Post your death animation
Post your death animation
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inb4 shoveldog
Looks like a very painful way to die
did it die or just pass out?
This, but me as the explosion.
Neither, it's just fucking lazy.
are you an idiot?
Capabaras motherfucker.
They can't not be chill as fuck.
i dont know anything about that animal all i know is it looked like it stopped seized up then fell over
do they make good pets
where I live a capybara killed a pit bull by drowning
The opening theme song to this anime is so fucking catchy.
literally me
How can evolution be real if this is a thing?
This the European version?
>actually dying
Fucking casuls
>American """warfare"""
Evolution is a jewish ploy to dehumanize the goyim.
so, super metroid?
everyone dies user
Not me, I've never died.
>Watching fake scripted soap opera involving muscular sweaty men.
It's evidence of evolution though.
The stupid birds all die out, and the smart ones live on and breed.
Not sure what's hard about this theory to understand.
Real talk, there are over seven billion people on the planet right now who are not dead. That's a very large sample
Source? That's a neat play thing
>whining about it on a scripted soap opera video game imageboard
But birds and gators have lived for quite a while now. Shouldn't we see some evidence of this supposed evolution?
I bet you think moon landing was real too
Not when you consider how many people have ever died.
Count yourself lucky, user. You're one of the elite few.
Spend your time wisely.
What is this?
It stopped the war, didn't it?
It's a little late for that my man
so yes then
>our military base is under attack what shall we do
>let's flatten two cities with no military significance
American "morals".
>how many people have ever died
how many people have ever died user? more than 7 billion. citation needed
no the soviet liberation of manchuria did
plot twist: it worked
start shit get hit faggot lmao
Literally who gives a fuck?
Where's your proof tankie? Japan surrendered because we decimated 2 cities only using 2 bombs.
just like you faggots will get hit by shit ton of Islamic terrorism as well as bombs from the fat chink lmao
Wow, so they even hunt vermin?
You will never see something evolve. Pokemon isn't real life. Also, why would a gator change when all his needs are met by sitting there with his mouth open?
Moon landing, real or not, is irrelevant. Had we derived any useful technology from the act, I'd sing a different tune, but considering we still use the same tech to reach space as we did in the fuckin 80's, it's a bit of a bum industry right now. It's only there to launch satellites for corporations.
Call me when space travel technology advances and it is used to progress the human race.
Is he ok?
cant flim flam the zim zam
Remember you said when you see the bright light.
Birds and gators seldom live more than 10 years is the wild. Pretty sure this specific bird is quite a bit younger than that.
Not really
Even if it did, the atomic bomb fucked all future generations by making sure no more major wars will be fought ever again
At least 6 billion jews dies in WW2... so there's a good start.
lol, jokes, it was 8 billion
>this is what sciencefags believe
We're not Yuropoors. Muslims don't do shit here compared to Faggotland and Kim Jong Un is a retard who literally can't compete with western powers.
>yfw you just died yesterday and your gf is already sucking another dude's dick.
they need space and water. A lot of water.
jesus christ
>let's rape ainu people for no reason
>let's vivisect chinese people for no reason
japanese "morals"