth
Thanks for confirming your newness. Now kill yourself.
>bethdrones still salty
>fnv isn't reddit!!! people who hate fnv are reddit!!! MUH TODD!!!!
what did you guys mean by this:
>inb4 reddit
it was literally the first result on a google search
thats not what hes saying you 2015/16 faggot
>claims everyone involved in the development is leftist
>posts the exact same person twice as an example
Pack up your bags, we're done here, people.
reddit memes aside, this is objectively not a good game, it's literally worse in every way to f2
>people STILL defending obsidian
How will Todd ever recover from being shown up by a 3rd rate studio making a better game on a shoestring budget on a garbage engine?
>flavor of the month
>released 8 fucking years ago
>still has daily threads
You better be pretending to be retarded user
Did this person ever explane him or her self? whats scene is he or she refering too?
so is your bait
>there are people who actually think fallout started with 3
nani the fuck
Cook-cook raped a female soldier. Female soldier is now rapey towards women as a coping mechanism. I think Kotaku might have done a shitty article about it.
It's pretty shit fampai. You're just too young to understand and appreciate the artform that is Fallout 3. You can admit it, you don't have to be ashamed. We all need to be set straight from time to time :)
Didn't some Paradise Falls slavers alluded to raping slaves, back in 3?
I have 700 hours in it. My favorite game of all time.
Saying something is shit isn't a critic you fucking retard
Sup with all the homos shitposting in this board
Sup Forums is a homo board
Literally speech-checks and awful combat: The Game
>but you can roleplay and be anything you want!!
No faggots, clicking a dialog option is not roleplaying.
Spent 200+ hours completing this trash game and its DLC. What a waste of fucking time.
Fallout 3 is a huge improvement from Oblivion, that's for sure. Every location in 3 has a story or mini-quest tied to it, even if it is trite and inconsequential. It makes the 100+ map markers actually feel fulfilling to check off. Oblivion completionism is a hollow Sisyphean endeavour.
It's still shit, though. Why spend 100 hours 100%ing 3 when you can do 10 runs of 1 and always run into something you've never seen before?
cook-cook is such rich chartacter
>ask Little Buster about him
>"rapist with a flamethrower? That's combination I stay fuck away from"
>"I'm all for risking my life, but I get little touchy about my asshole"
>Freeside slavers note on cook-cook:
>"wouldn't hurt him to wait with roasting them alive at least until we're gone?"
also that note suggesting that the other slaver raped the little girl, before selling her to fiends "took her teddy bear as throphy"
And autismo swayer responded something similar in twitter in a nice fashion.
>Fallout 3
>Huge improvement from Oblivion
Here you go
Oblivion is mostly unfiltered shit. Running through the guild questlines and not looking back seems to be the only way I don't get sick of it. Also the levelling system is beyond fucked. Swinging at dreughs for 40 seconds straight is not my idea of a party.
God, Sawyer is such an insufferable prick.
God people are so fucking insensitive.
>your game has cook cook raping left and right
Literally what?
that's shit you will never see in a bethesda game.
More of these? Or is it just for NCR?
Penett did a few Fallout artworks but nothing of the same kind like that, no.
we've had NV threads here before reddit even existed you newfaggot
failing speech check with slave guard was golden
>"She's sick, she has erm.. vagina dentata"
>"My Latin is better than yours, profligate. I checked female slaves personally, and there was no "dentata"
Bethesda has to keep it family friendly user. Can't use swear words or deal with actually mature subjects.
>gallows humor and implied mature subjects = dealing with mature subjects
Obsidiots, I swear.
dont you have better things to do? Lilke filling up a critical meter? :^)