Name a more boring first level


inb4 muh one line of dialogue justifies the hours of terrible filler

>Indiana Jones world


came here to post this

t. person who lost the race to Riku

>play Proud
>could have just blitzed through it if I ignored all the optional shit
>my autism won't let me stop until I beat Tidus, Wakka and Selphie 3v1 at least once

>no Indiana Jones world

The first island in pokemon SM.

The entire game you mean.

but its /comfy/


I've tried to play this game three times over the years and I always drop it before I even finish this level

Hmmmm, this pattern worries me for KHN3`s first hours.

is he saying there'll be a Frozen world

Literally kino. Fuck off brainlet. Not everything has to be "epic" in order to be good.

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil stage 1

Birth by sleep is even worse since you have to do the first level 3 times.

Gee I sure hope we solve this mystery.

bit of a stretch but 9S's first level

For 10 seconds of kino the replay value of the game was permanently crippled beyond recovery.

The re:coded version of Destiny Islands

I agree but he said first level.

Kino >>>> fun

Already confirmed that the first few hours of KH3 will be nothing like the first few hours of the other two

Same, until one day I just said fuck it ill push through instead of quitting and it turned out to be one of my favorite games of all time.