Reminder that the government should control the video game market to protect our free speech.
Reminder that the government should control the video game market to protect our free speech
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>Reminder that the government should control the video game market to protect our free speech
well... free speech is also responsibility.
>someone was actually buttmad enough to make this
Literal soylent snowflake cuck shit
The protection of free speech is one of the good things of socialism
Holy mother of text.
Yeah, he stated his opinion.
>someone was actually buttmad enough to make this
t. soy
>someone actually cared enough about one of the most important rights people in the west have managed to claw their way to to defend it
yeah pretty pathetic, right?
just play COD and watch transformers movies and eat popcorn lol
imo the world would be better if humans were exterminated
Based. The free market was a mistake.
Under no definition of "freedom of expression" does calling people niggers in a video game qualify as such.
under every single one does it qualify
you triple nigger
>I want to make a post that couldn't possibly be more wrong
good job
Kill yourself, leftcuck.
t. cretin
You're absolutely right, private corporations and citizens should be forced by the government to provide everyone a platform.
Fuck off back to resetera and talk about how much you love antifa
no. you are buying a product from someone and agreeing to a terms of use/service. You do not abide by them, they do not have to allow you access.
The company denying service should refund your purchase though.
Free speech is an ideal, not just the 1st amendment
If I go to a restaurant, it shouldn't matter if I tell my server what I want to eat, or yell in his face about how the jews are responsible for all the ills in the world.
I shouldn't be made to pay for the breadsticks I've been eating waiting for him to come and listen to my rant before being kicked out either.
Free speech, motherfucker.
Why bring England into it? We don't and never have had free speech protected by law, at least not in a way familiar to Americans.
Dictatorship of the redpilled
> the free market is sacred and government shouldn't tell corporations what to do
also rightists
>reeeeeeeeeeeee why are you banning me for saying nigger you're oppressing meeeeeeeeeeeeee
If they control enough of the market they unironically should. And if they refuse they should be forcibly dissolved.
I genuinely don't understand why libtards can be hyperaware of how oppressive and evil governments can be, yet remain seemingly completely oblivious of how the same applies to literally any other entity. The reason you wouldn't normally put restrictions corps or individuals is because they're not as powerful as governments, but when corporations start growing more powerful than governments you should be just as afraid of them and want just as many restrictions on them.
So yes. There should be free speech on twitter, and reddit, and facebook, and whatever other social media platform is out there with equally massive marketshare, along with any other restriction deemed reasonable, like how they shouldn't be allowed to freely collect information on people on their platforms and use them as they please, no matter what they want to put in their terms of service. The entire industry is in dire need of regulation, though it has already grown powerful enough that is' probably already too late to do anything about it and we can probably expect the world map to be redrawn along corporate lines instead of national lines soon enough. Just like in your video games.
But who gives a shit right? You're way cooler if you just don't care about any of this stuff. Only losers care about stuff. Much cooler to be a hedonistic nihilist. Pickle rick!
wow whoever made this is fucking retarded
Neoliberalism =/= National socialism
Free market capitalism > everything else.
Statists are cancer.
>screams nigger at strangers
>still pretends to not be an evil person
How can people have this low self-awareness?
>I genuinely don't understand why libtards can be hyperaware of how oppressive and evil governments can be, yet remain seemingly completely oblivious of how the same applies to literally any other entity
Are you suggesting it's right wing politicians trying to reign in free market capitalism, not the left?
>when corporations start growing more powerful than governments you should be just as afraid of them and want just as many restrictions on them.
>more powerful
Yeah right, call me when Apple runs a gun-backed extortion racket
Make your own game or server and say nigger all you want in it. If you're piggybacking on someone else's shit you have to play by their rules.
Surprise surprise, people don't take kindly to you acting like you're on Sup Forums - outside of Sup Forums.
that's not evil it's just stupid
evil would be screaming that at people and then enslaving them
Honestly, it's about time notmoot started dealing with these idiots here as well.
>anons talking about muh free speech
>in private places were you basically have to agree with TOS
You're thinking of libertarians. The libtards you're talking about want more government involvement.
Private companies can allow or forbid whatever content they fucking want because they own the platform, if this upsets all the edgy underage faggots that NEED to spam the word nigger then they can enforce their rights by printing the word in all caps in a huge poster and hang it in front of their houses, but companies don't need to allow that shit in their products if they don't want to.
Stopped reading at unironically.
>oh yes schlomo PLEASE silence my right to say problematic shitlord words!
So what happens when the time comes when corporations control large portions of the government and how information is sent to the general public?
Oh wait...
It's already happening and it's the capitalist dream, deal with it faggot this is the land of the free only if you are rich as fuck and it's how it's going to be.
>you're evil if you say words i don't like
neck yourself, you piece of nigger shit
you're like a walking Sup Forums meme, how ironic that you'd try to call people out on it
I feel like the people who keep making these threads are people who want to spread political propaganda online and radicalize children, because trying to claim it's a free speech issue is just really silly.
Yes, let us turn Sup Forums into neogaf
This is why communism is based (except when the lefties do it)
who cares?
It's hilarious that you think it's children who believe calling people niggers makes them intellectuals that's keeping this place from being the same as neogaf
or worse...
>caring about your free speech
Also ironic Sup Forumsmemers deserve to be gassed.
For me it is the I LICK RAPE PUSSY
Obscenity is not covered by this. You calling your teammate a nigger is not an artistic or political expression.
same same i came
Freedom of speech doesn't mean people have to put up with you if they don't want too.
I have every right to go out and shout nigger fag Jew, but as soon as I rent out a concert hall to do the same, the halls owner has the right to deny me service and not rent me shit.
If I already payed for the rental and scheduled it, and he cancels me and then I can't perform for a crowd who already also payed for tickets, then you could sue for a refund and for the ticket refunds, but you still can't force him to let you use his stage.
In this case the game developer should have refunded the game for buttttttton. Of course, they likely digitally signed a ToS agreement, which are a hassle to get overturned and waved your right for the refund.
Inb4 civil rights act and anti-discrimination laws get brought up.
We all know you aren't winning that fight if it goes to court.
Also, this thread is bait and half the posters are blatant false flagging Why is anyone posting in it?
I never said any of that
The second you start censoring people for saying offensive things is when the site becomes a lefty shit hole for babies that can't handle bad words or dissenting opinions
Good. Maybe then they will ban left leaning faggots who use their hobby as an excuse to inject their political beliefs into every fucking conversation and Sup Forums will actually be about its namesake other than 60% of its content being Sup Forums overflow bait threads
Thread fucking reported
>Why is anyone posting in it?
I'm pretty sure the people making these threads know it's not a free speech issue, but they're trying to make it one so they can be free to spread political propaganda in online games with children
It's got nothing to do with me.
Like I said, it's an issue of self-awareness.
As opposed to the righty shit hole for babies it is right now, where any mention of even the idea of toning the edgy racism down a bit makes any thread devolve into what we're currently doing?
Words don't make you evil, actions do
Saying or writing things is an action
STFU you dirty white nigger. A game is their own creation. The government doesn't have shit to do with it. It's like complaining about being banned from a store or restaurant for shouting nigger, kike, chink, spearchucker, or other obscenities. The free market gives them every right to ban you for being a faggot cockgobbler. Freedom of speech only means you won't be tried as a criminal for it. It doesn't mean people can't ban you from their own creations. You HS dipshits needs to study more about what the constitution actually is
No one is forcing it to be like that, this is what the USERS decide
and YOU can just go to another thread if you don't like what's being discussed, it's fucking simple shit that doesn't require censorship
>and YOU can just go to another thread if you don't like what's being discussed
Why are you trying to censor me by telling me to leave instead of voice my opinion?
>Free speech
>Forcing business to associate with negative behaviors that devalue their work
I don't think you know what freedom is.
I didn't tell you to leave, I said you can leave
Jesus, you're fucking dense
Don't you have a book report to be writing kiddo?
Sure seems like you guys can't handle dissenting opinions to me
Except I don't believe a mod should ban you
>being oppressed by corporations or other organisations with dictatorial power over their "property" isn't oppression
Fuck off.
Procedural justice should exist EVERYWHERE, not just in government.
This. xkcd sucks balls.
>dissenting opinion
It's not an opinion you're trying to pass off though. You're just plain wrong. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want with no consequence. It just means you won't be tried as a criminal by the government for it.
>Freedom of speech doesn't mean people have to put up with you if they don't want too.
It does if you're powerful enough. You don't have to put up with me in your livingroom, and maybe not your concert hall, but when you own every building in town you do.
Though I would actually just leave that town if that was the case, which is what people actually do, which is how we get self-segregation into all-white/black/whatever communities, all-democrat/republican/whatever communities, etc., which presumably isn't what you'd want if you're in the pro-diversity crowd, not that I'm saying you in particular are but the people who support speech controls today tend to be. That's not even touching upon the fact that free speech is the only reliable way we know off other than straight-up catastrophes of breaking commonly accepted delusions, as analogized in e.g. the emperor's new clothes. The person with the most disgusting, offensive, even genuinely harmful opinion is the person whose right to speak needs to be most protected; not for his sake, but for the sake of the entire community. A lesson we should've learned but somehow have forgotten.
I think you got the sides backwards here, I agree with that. The other idiot doesn't.
Are developers really allowed to use such vile and hateful language when addressing consumers on the steam plataformer?
He didn't even censor the word ****** that developer should be banned and his game taken down
Here's an idea, if you hate it so much why don't you just make your own game where people are free to say what they want?
You don't get to decide that.
Maybe the issue would be better solved by not allowing a singular entity to own entire towns, rather than scaling who is and isn't allowed to do what based on how much they own.
The community/developers do. You have to deal with it. If you don't like the policy, don't buy it. It's really that simple.
pretty sure a constitutional amendment would suffice to accomplish such a thing some of the sites have such a large control over social interaction online i do think it would be necessary but many laws have yet to catch up to the internet anyway.
Oh good, another Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums, neat. BTW, this shit isn't covered under Free Speech, you fucking children.
If you are for lootbox regulation, then you are also for violence in video games being regulated
>The community/developers do.
No they don't.
The moment you give anyone the power to decide which speech is free speech, speech is no longer free - It is literally not free because you're not allowed to say it without the permission of the umpire.
In short, fuck off.
Words never hurt anyone. If you're offended by what I say then I'm sorry that you have let yourself become offended, but that's no business or fault of mine. You must change for the world, not the world for you.
Because I clearly at any point said that words have no consequences and wasn't saying Sup Forums is better without word policing, okay
>Reminder that the government should control the video game market to protect our free speech.
What a stupid idea, first of all, your rights aren't given to you by your government(unless you're not American), you have them inherently by just existing as recognized in the constitution. Second, just don't buy games from developers that treat it as a service and support developers who deliver a good product.
I was banned once for 7 days for saying n-word on Sup Forums in a thread about Deus Ex: Mankind Divided discussing some stupid dev's image with "Aug Lives Matter" protesters on a Red Square in Moscow. Just sayin'.
um sweetie,reddit is that way
>people violate a company's NAP by violating the terms of service
>expect to not get McNuked or have their games revoked at the very least
It doesn't matter since you don't own the service. If you go to somebody else's house,it doesn't what you said doesn't matter when they ask you to leave. The player, or even the community doesn't own this.
There are still games that let you run your own servers, and a more reasonable approach to this issue would be demanding the ability to run your own servers where you're free to do what you want, need to try to convince these people of that because it would solve more problems with gaming like servers being shut down when the devs decide it's not worth it to run the game anymore
Should I just follow the path you made on your way here from r/T_D?