Celeste vs. Slime-san

Pretty sure I'll end up owning both at some point. But which one should I get first? From a pure gameplay perspective cause I don't really care about Celeste's muh anxiety and on the other hand I think Slime-san is quite repulsive in its look and presentation

Other urls found in this thread:


celeste is SJW tumblrshit


Celeste is a 6/10 at best. All challenge, no reward. Story is cringe and on-the-nose

Any experience with Slime-san?

I prefer celeste out of the two, however I'm not even halfway through slime-san right now. The physics in slime-san are loose and make you feel like you're bouncing off of platforms rather than landing on them. Celestes core mechnics are tight, even if some of the more advanced ones are annoying to time they can still be done consistantly.

Buy Iconoclasts instead

It's alright, a few stacks below supermeat boy

I was pretty blasted by Slime-san since it looked like a mobile game, turned out to be pretty fun. It has a lot of filler (time attack/harder levels that don't give you a lot of motivation to do them) and it's kinda easy, but I had a pretty enjoyable time. Maybe it was just thanks to choosing Kawaii san instead. I still have to finish that black bird expansion that just hit my Shitch.

It's probably shit.


Played already. It was pretty good

This is more or less what I've been told. I find it intriguing that the game has so much content

Celeste is amazing and there's easily 25+ hours worth of content if you're a completionist.

The game has an insane amount of content.

Nothing note worthy for indie games at the moment, Celeste isn't that good compared to other indies that did the same (Super Meat Boy), you should save your money and wait.

Celeste is a pretty good platformer, controls are tight, jumping puzzles feel like the devs wanted to make the learning curve gradual.

If you enjoyed Dustforce, you will have a good time with Celeste.

The only thing I really know about either of them is that the latter has a music track by this cool guy

Repeat after me: Game of the year

Would you buy it if said Mr. or Mrs.?

That is an enjoyable chiptune.

Gameplay-wise they're very similar, but I liked Celeste more for the music and overall look, despite the eye-rolling that the story caused me

This is pretty much how I felt about it the two. Jumping just feels better in Celeste. I think it has to with jump height being relatively low in Slime-san or something.

Just get Celeste, Slime-San and Phantom Jump

>letting a dev's personal politics get in the way of enjoying a god-tier game

Imagine being this retarded.

Fuck off kike, there is. I thing remotely sjw in the game.

At least push an agenda that exists and stop copying other people’s shitposts you lazy nigger.