Start new game

>start new game
>always end up playing a stealth archer

Are there any other ways to play this game and have fun at the same time?

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Illusion/Conjuration mage is literally god tier, only way to have fun in skyrim

>Bound Bow

Just play with mods that balances magic and melee.

Stealth Archer is the most effective build in any Bethesda game, but i'm not sure if i would call it the most fun, anion.
Skyrim for example unarmed is objectively more fun for the hilarious takedowns alone.
New Vegas Melee or Gunslinger is more fun han stealthsniper.

Reddit meme. Fuck off you enormous nigger.

I love bound weapons tbqh, they're strong enough but more than anything I love how you can just conjure them out of thin air.
In general I like characters that don't depend on equipment to kick ass, and conjuraiton/illusion mage is the best build for that

Not morrowind

Yeah. Slide up the difficulty to legendary and use only magic. No armor, no weapons except staves, no companions. Just PURE ARCANE MIGHT

melee is way more fucking op than stealth sniper in NV

Yeah loads. You're just a normie who can only play it the normie way.

Illusion warrior. Cause enemies to frenzy and kill each other. Then pacify and cut their heads off.

I never did this. The game is much easier as a destruction mage with that stun ability.

I don't get this meme. I played a stealth archer once, and that was enough. Generally preferred mages, but also had fun as a two-handed skirmisher with light armor and a dodge mod.

bound bow is best bow

Is playing with 2-handed swords fun?
What overhaul and combat mods are your favourite? What about general mods?
Should I make a waifu for the playthrough and play with skimpy armours?

Is this stealth archer thing just a meme? I've played like 500 hours of Skyrim and barely used anything but sword and shield. A lot of times I've made it a point to carry bow and arrows as a backup but I end up never using them

Stealth Archer but with Alchemy, that's how I have fun.

the problem with magic is that the school most people use as their primary, destruction, is completely and utterly shit.
if you play a mage who uses illusion or conjuration as his primary magical skill the game becomes way more fun and dare i say strategic

It is a meme. Skyrim was my first ES game and I just ran up to people and slashed them.

there's not a single skill in skyrim that you can't absolutely break the game with except for maybe like light armor or something

I like to pretend I'm a marvel superhero when I use destruction

>most effective build
Not at all. In the time it takes you to sneak around and get those stealth shots before you have invis, i've already cleared the entire game.
Stealth Archer is for shitters who don't use mods that change the AI or add more enemies. Stealth Archer doesn't work when there are 5 enemies chasing you down at once

I always went full mage and made myself look like Doctor Doom by combining armor, the Archmage robes and Morokei
Also, the next ES needs a real animation for Transmute, I wanna see my PC holding a bar of iron and turning it into a bar of gold

No. Not even fucking around. It's the best combo. Stealth wrecks the game all around. I've tried many times and dropped the build midway. Stealth build with focus on bows and one handed daggers are the most efficient builds that last into high level. Magic is terrible. You can kind of do well with two handed warrior but it gets so fucking boring. The only magic you can stack on top of the one-handed/bow stealth build worth a damn is alchemy and then you basically made the game your bitch. Such a lack of good build variety in the that fucking game. A shame really.

Really shines through with their incompetence to Fallout 4 where the EXACT SAME FUCKING SHIT is true. Stealth builds destroy.

Best looking helmet right there.

I had such a broken build with the silenced Railroad pistol, sneak damage multiplier was something like 20-30x. I could oneshot legendary Deathclaws if I was undetected, it was a fucking joke.

What's the best race for Illusion/Conjuration


Breton, they're the mustard race for mages

alchemy exploit to enchant weapons and gear with insane defese/hp/regen/attack

just go around oneshotting anything without worrying aboot dying since sneak archer is all aboot surviving and avoiding combat that would fucking kill you

>It's the best combo.
No. The best combo is a guy with a sword who uses restoration magic whenever he needs it. It's the fastest way to get through the game, and the most reliable because stealth doesn't always work, especially when the AI discovers you and always knows where you are afterwards.
Stealth is inferior to Rambo in every bethesda game

Even with mods to make Magic more powerful Destruction was utter shit. Most of my magic playthroughs involved turning the strongest looking NPC against his allies, or raising the largest Undead Army I could.

races make absolutely no fucking impact on anything, so i like playing as a khajiti mage cause khajits look cool in a hooded robe

Really? Thought it was Altmer

Have you played on higher difficulties? Stealth is only good on medium difficulties when you can one shot everything. On easier difficulties you can kill everything with anything so there's no reason to stealth and on higher difficulties you can't one shot anything until you get your 15x or 30x damage backstab meme build up, but by that time you can do the same with any melee build + blacksmithing + enchanting

>Download Ordinator
>Roll Two-handed
>Attack at the speed of wind, summon wolf spirits, proc your select power by swinging your weapon

Will someone post the image?

this guy actually fucking gets it, warrior blitzes through anything at twice the speed sneaky archer does, and restoration magic literally takes care of your one weakness

You're fucking with me right? Restoration? Why would I fuck with restoration when I can go up to a dragon site and sneak up to a dragon with fucking dagger and basically one-shot it with ease? This is possible in Skyrim. Let's not even get started with bows. Zero reason to fuck with any other combo.

>races make absolutely no fucking impact on anything
What mods are you using?

>Try to make an archer run
>Can never do it
Finally did it with perk overhauls and ended up using Ordinator to make a combat archer and had heaps of fun but in Vanilla it's just boring.

>Cast Muffle
>Cast Invisible
>end up just sprinting and insta backstabbing with dagger.

>oneshotting a dragon with a dagger
I don't think that's possible even on easy mode. Are you using a mod to make the game even more easy?

Porn mods.

Yes, yes I have and it's the meta that works. Sneak dominates everything.

>start new character and build
>alwats end up sneaking around

Fucking Metal Gear made me into this.
Then again Knockout Overhaul and the mod that lets you hide in shadows made the sneaking that much fun.

i was speaking about vanilla races

>races make absolutely no fucking impact on anything

Am I taking crazy pills with you people? Did we play the same game? Did we go up the same perk trees? Come on now.

Why are you talking about vanilla in a skyrim thread?

user please, sneak build is overrated by adepht difficulty players who refuse to turn up the difficulty, but one shotting dragons is easy as shit. Don't forget you can multiply your backstab damage by 30. The only issue is that you can't reliably backstab a dragon unless if it's a static spawn.

he asked what races where best at magic without saying what mods he had
what was i supposed to guess

user please don't use that word for something like Skyrim. Meta for what? The speed running community? What competition is there for there to be a meta build?

>buy new game
>want to play as Charismatic charmboy who smoothtalks and fucks his way out of every situation
>no such paths exists
Why don't games give you a Chad-path?

Exactly but most dragon spawns are static. The few that are can be carried into towns or just plain shot to death. I'm not arguing it's perfect but to say that sword and board is the OP balance is plain stupid. Stealth builds are so much better and break the game.

Were you on easy mode killing bottom-tier static dragons while you were max level?
Even with a crit multiplier of 30, it takes more than 30 swings on a dagger to kill a dragon.
Either way, it would have been faster to just pull out a regular sword, run at it, and swing a couple times. Especially with roaming dragons that spot you first.

>anime waifu mods
>super beautiful detailed player characters
>npcs still look like shit

every time

>sure you can clear the game way faster and easier with rambo
>but stealth builds are still better and break the game
are you retarded?

ah, the bullshiter path of course

Age of Decadence

Well basically. If you don't want to run around hacking a dragons for longer than you have to. I mean I spent enough time in this mediocre excuse for an "RPG". I'd rather have a way to get the only fucking good thing about it, the lore.

You must have not invested into blacksmithing or enchanting then or something. Both of those are required to make any sort of "Broken" build because you'll quickly be able to make weapons that ridiculously outscale enemies.

>New Vegas stealth sniper
>Grab Ratslayer
>Walk around quietly sniping every single person I don't need alive for some reason
>Max rep with every faction, while the majority of people are dead
What a great game.

>sure you can clear the game way faster and easier than rambo

Nowhere did I state that and you're trying to agree with yourself. Stealth is faster and more efficient unless you're playing on the lowest difficulty.

>start a new JRPG
>always end up looking for a 100% achievement guide because I am too much of a pussy to deal with missables and locked achievements because ingame-achievements may or may not bring rewards to be further spend on content.

illusion/conjuration mage:
>make enemies fight each other for you
>make enemies cower in fear
>make enemies stand still and ignore you while you kill them one by one
>become invisible and impossible to hear
>empower your own allies
>summon OP as fuck dremora lords
>ressurect enemies to fight for you PERMANENTLY
>conjure daedric tier weapons instantly
there is literally NO funner build

You uninstall this trash and play an actually good game.

>Play New Vegas for the first time
>Play on hardest difficulty because I want to challenge myself
>Build a character purely around guns
>It takes me half my ammo to kill someone even with nothing by headshots
>Build a melee character
>Kill everything in 3-6 hits

I refuse to believe ranged is good in New Vegas, maybe in late game or something.

Jokes aside the transforming races are actually pretty cool. I have the succubus race on my game and transforming in the middle of battle actually made a different sometimes.

There are mods to change NPCs though.

Rambo is still more effective when you do that.
There's never a situation where stealth archer is good unless you're playing a survivalist modpack where enemies can rape you and give you permanent diseases and +3 to anal looseness.
>Stealth is faster
No. By the time you've stealth archer'd your 5th enemy, i've already reached the end of the dungeon just running though it.
>more efficient
How? You waste arrows in the process. Mana is limitless, so I lose nothing from healing myself as I slash through anything that gets in my way.

The only time stealth archer works is on lower difficulties, where one/two shotting enemies is possible.

>playing very hard mode in a bethesda game
All it does is give enemies more HP and make you do less damage. It's not fun at all. Normal and Hard are way better ways to play the game.

Try playing a game that isn't shit.

>its not fun because its too hard for me

>mfw I did this with Dark Souls 3

Way too much shit to miss with that one ending. Fuck that FROM. I'm doing a bit of cheating with that. You're being dicks.

Archer classes in Skyrim especially are only good IF you can aim. Even if you go full stealth there will be times when a enemy finds you and you get one shot. Then again that will only happen if you play on Hard or Legendary.

>Mod the game for hours
>Start a new game to check it all works
>Play for five minutes
>Never touch it again

Stealth Archer or Sword and Board with Juggernaut Charge are the only ways to play that POS

>New Vegas Melee
seriously, the most fun i've ever had in a bethesda game was the melee only retarded MC run. Lunk stronk. Lunk bash.

The thing to me is like, if you have a good enough build, you can one hit most enemies on Very Hard, at that point, why wouldn't you play Very Hard?

The only reason to play on lower difficulties is if you don't enjoy min-maxing.

>waste arrows
>not just using the shitty ones you get in the endless tunnels of "ENDLESS QUESTS"

They work. Not perfectly but spamming them by a certain point means no difference at 3X sneak skill. Then you save the good once for dragons/bosses.

>All it does is give enemies more HP and make you do less damage
And? Its still harder. Whats your point?
Do you expect enemies to become real players and whoop your ass like it was a pvp game?

More HP actually does matter to a degree. Like if the enemies have too little HP and do too little damage you can just brainlessly ram your face into everything and enemies die before you do. When the enemies have more health and do more damage you actually have to care about avoiding damage and how many items you have left. It's clear Bethesda games aren't balanced around higher difficulties though.

>muh fake difficulty
This is the typical stealth archer. Takes forever to do anything.
It took this pansy 30 seconds to clear the first room- a room that had no enemies in it. A true nord would have finished in 5 seconds, max. Maybe even intentionally take damage from the trap to get even more training in the process, because nothing has a chance at killing a warrior with restoration magic, even on high difficulties.

>running into groups fucking everything up with my giant mace
>can take a fair beating before needing to heal or retreat
>one of the rag wearing bandits is a magic user
>damn near one-shots me with a lightning bolt from thirty feet away
Hot damn I hate mages in base Skyrim.
You try putting the difficulty up so the regular enemies aren't too easy to kill, but then anything magic (including those soul gem traps) feels like an endgame boss.

>tfw have 23 hours in Skyrim SE and 16 in regular Skyrim
>have never even gotten past Whiterun, or to level 7 with any character, all my time has been testing modding setups

I think my only enjoyment in this game is to build a hell of a mod profile for someone else who actually wants to play it.

I honestly have more fun modding the game, the anticipation that this time things will be different. Hunting down and browsing new mods that have appeared since the last time you did this stupid fucking thing. The brief moment of pride when you did all the prep work correctly and it doesn't fucking crash.

Then you uninstall it and do it all again in 6 months when you see a Skyrim Screenshots thread

>destruction is nearly useless to your characters
>enemy wizards will fuck your ass up with it
remember that one frost wizard in the dawnbreaker quest?

>Play as a mage in Skyrim
>Run out of mana in 2 seconds and everything takes 20 full mana bars to kill
>Fight against a mage in Skyrim
>They blatantly have a billion mana and mana regen and one shot me with hitscan lightning bolts from across the room

Just more evidence that they expected you to play normal or easier.

I had a lots of fun doqnloading animal mods and playing as a hunter

If the retarded KCD dev would have spent the time developing the fucking game instead of making fake twitter arguments then hunting would be fun as fuck in it, the woods are.fucking beautiful in KC

>download game
>spend 3 hours looking for at least 100 different mods on nexusmods
>let them download overnight
>wake up
>start new game
>everything keeps conflicting with each other and as a result is a buggy mess
>try to sort everything out
>spend tens of hours in the process
>eventually get tired
>uninstall game and mods to free up hdd space
>try again after 3-4 months from step one.

I swear it's a never-ending cycle. I always know the outcome but I keep trying.

>download magic overhauls that promise to "make magic viable"
>they mostly just add flashy new spells that do fuck-all damage

Well, stealth archers are one of the most fun playstyles, especially once you get the enhanced dwarven crossbow.


Full mage maxing out every skill tree is fun

enchanting is a 100% must though


Tell me you're not using Mod Manager...

illusion/conjuration mage>>restoration warrior>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sneaky archer

>do this
>Launch a homing skeleton that damages undead for 12 damage!
>costs 58 mana
Shit fucking mods. Then out of nowhere I found a single clearly broken spell that carried me through half the game until level scaling fucked it hard. Then magic stopped being useful entirely again.