Top of the line 1050ti

>top of the line 1050ti
>still crashes

>top of the line 1050

I got a 980ti for 80$ off kijiji. Beats the fuck out of your card.

How much you pay for it?

My 5 yo Radeon 7950 beats the shit out of your shit

I have a fucking shit tier R9 390 and it never crashed for me.


>top of the line 1050ti


Works for me :^D
Have you tried updating your drivers?

i stole it

>I spent $1000 on a 1080ti like a retard

this is you

This. Hahaha what a poorfag

Do you not know what that means or?

they're both equally the best post of the thread and will remain to be that way. My question to you is: can you count?

What card should I get when the crypto fuckery dies down?

Git gud

>Use a 770
>Doesn't crash and can get 60fps(Barely)


high five, fellow 770 bro. Never upgrading

>My question to you is: can you count?
Can you? One of those posts is certainly not the "first post" in the thread, regardless of whether or not it's the "best post".

>being this retarded

My use of abbreviation is still correct, friend ;)

Works on my machine

1050ti & i3 8100

>i spent 800 on a 1050

>not only selects two posts as the best post, but one of those posts isn't even the first post in the thread
>"i used fpbp correctly!"

He's saying the fifth post is best and the first post. Fucking think about it for a minute nigger.

"my entry level card no run game y vee"

lmao get rekt ;)

1050ti runs the game fine. Either you got a dud, or the rest of your PC is trash

meant for

Holy shit get fucking ANNIHILATED.

That's not even remotely how you'd use the acronym. Plus he himself said "they're both equally the best post" so you're wrong on top of being wrong.

m8, even for shitposting in a b8 thread you got problems, alright.
seek help please

it worked fine on my 770
also why post it the second time?

They cost like $230, are you retarded?



Not him but I spent 730 on a 1080ti before the crypto boom

update your drivers retard

You guys just reminded me I have a gtx 770 collecting dust in my closet. Should I sell or use it as phsx card? Dunno if my 750w is enough with a 1080 on top of it

lmao,put me in the screencap

>This smug
>This much of a retard anyway

>top of the line 1050ti
That's a budget card and it has slightly worse performance than a 660ti from 2012.

Um sweetie, that’s not how it works

It stopped crashing for me when I ran it borderless windowed
You can find free software to run it borderless all over the place

>I lick windows for fun
This is you