Pc gaming is cheap

>pc gaming is cheap
looks like im buying a console

>20 series
>Not 11 series
Who writes this shit?

Do you think you need the most expensive, cutting edge computer parts? You can easily chug along and play most modern games at decent settings with a part list that's still sub-console.


based miners killing off the PC gaming industry

>got my 980 GTX right before things went crazy

the little card that could bros, still hanging on

>1500 for a mid range gpu

Nvidia is worse than jews.

Someone fucked up.

This. I have never seen PCfats more BTFO than thos last year and it's absolutely delicious

>opinion article where the guy skips ahead literally a decade to 2080
really alkalizes my water

naming it 2080 is good marketing. Especially if it costs more than $1180.

>80 series
>mid range


High range is Titan

Objectively fucking retarded. Stop posting.


Funny when you mention a console people tell you to just build a PC instead. I thought these prices were going to come down?

ponzi scheme shitcoiners fucked it up for everyone

based on fucking nothing. they'll do this if they want to completely destroy their customer loyalty once crypto dies down, not to mention completely give up any headway they have over AMD. they'll price them on the usual scale unless they've lost their fucking minds.

>half of my monthly salary after tax
Im fine.

They will in a few months
>CPU market is competitive for the first time in years
>Every other component is having supply issues and is way over priced

True that. These cpu prices ass pretty gud right now. Looking to upgrade from an i5 to an i7.

It will trickle down to consoles you fucking idiot.

>barely making $1.5k a month
what is it like being a poorfag?

Your grandpas computer is good enough to beat any console

Just find a job.



I guess you could still buy one and just use it for altcoin mining while you're asleep or away, and it could gradually make up for the price difference
How much money can you currently make per month mining ETH on a 1080ti?

>Been putting off upgrading PC for 3 years
>This happens
Well, it's not like I wanted to play video games anyway. Maybe it's for the best.

You are better off buying a prebuilt at the moment, you can swap out the parts later on.

This. Buy a pre-built you like, and you can just upgrade parts as needed in the future.

if this happens, will miners still cave in and buy all of them?

>"PC gaming is too expensive!"
>buys $400 console
>buys $1000 laptop
>spends $250 for online membership
>spends 50% more for every single game

Right...keep telling yourselves that!

Just get a 2400 it runs pretty much everything.

So how can we get those bastard to drop the prices?

I got 2 1080's through evga upgraded through step up to 1080ti's for 100 each with a free t-shirt because of the whole 1080 fiasco awhile back. (the cards VRM could potentially overheat starting a fire).

Feels good man

Wait until all bitcoins get mined

evga kind of makes terrible prodcuts but their warranties and customer support are the best

I could buy THREE consoles with that and still have enough for food

I never get how bitcoin mining caused prices for GPUs to go up in price. Retarded manufacturers.

>I never get how supply and demand works

What are you gonna do with three 3ds's

supply and command, bud

>6 millionth rumor about next gen gpu
>posting this just as cryptos are crashing again

I wish the XBO and PS4 had the sort of vulnerabilities their predecessors had. Miners would be buying up consoles for mining too.


Bitcoin's dying though

Also, Nvidia isn't the one jacking prices

Hi Sony marketer.

We could use more GPU making competitors.

>posting this just as cryptos are crashing again
are they?

They're doing it on purpose. Manufacturers can be retarded for doing this.

Making GPUs is too hard

found the p cuck lol cuck

they were 99 dollars at Target
>you for not getting them dirt cheap


But just think of all the cryposhit you could profit on for decades to come. This is like the next car manufacturing or fast food making money profit concept.

>this gif
/biz/ is hilarious

>Ferrari's are expensive as fuck
Looks like I'm taking the bus.

Never going to happen, have fun with the eternal duopoly of AMD and Nvidia

I've had my 980 for a few years now and I'm terrified the little guy will die soon. Keep hangin' on, tough guy!

This is me but with my 290x

Wonder how this will affect game developers who also need GPUs.

AMD will just undercut them

Just lobby for nations to ban cryptocurrency and criminalize mining. Bam, shit crashes and we don't deal with this anymore.

pc doesnt even have good games
why would you spend 1500 dollars just on a single component of a 5000 dollar pc

>It is now cheaper to buy a pre built.

I bought a GTX 1080 in mid 2016.
My only gripe is to not have sold it and get a 1080ti like a friend of mine did before the bitcoin fever started to spread. I could, but didn't think that it was necessary back then.
Still, it's more than enough to get me by for a while more. I tried my friend's 1080ti on my computer, and it didn't do that of a huuuge difference to justify the upgrade, even more so right now that the graphic cards' prices have skyrocketed.

They aren't. 16 gigs of ram is now the price of a PS4. Anyone acting like an elitist telling people to PC game now is a retard. Anyone who does not currently have a gaming PC should buy console. PC gaming isn't worth the price of a nice used car

they can afford to pay for what they need. Its like DDR4 right now. My 16 GB i got in Fall 2016 for $80 is now $200. Literally the same exact SKU. This is because, among other things, all new phones use DDR4. Samsung, Apple etc can afford to pay to make sure they always have what they need. Smaller companies cant.

all that was still cheaper than the GPU+Ram alone

>criminalize calculations of certain 1s and 0s

>Wanted to put off upgrading my 290x to a 1080ti
>Did it anyway just before the mining boom
I am so glad that I did.

Are you implying a government can't do that?

>Anyone who does not currently have a gaming PC should buy console.
I actually agree with this. Glad I got my PC back before things got out of hand. If I didn't have a PC right now I'd get a ps4 pro and then a laptop for pc needs.

>New GPU's release
>Graphics haven't advanced since 2015

Whats the point?

I sincerely hope China executes every cryptomining fuck with a firing squad.

They can it doesn't mean it can be enforced. That's like trying to ban breathing.

>Implying China couldn't do that

maybe those people shouldnt have been retarded niggers and actually bought a PC before shitcoin blew up. now theyre stuck with their inferior hardware with no alternative for the foreseeable future. the only question is how long until pc becomes the long-term economical solution again

>he only question is how long until pc becomes the long-term economical solution again
With the way crypto is going, never. What's actually going to happen is it's going to be like that long stretch of time between 2002 and 2009 where building your own PC was retarded and only prebuilts were a good deal.

Dell and HP and all the other ones are pissed off and they're going to get special prices on hardware. If you want a gaymen pc only prebuilts are going to be an option now

>4k + 144fps

Just wait until they ban crypto for depleting too much energy.

The 2080 won't be for like another 15 years though, so who knows where inflation will be by then?

Yes, they're down 2k in the last 2 days and still at 50% of what they were worth at the start of the year

>yfw gpus are the new gold bars

The solution is to include some kind of chip on the next set of GPUs that will severely gimp mining performance. Miners are a bunch of lazy get-rich-quick bastards so they can't be assed to reverse engineer the cards to remove / disable the chip.

or they could make cards specially for mining

just make them anti ethereum mining

miners will never buy those because they can't resell them to thirsty gamers

yeah but my gtx 670 is struggling to play games at max at decent frame rates now.


>my daily salary in crypto
think i'm fine too lads

is there no way to manufacture cards that wouldnt mine well, but would play vidya well? or that cards built for mining(i think nvidia has one planned) would make it so that normal cards arent scalped so hard?

Unfortunately there are alot of people who do think this
If you can't max your games now, You'll be left in the dust soon.

Even when I was building my PC I was really apprehensive about getting a 1050 ti since most games want a 1060
Which meant currently my PC was mid-tier, Next year it would be low, Then it would be obsolete.
My mate is actually building a PC and he wants a 1070 for 1080p gaming becuase he doesn't want to upgrade it again in 2 years time.

Its important to remember there will ALWAYS be better stuff and you don't need to max every game
Look at the 750 ti, That came out 4 years ago now for $150 and that fucker can still play games at 720p, 60fps

no u r ignorant as fuck. I'd tell u why but I've wasted enough time replying to ur faggot ass.

keep lurking for the answer retard

I outwit bitshits

so don't play them at max

-EVGA 660 owner

then whats the point of playing on PC?

Having options

They already can't do that, people are already refusing to buy used cards because of show shitly miners use them.