It Is Time

also for fun

>demon souls
contrarian's choice

Even though I voted DS2 for Worst, I still enjoy playing every one of them

Neither of those were for worst though

where's NIOH

>I still enjoy playing every one of them

IMO bloodborne>DaS=DeS>DaS3>DaS2

Good taste user

>More people thinking DS2 is the best than even DeS
Kill these faggots


>mad PClets strart inflating the poll with their half-finished game
Every time

Nah it's probably just the case where most peoples first Souls title was DaS. Usually in these threads it seems that whatever game you played first is your favourite, with Bloodborne being the only real exception to the rule.

My first was Demon's Souls and I still think Dark Souls is the best one


DaS > BB > DaS 3 = DeS >>>>>>> DaS2


DaS = BB > DaS3 = DeS2 > DeS

I started at Demon's and Bloodborne is my favorite. It really condenses the best parts of these games into a refined core.

>bloodborne that high


Bloodborne's aesthetic is really well done and consistent but it makes the game lack a certain variety in environment and colour palette that Dark Souls 1 is full of. It's a far more enjoyable game to traverse for me. World connectivity is good in both but at its peak with Dark Souls as well.

Its easy. If you have taste Bloodborne is easily the best game.
If you like half a good game and half a boring game then Dark Souls 1.

DaS>Bloodborne>DaS3>DeS> literal Ganges River filled with piss rotting shit, burned bodies and your whore mother stanky vagina drool > DaS2

why the FUCK are there so many dark souls 1 fanboys you drive me up tjhe fucking wall with your bullshit taste stop making from think dark souls 1 was the best so they just keep rehashing this garbage instead of making something GOOD AND ORIGINAL LIKE BLOODBORNE

They haven't made a real sequel to Dark Souls 1 yet, they're not about to start now.

This poll has been done so many times on Sup Forums
Vast majority of Sup Forums agrees that its DeS/DaS/Bloodborne > DS3 >>>>>>>>> DS2

DS2 > Des/bloodbourne/Ds1 > Ds3.

>demon's souls that low

Faggots all of you. The top three Soulsborne games are Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne. The Dark sequels are what shitted up the franchise and shouldn't have ever been made. The whole genre would be so much better off had those sequels never been made. It wouldn't feel milked at all like it does now.