Despite its shortcomings, MGSV still did the best job at connecting the entire series in a realistic way rather than MGS4's blatant references.
Also best cutscenes.
Despite its shortcomings, MGSV still did the best job at connecting the entire series in a realistic way rather than MGS4's blatant references.
Also best cutscenes.
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otacon was character assassinated
Lol no, V was and will always be a turd.
>J-just kidding guys, you were playing a copy of the best character of the franchise.
>You're the real big boss man
The sum is greater than its parts, which MGSV spectacularly fails at.
god i wish mgsv got finished, it was fun enough for me to 100% twice
imagine if that last chapter happened
>Big Boss
>best character
Wouldn't really change the game that much
>MGSV still did the best job at connecting the entire series
no it fucking didn't asshole
it actually raises even more questions in the timeline
name one (1)
you're also implying the entire series isn't a retcon
The game made Otacon a lot better by making his dad a massive fuck in a fairly believable way, instead of just being the proto-Otacon he was in Peacewalker
>in a realistic way
I need to play your version of that game
They had years and $80 million to finish the thing, but instead Kojima chose to spend time and money on useless shit like that cutscene where they dance in rain puddles.
Konami were well within their rights to get the thing rushed out the door when by all accounts Kojima spent a considerable amount of time fucking around.
Alright, so if he did betray Big Boss, why?
I literally can't see a good reason for it.
where did big boss go during TPP??
what does venom do after TPP, does he just disappear??
do kaz and ocelot know about the ruse, and if so, do they do anything about it?
these are just what i can come up with now but theres so many more
>where did big boss go during TPP??
He started creating Zanzibar
>what does venom do after TPP, does he just disappear??
Play MG1
>do kaz and ocelot know about the ruse, and if so, do they do anything about it?
After credits scene
He didn't, Kazuhira is literally the traitor
MSF was destroyed by fucking C4, you can't just shoot a offshore base down. Kaz was at the base at the time of the inspection but everyone acts like somehow Huey is behind it. Huey is a dumb faggot which is exactly why Kaz chooses to lynch him throughout TPP.
Watch this cutscene.
He literally calls out Kaz for being in contact with Cipher, but Snake can't hear him through the glass. Venom doesn't fucking know that Kaz was in contact with Cipher. BIG BOSS does...They don't start recording the conversation until after he's severely drugged.
Look at the cassette tape. It sprays a red lens flare when he activates it. Color theory in The Phantom Pain is extremely important in cutscenes. Red is often associated with anger, lies, pain, etc. Its obviously the most prominent color in the game. The tapes are lies specifically made to have Venom think a certain way, the whole point of the game is misinformation. The cutscenes are genuinely so layered with things like this.
Huey's a fucking autistic piece of shit but he had zero fucking reason to try to sabotage his literal home. If anything he was framed from the beginning.
Big Boss ever commanding FOXHOUND still makes no fucking sense.
someone once told me there were mods that removed all the shitty mobile-game tier base building, does anyone have them?
>MGSV still did the best job at connecting the entire series in a realistic way
whatever continuity the series had fucking implodes on itself thanks to MGSV
>The president of the United States looks literally exactly like the most infamous mercenary of all time who almost caused a nuclear disaster
continuity was destroyed after the first Solid game buddy, I dont know why you guys pretend this didnt happen now
>100% twice
You mean to tell me you enjoyed wasting days looking for that fucking tortoise and that you did it fucking twice?
How come MGSV is the only game where Sup Forumseddit gives ashit about budget?
The Patriots were looking for him, how the fuck did he take control of FOXHOUND?
i sure did
100% and the game overall sure has its low points but id do it again
guilty pleasure i guess
Did you even play any MGS games?
Honestly MGSV (and PW) didn't need to exist, MGS3's ending already did a good enough job of explaining Big Boss, any remaining "gaps" were better left to the imagination.
So you didn't beat the game right? Because this post confirms that.
>do kaz and ocelot know about the ruse, and if so, do they do anything about it?
wow you are genuinely fucking retarded
You blow in from stupid town?
>jeep ride
>best cutscenes
that's not a cutscene you fucking moron
An ending would've changed a lot. Especially if there was a proper confrontation between V and BB, V and SS.
The game was great (apart from the stupid development times), but where it failed according to most people was that it just... weakly petered out. Mechanics were sound, fucking around with bad guys was great, missions were good. But there wasn't enough of a wrap up at the end, which had this game feeling more like a sandbox than a story arc. MGS is a fun sandbox, but it's strength was always in the linear bits.
This series has the worst fans I swear
5 was decent but very disappoint
I think Huey is "guilty" of the XOF attack, but he genuinely believed it was an inspection from the IEIA. Hard to believe the goofball from PW was a traitor, dude was basically Otacon 2.0.
Although he couldn't stand the guilt of that major fuck up and became insane or heavily disturbed, as we see in TPP. The delivery on his lines when he gets exiled from MB gives it to me.
Doesn't Survive sort of exhonerate him further by confirming that those inspectors were indeed from the UN?
mgs has had in-engine cutscenes for fucking ever you dunce, that is mgsv's equivalent of a cutscene
It had multiple endings
Sure, I believe you.
This better not be bullshit you pulled out your ass because you've actually convinced me.
hurp durp
you dont know what a cutscene is ahhahahaah
Alright, if that makes you feel better then it does have multiple endings.
Dude the whole game is specifically about misinformation.
The fact that the Paz cutscenes weren't real spell everything out. You walked into a random fucking room and imagined Paz, Kaz, and Ocelot standing in a room talking about how she survived a fucking BOMB inside of her. It's the equivalent of "MGS2 being a VR mission". The whole game is designed to be layers upon layers of sublte cues to make you think a certain way. It's honestly genius, the game has seriously matched MGS2's meta level in my eyes, as much as a disappointment as it was.
We knew he was in contact with zero since the end of peace walker if you beat all the side ops. However he claims it was purely for business, which is what Huey is likely referring to as he was around then as well. I'm also fairly sure this call takes place before the real final boss (considering after that, Zero and Kaz severed ties.)
>Kojima spent all his time fucking around with Joosten instead of finishing the game
Still makes me mad
Kojima is a hack who hasn't made a good game since MGS3.
V may have had an unconventional story, but it was still good as a game
>Terrible story.
>Terrible Open World.
>Terrible Mission Structure.
>Terrible design decisions.
>Terrible Waste of Time.
MGS should have never went Open World.
not him but GZ was like an hour long and still remains one of the top MGS games of all time unironically. Imagine if every mission in MGSV had the same amount of dedication and story put into it as GZ
GZ is good, and one of the most cinematic stories in vidya without being a straight up moviegame that much is true and TPP didn't live up to anywhere near the cinematic hype of that game, but it still only has a fraction of the gameplay
Most main story bases in Afghanistan have elements of Camp Omega that feel organic and fun to sneak in. GZ just had so much because they needed to showcase the different types of missions for the full game.
Africa sadly only have the airport and the mansion. It sucks because Chapter 2 has a really good story but the gameplay repeats itself (probably due to lack of coordination among the devs while Kojima was being outed).