ITT: female characters done right

ITT: female characters done right.


I love Reisen!

goat game

Many Ace Attorney female leads, but especially Mia and Maya
Jill Stingray




Alex Vance


OP reminded me that the next Beyond Good and Evil won't have anything to do with Jade.



didn't mean to quote. My bad.

I don't remember this character


Didn't she turn out to be a Mary Sue at the end of the game?

Lara Coft > Laura Croft


>no to Heather

Fuck off underage. Its because of dramatic nu-ponces who see SJW shit in all things like you that threads like this have to even exist.

>new game never
>Even if there was, it would be ruined by nuCapcom
At least they can't unmake the old games.


Robots have no gender




They can have whatever gender they want you cis scum


It really sucks. She was a brilliant character and they left the game on a cliffhanger (dumb move in retrospect). They could've easily done a sequel but... Nope. Custom character with circumstantial prequel relation to the first game, here we come.

yo mama
done right
by me

this x10


>if they made a new one it would just be the poor mans version of the original like RE 7

Don't forget Laben. As shitty as the free DLC was it really fleshed out her character.
